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Recent content by Dandpatta

  1. Dandpatta

    India to raise its own SEALs

    *** It wasn't meant as sarcastic but as a genuine question from an ignorant member of the civilian population of India. I have read some of your posts in the past (which are far mature and dignified) and take it that you are from the forces; hence the questions posed in my post. No offence...
  2. Dandpatta

    India to raise its own SEALs

    Enlighten me on this - since you are more knowledgeable. The Marine Corps in the US and UK stands as the 4th force (army, navy, air-force and marines). The US has its own SEALS (apart from the US Marine Corps) whereas the UK has its SAS. Correct me if I am wrong but in India's case, how can...
  3. Dandpatta

    Stunning photo series captures Indian Army on the job

    One of the pic with 2 choppers in the background with the soldiers in the grass... reminded me of Larry Burrows. That pic was a throwback to his style of covering Vietnam conflict. But great work there Arjun Menon. Just a suggestion though - we need more candid photo-documentaries. The...
  4. Dandpatta

    Indian and US armies begin Exercise Yudh Abhyas 2018

    still using Indian Army version of M1 type helmet ? Thought they had new ones..... sigh...
  5. Dandpatta

    Indian Coast Guard : News, Pictures and Discussions.

    What's this doing in Indian Coast Guard thread??? @Oscar
  6. Dandpatta

    INDIAN Emergency Services (POLICE, AMBULANCE,FIRE)

    This thread is for vehicles. Can we stop using pictures of soldiers / commandos donning various guns?
  7. Dandpatta

    Exclusive: AH-64E Apache and CH-47 Chinook in IAF colours

    Been watching and reading a lot about the Chinooks since the Vietnam War era. Damn, those machines are truly "Yankee Papa"
  8. Dandpatta

    INDIA :- Govt Mulls Military Training for 1 Million ‘force of youth

    You might also know that your Chinese women are considered cheap fornication meat for most white caucasians.. Go figure ! Rice *ick !!!
  9. Dandpatta

    Saudi cadets to undergo training in India

    Good luck to the Saudi cadets. 3 years ! Maze karo.. aish hein, compared to the dunes and camels in KSA. Mashallah! After training in India, go to Pakistan for more training.
  10. Dandpatta

    HAL LCH| Updates and Discussions

    I wish the Rudra could be built with a similar 'design silhouette' but with a larger capacity (fuselage lengthened / widened) so as to become a Heavy Lift chopper capable of larger troop / equipment insertion per sortie. And the option of removable doors ( a-la Bell Huey type)
  11. Dandpatta

    LCA Navy Mark 2

    Let's not get too excited about the frameless canopy. It is at best a representational graphic. If you think the aircraft would have frameless canopy then staying true to the image, the entire aircraft would be seamless without any metal frame rivets etc. And that's not going to be possible...
  12. Dandpatta

    Indian Special Forces

    Thank you for the very detailed answer and I appreciate your taking time to answer. Thank you Bhai !!!
  13. Dandpatta

    Indian Special Forces

    What's with the different camo and different shoes? Can't they have one camo pattern? There are at least 3 different ones here. One woodland (of xtreme left ), brit desert camo (second from left), Two Garuds in the front using grey digicamo.
  14. Dandpatta

    OH ! NO ! Am I going to Die >_

    @Kashmiri Pandit Thanks but please refrain from adding me in tags for NON-DEFENCE related threads. Kitties and pussies scratching you are of no consequence to national securities of South Asia.
  15. Dandpatta

    HAL LCH| Updates and Discussions

    Rudra looks rude....
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