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Recent content by Adnan Shaukat

  1. Adnan Shaukat

    New Introductions

    how can you say that about me? I mean did you find anything which is not normal in my first post.
  2. Adnan Shaukat

    New Introductions

    SSC stands for short service commission.
  3. Adnan Shaukat

    New Introductions

    Yeah find it
  4. Adnan Shaukat

    New Introductions

    this link is useless. it does not provide any info regarding the syllabus or pattern of entry test for software engineering. please share only those links which are relevant to my question! Thanks!
  5. Adnan Shaukat

    New Introductions

    there is not enough info regarding this. that is why I cam across this form to get some help
  6. Adnan Shaukat

    Need suggestion for short service commision entry test prepration for software engr

    can anybody guide me what type of MCQ's will be in the academic section for those who applied for short service commission on the basis of software engineering? any web link will be appreciated!
  7. Adnan Shaukat

    New Introductions

    Hi, my name is Adnan. I'm 23 years old I guess. I joined this forum to get some info regarding the SSC in the Pak army. can anybody guide me where to prepare my online initial test for short service commission on the basis of a software engineer?
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