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Pakistan Navy forces out an armed Indian Submarine from Pakistani waters.

Only 2 nuclear subs are operated by India as of today, first is the INS Chakra SSN which is part of the EASTERN Naval Command (Pakistan is covered by the Western Naval Command) oh and happens to be in refit right now, the other is INS Arihant SSBN which has only just been commisioned and would have ZERO need to sail so close to Pak shores considering the range of the SLBMs it carries are 1000s of KM. And again, INS Arihant it part of the ENC so would not be in that part of the IOR.

It's funny how quickly Pakistani claims fall apart at the slightest application of logic.

it was later confirmed that it was type 209.

Why not captured, why let it go?
it was on the edge of our territorial water. if it was deep inside our water then it would have been.
Maybe there was another Indian Submarine which did penetrate Pakistani territorial waters,
while PN was tailing the first one.
If I ever planned a penetration, then I surely would try to lure all vessels capable of submarine hunting
out of the area of the penetration.


I wanted to say that---but I held back---. Americans call it showing the right and hitting with the left---.

These encounters are not that simple---this sub could have created a diversion for another sub by sacrificing its position---which could have possibly been much deeper into pakistani water---and if caught could have been sunk..

When you have so many diesel subs---the diesels don't hunt by themselves---normally they move in pairs---keeping distance---and creating diversions.

Myu pakistani colleagues should just hold back on the GLORY lap a bit.

What you are saying makes it more evident---otherwise india would have been screaming murder to world media for having its sub treated in that manner---.

On one hand it was a wise and pragmatic move by PNS to let the enemy sub go...just shooed it away.

Pak is not interested in any stupid war at all. Economy is just about to take off. So, this move makes total sense.

However, had PNS captured this sub and forced it to dock at PNS naval base.. Pak could have extracted something meaniful from this provocation.

In a way a wasted opportunity in one sense... the crew could have been released after sometime and the sub could have formed a good study plus a museum peace.

Anyhow, happy that there is no loss of life on either side.

Next time PNS must act more resolutely.

The enemy sub was there because of Sino-Pak joint naval excercise. There should be zero tolerance for such silly acts.


Asd another member stated that it was possibly a diversion tactic---and I believe in it more so---. Why would a sub run out of battery power 40 nautical miles from pakistani coastline when knowing that someone might be waiting to revenge the Atlantique---or a simple capture---.

Again I say---there was another sub ver very close to pakistani coastline---and this sub gave it a life line---.

I mean to say---there is no reason for the batteries to run out 40 miles from pakistan coast---. What was it doing that the batteries ran out.

And yes---it should h ave been captured----.
How can Indian sub enters into Pakistani seas when they are alert?
As per my point of view Indian navy successfully breached the security of Pakistani navy and completed its mission.

And as your similar point of view, they didn't breach it, they were detected when they were about to enter the Pakistani border and they were then followed till Indian submarine entered the international borders.
One answer to all your Questions.. the sub was detected and monitored for five days before it surfaced..
One query, can a diesel submarine of Indian Navy without AIP remain under water without getting outside air for 4_5 days giving full benefit of doubt to Pakistani Navy that it had surfaced and snorkeled just before first time tracking by Pakistani Navy. Anyone?
One query, can a diesel submarine of Indian Navy without AIP remain under water without getting outside air for 4_5 days giving full benefit of doubt to Pakistani Navy that it had surfaced and snorkeled just before first time tracking by Pakistani Navy. Anyone?
Maybe it was spotted and tracked earlier on and then was "locked on" when it got too close.. and yes some diesel-electric submarines can submerge for 4 to 5 days depending on their batteries capacities and since the Indian Type 209 is the biggest variant, you might conclude that it has some big batteries too, so the answer to your query is yes..
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What about this post warrented a negative rating @WebMaster @waz? Everything I have stated are verifiable facts. I appreciate they are inconvenient for those wishing to live in a fantasy land but they are undeniable.

Whom you were terming clown'S' .... ???

A whole Nation .... ????

Is this not a PROVOCATION .... ???

Is this not an act of FLAMING .... ???

Is this an APPROPRIATE way to address .... ????

Is this not a NON-RESPECTFUL approach .... ???

Should this way of addressed be allowed .... ???

plz read the very first Rule of the forum ....

The purpose of the forum is to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Occasionally, there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Be courteous when disagreeing with others. It is possible to disagree without being insulting.


And you were posting at page number 50 about the NUCLEAR sub, while it was clear stated at the very first few pages of the thread that it was a 209 submarine .... but you chose to quot the unconfirmed part after so many posts .... what should we consider it .... ????

An attempt of STEALTH TROLLING ..... ???


