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  1. Dance

    Sex,Drugs & a Zionist Conspiracy:The Scandals Threatening Imran Khan's Dream of Leading Pakistan

    I think money fuels fascism. There are many leaders around who are great examples of that
  2. Dance

    Sex,Drugs & a Zionist Conspiracy:The Scandals Threatening Imran Khan's Dream of Leading Pakistan

    It's sold this way in Pakistan too. I'm always surprised at people who claim to be progressive and liberal yet support a party that is clearly a fraud. I guess money really does triumph everything.
  3. Dance

    Sex,Drugs & a Zionist Conspiracy:The Scandals Threatening Imran Khan's Dream of Leading Pakistan

    Very ironic. Never understood the hype about this party.
  4. Dance

    Sex,Drugs & a Zionist Conspiracy:The Scandals Threatening Imran Khan's Dream of Leading Pakistan

    Sorry, but they aren't secular. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the one who declared Ahmedis non-Muslims and turned Pakistan into an Islamic Republic. Plus PPP's complicity and support of feudalism negate any democratic values they claim to have.
  5. Dance

    Mehwish Hayat gears up for an action movie

    Was he nice in person?
  6. Dance

    Mehwish Hayat gears up for an action movie

    I highly doubt it haha I saw Mahira Khan too and she was acting like was some sort of Queen and a world renowned superstar :rolleyes: Adeel Hussain, Junaid Khan, and Faisal Qureshi were super nice though
  7. Dance

    How Pakistani-Americans are entering interfaith and interracial marriages — and making them work

    Yes, the dominant culture in any society usually influences your beliefs and views. Again just from my observations, in Pakistan the mother usually has a greater influence on the children mainly due to the reasons stated above. Basically the situation is just dependent on the person/family.
  8. Dance

    How Pakistani-Americans are entering interfaith and interracial marriages — and making them work

    The men I know married these women for "love" (they already had U.S citizenship and were stable financially). I get your point. Just from my observation, even if the man was practicing and traditional, the children were still influenced a bit more by their mother.
  9. Dance

    How Pakistani-Americans are entering interfaith and interracial marriages — and making them work

    It could be. Pakistani men tend to marry out more in comparison to Pakistani women, so I used them as an example. Typically, children are more likely to be influenced by their mother because they are the ones who spend more time with them, raise them, are more hands on, etc.
  10. Dance

    Mehwish Hayat gears up for an action movie

    Agreed. I met her 2 years back at an event and she had a very unpleasant and entitled attitude.
  11. Dance

    Abu Zolfiqar has passed away. RIP

    Very sad to hear. I always enjoyed reading his posts, he was very intelligent and sharp.
  12. Dance

    How Pakistani-Americans are entering interfaith and interracial marriages — and making them work

    Interestingly, the kids of the Pakistani men who have married non-Pakistani/non-Muslim women (that I know) are more influenced by the culture/practices of their mother and are more likely to associate with their mothers side. The kids don't practice Islam nor associate with Pakistani culture...
  13. Dance

    14 dead in shooting at San Bernardino, Calif., center for disabled; 3 suspects on loose

    I agree. This guy is not some little kid that can be easily influenced or tricked. He's a 28 year old educated man who has lived all his life in America, he should have definitely known better
  14. Dance

    14 dead in shooting at San Bernardino, Calif., center for disabled; 3 suspects on loose

    To be fair, a lot of people left around that time and turned out to be normal. But yes, I get what you're saying. It has come to the point where what's being preached by imams and online needs to be strictly monitored
  15. Dance

    14 dead in shooting at San Bernardino, Calif., center for disabled; 3 suspects on loose

    Pakistani's in the US tend to be educated and successful unlike some of the other diaspora (UK) Most of the Pakistanis that I have encountered in the US aren't even that religious or they tend to be moderate. But it is a worrying trend that people being born and raised in places like the US...
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