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Recent content by EagleEyes

  1. E

    What Does the Kartapur Highway Mean for India and Pakistan?

    Engineering has certainly taken us around the world, under the sea, and out into space, but it looks like engineering could also create a bridge to help soar two nations economies and foster peace and harmony between them. A ‘road to peace’ could be created linking India and Pakistan, which...
  2. E

    Security Guards for Hire

    Any growing business needs to think of hiring a security guard. Security guards do more than you think — they inspect buildings to ensure there are no safety hazards, they help in handling emergencies, help provide your clients with a sense of safety, and yes, they save you lots of money by...
  3. E

    Just change of profile. @WebMaster id still same.

    Just change of profile. @WebMaster id still same.
  4. E

    New Introductions

    Welcome to defence.pk!
  5. E

    Famous Qawal Amjad Sabbri killed in target killing. RIP

    RIP. May all terrorists rot in hell.
  6. E

    Please Welcome The New Batch of Promoted Members

    Congrats, you all deserve it. :)
  7. E

    Rs 300M allocated for madrassa in KP budget, assembly told

    Instead of sucking these kind of institutions dry, i am not sure why we are funding it. Especially with how much these institutions are prone to destabilizing Pakistan in the name of Islam.
  8. E

    New Introductions

    Welcome to the forum! :pdf:
  9. E

    PDF Errors 2016

    When it happens, record your IP, URL you visited and the time in GMT. Thanks
  10. E

    New Introductions

    Welcome everyone. You can create threads after a while you have been a member. There is no limit you have to cross, just be active and post. You will be able to create threads then.
  11. E

    India not opposed to Pakistan's membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group: Swaraj

    Condition should be that both countries get into NSG together.
  12. E

    Zimbabwe beat India by 2 runs in first T20 - Chi Chi Zimbabwe sey har gaye

  13. E

    Assalam wa Alaikum.members

    Welcome man! :pdf:
  14. E

    Ruins in PDF

    Actually, we had very aggressive moderation over 7 months. This is the reason for a lot of pinks.
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