Now I have rated your post negative for the reasons stated above ......
There is no application process. Just stop posting.
IMHO I also found your post needless and ranting on nuclear submarines akin to chest beating. Wherein the current state of the IN submarine force is pretty debatable and in this case the sub is known to be the 209. It made zero sense besides a fanboyish chest thump.

Now only they change the topic to diesel sub ,yesterday it was nuke sub .And if it was a ordinary sub ,I agreed.
There was no chest thump or ranting about it .My point was absolutely clear .
Topic says that it was an Indian nuke sub and you knows that is just ridiculous .
Maybe it was spotted and tracked earlier on and then was "locked on" when it got too close.. and yes some diesel-electric submarines can submerge for 4 to 5 days depending on their batteries capacities and since the Indian Type 209 is the biggest variant, you might conclude that it has some big batteries too, so the answer to your query is yes..
All posts mentioned it was tracked submerged but I know that these boats have to surface regularly to recharge their batteries. Without AIP all boats have to surface regularly, as batteries don't have the sustaining power for so many y days.

Whom you were terming clown'S' .... ???

A whole Nation .... ????

Is this not a PROVOCATION .... ???

Is this not an act of FLAMING .... ???

Is this an APPROPRIATE way to address .... ????

Is this not a NON-RESPECTFUL approach .... ???

Should this way of addressed be allowed .... ???

plz read the very first Rule of the forum ....

The purpose of the forum is to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Occasionally, there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Be courteous when disagreeing with others. It is possible to disagree without being insulting.


And you were posting at page number 50 about the NUCLEAR sub, while it was clear stated at the very first few pages of the thread that it was a 209 submarine .... but you chose to quot the unconfirmed part after so many posts .... what should we consider it .... ????

An attempt of STEALTH TROLLING ..... ???

View attachment 353735

Now I have rated your post negative for the reasons stated above ......
Clown can be used for those in media who don't have a iota of idea that 209 isn't a nuke sub as is claimed in so many posts in this very thread. And you are assuming that he said Pakistan is clown. That's not what he said but as a moderator you have all rights to disagree, give negative ratings or ban him.
All posts mentioned it was tracked submerged but I know that these boats have to surface regularly to recharge their batteries. Without AIP all boats have to surface regularly, as batteries don't have the sustaining power for so many y days.
It depends what regularly means for you...The Indian Type 209 has bigger batteries generating more power that the other variants.. so 4 or 5 days if moving at minimum or low speed is quite possible
Is he hired you ... ??? I think not .... so plz don't intercede on his behalf ....

BTW have you read the the post .... were anything about MEDIA mention in it ....????

but I can show you the word PAKISTANI .....
Should we not speak for what we believe is correct? Is it not provocative or flaim baiting to drag me in muddy water? I am an individual And hold my personal opinion which might match with yours for times and at times it may not. And yes by reading whole thread I do get the sense that it was Pakistani news sites And posters who referred to diesel Electric submarine as nuke sub of Indian Navy. Hell even it is not established whether it was Indian Navy boat or any other Navy boat. So what I understand from his list, he said about those spreading rumors. If not believe me, then please refer to some senior members posts including professionals. Thank you.
It should had either been captured or sunk. There was a similar opportunity when Indian aircraft carrier could had been sunk by the only submarine in the region PNS ghazi but we chose not too. Today 4 decades latter another opportunity arises and all we do is to let it surface and go. Our response are pathetic to the core but it does not come as a surprise to me at least specially when you have a Modi's yar as the PM who's only agenda is to save his corruption. Everything else can go to hell.
Is it not provocative or flaim baiting to drag me in muddy water?

Have I called you ... ?? no .... so plz stop this nonsense

I am an individual And hold my personal opinion

ever in in this forum anyone stop you or your countrymen expressing their opinion .... ???

but any flaming, aggressive or non-respectful post should be tolerated ... ??

it was Pakistani news sites And posters who referred to diesel Electric submarine as nuke sub of Indian Navy.

what you were expecting the reports should come from outer space .... ???

& it was made clear at the very beginning (within half an hour) that it was 209

Hell even it is not established whether it was Indian Navy boat or any other Navy boat.

it came from Mars .... another exhibition of denial attitude

plz don't quote me anymore ....
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It should had either been captured or sunk. There was a similar opportunity when Indian aircraft carrier could had been sunk by the only submarine in the region PNS ghazi but we chose not too. Today 4 decades latter another opportunity arises and all we do is to let it surface and go. Our response are pathetic to the core but it does not come as a surprise to me at least specially when you have a Modi's yar as the PM who's only agenda is to save his corruption. Everything else can go to hell.

It would sit really well (not) with the International Community if Pakistan captures or sinks an Indian Vessel
on international waters, 30-50 nautical miles from the territorial waters of Pakistan.
It is debatable if even China would veto a resolution in the UNSC, maybe blockading sales
of military equipment to Pakistan.

I think PN is much smarter than that.
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