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  1. H

    India - identity crisis of 1.4 billion people

    Bharatis do have an identity crisis, they call themselves "Indians" instead of "Bharatis," even though if you look at the true meaning of the word "India" you understand that it doesn't apply to Bharat, but rather Pakistan. A few days ago, I saw a Bharati nationalist admitting this on Quora, so...
  2. H

    Sindhi Pashtun RIOT in KARACHI

    There's this video-sharing platform based in the US called World Star Hipho. Whenever there is a violent altercation, bystanders film it and yell "world star!" which means they intend to upload it online to the website. I just translated it to Urdu since whatever is going on is taking place in...
  3. H

    Sindhi Pashtun RIOT in KARACHI

    Someone should film it and yell "DUNYA SITARA!"
  4. H

    Does currycel mean just Indian guys?

    I think it depends from person to person. My brother, for instance, often gets mistaken for being Indian. Whereas I get mistaken for being a plethora of different nationalities. It's rare for someone to guess me as Pakistani the first time. It's usually the third time they get it right, if they...
  5. H

    Does currycel mean just Indian guys?

    If an Arab hijabi was walking hand in hand with a non-Arab then he was Islamic, so why should it be a problem? I understand if he wasn't Islamic it'd be a big problem though. But I doubt a hijabi out of all people would do it like that publicly.
  6. H

    Does currycel mean just Indian guys?

    Hahahaha I am surprised to see incel lingo on here. There are people who think currycels are only Indians and there are others who say it is also Pakistanis. I think it is a derogatory term so I would never label myself that. I do call Indians pajeets if they're anti-Pakistan or anti-Islam though.
  7. H

    East Turkistan 'government' in exile wishes India happy independence day.

    East Turkestan will be nothing more than a fantasy! I never supported them and now I have more reason not to. Screw them.
  8. H

    Unfair of Western powers to pressure Pakistan to take sides, downgrade relations with China: PM Imran

    Let the foreigners bark all they want, Pakistan should not be told what to do. China is our friend, end of.
  9. H

    Islamophobia in the United States | Renegade Cut

    You left out the part where she cheated on her husband with a non-Islamic man to whom she is now "married." (If I am mistaken on him not being Islamic then I will correct my post)
  10. H

    The bombing of Hiroshima: A necesary measure or a racist war crime?

    Does it matter at this point? The Japanese idolize America(n pop culture). Though, thinking about it now, the same could be said for the Bollywood lovers in Pakistan.
  11. H

    Racial politics has accentuated Islamophobia - PM Imran Khan

    I think talking about so-called caricatures is futile. Why are people giving it any attention? People should know that whoever it is they are drawing, it could never be the beloved prophet (peace be upon him), no matter how hard the unbelievers may try. The outrage of Islamic communities only...
  12. H

    Denmark’s ‘depraved’ TV show faces severe backlash

    Infants are incapable of going to school. You are talking about elementary schools. Where I'm from, that's kids aged 4 through 12. And, I have read articles published by newspapers that talk about the outrage of Islamic parents that have their children exposed to such things. Which leads to the...
  13. H

    Featured US wants accord between Afghanistan & Pakistan

    I don't mind it, either. But, it would probably pave the way for their wet dream they call Pashtunistan in the future and Pakistan loses more land.
  14. H

    Featured US wants accord between Afghanistan & Pakistan

    The only government Pakistan should have formal ties with is the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, and not the current, globally recognized puppet government of the US.
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