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  1. Eight Pass Charlie

    Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

    https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/tfb-b-side-podcast-pakistani-firearms-with-tfb-writer/id1505843385?i=1000558970540 Interesting conversation with Vladimir Onokoy on his experience in Pakistan with various gun manufactures Conversation is in English
  2. Eight Pass Charlie

    Large scale operation launched by Army in Lakki Marwat

    I honestly don't think launching mil op will do anything, these scum are the biggest losers on the planet. They don't care if you kill them, they have nothing else to do and have been raised on religious drivel since birth. They are happy to die as they see it as jihad. Need to reign in all...
  3. Eight Pass Charlie

    Loss of East Pakistan is not a military, but a political failure: Pakistan's outgoing army chief

    The army was in control of the 'political defeat', the general is doing the same thing right now as was happening then - how deluded can you be. I really want to believe that the institution can win a future war but then muppets like this make it so hard to believe that
  4. Eight Pass Charlie

    Lt Gen Asim Munir selected as new army chief

    Why wouldn't they; shared border, several wars, contested land, general adverserial position, recent claims on gilget, army chief is practically the prime minister. It would be silly if countries on east, west and north didn't follow this closely. What conclusions they draw will show whether...
  5. Eight Pass Charlie


    All this time I can't believe me and my parents defended the Pak Army. I remember watching the Indian journalist on 'The Print' think his name is Shekar or something. I remember one of his episodes on the week when IK got elected, he said that Army will use him and then when IK wants to actually...
  6. Eight Pass Charlie

    Men and Women's Average Height by Country | Asia Countries Ranking |Tallest Countries

    The data does surprise me to be honest, particularly for Pakistan, not saying we are super tall or anything but where I live (UK) most Pakistanis are 5.10 or above, same with most north Indians. I myself am over 5.10 and am considered a runt in my whole extended family. I wonder how much of it...
  7. Eight Pass Charlie

    Azam swati and his wife's bedroom videos they sent to their daughter and wife. This is low...ahh

    I honestly couldn't believe it when I heard this story They must have vids of everyone and that's how they blackmail people into doing what they want, are Ellahi and Vada also victims of this? maybe If this is true, then we should really support the senator coming forward with this so others...
  8. Eight Pass Charlie

    Azam Swati named Major General Faisal and Brig. Faheem in his arrest and torture

    by the way Major General Faisal Naseer is the person who IK refers to as "dirty harry" I believe he is ISI Internal wing Islamabad Was recently promoted from brig to Major General in August
  9. Eight Pass Charlie

    How can 23 Billion USD in Federal Reserve Vanish in 30 days ? August 2021 (we were at 27 Billion Dollar)

    The following video is a breakdown on what happened to Sri Lanka, everything noted is now happening in Pakistan. The video references Pakistan at 14min mark Bringing down the Government in these challenging times just to get rid of court cases and NAB may go down as one of the most...
  10. Eight Pass Charlie

    ECP will always make decisions 'fearlessly', vows CEC Raja

    As far as I am aware he was brought in by pti on recommendation by establishment
  11. Eight Pass Charlie

    Voyager 1 hacked by aliens

    I don't understand the glitch, can someone calrify ?
  12. Eight Pass Charlie

    Everyone knows 'neutrals' were not actually neutral during 'regime change conspiracy': Mazari

    I never imagined that they would so speak the truth about army so clearly and concisely. No chance he will survive now
  13. Eight Pass Charlie

    Judges got immunity from questioning - assets beyond income means

    The risk is that an organic revolution may be hijacked by other forces as such India or ttp and thus leading to a total collapse that will put us back 100 years, we have seen this in mid east
  14. Eight Pass Charlie

    Analysis: Burkina Faso coup a blow to France, as Sahel military mission unravels

    I'm n comparison to other European countries, Franxe colonial era never ended
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