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Afghan Special Forces

Impressive.Tough times ahead for Taliban goons .Afghanistan would be safe in hands of these men.

Lets hope so!

We all know what happened to Iraqi SF who were also trained by the US...

Which is not the case. India came there for a reason, a reason to make pakistani western border insecure by supporting terrorists, but let us see how much they will be successful if usa and NATO leaves that area. After all afghanistan is known as the graveyard of superpower.

BS... why should we support terrorists? Just that you got a problem with that?

India is also under the threat of those animals and a stable Afghanistan is in India`s best interest
Lets hope so!

We all know what happened to Iraqi SF who were also trained by the US...

BS... why should we support terrorists? Just that you got a problem with that?

India is also under the threat of those animals and a stable Afghanistan is in India`s best interest

Hmm that is a possibility.But there is some striking difference here. Iraq SF was an entire US sponsored system
and Iraq Army is a poorly trained than any others in region. Iraqis against the Iraqi Govt Army was best war veterans of Saddam Army .

In Afghanistan except equipments trainings are done by various nation.Lot of Afghans are passing out from Indian military institutions some of them are prestgious like CIWS.
Iraq Army ,though have enormous personal reinforcments deserted their posts.But Afghanis are entire different they are known for their will power and courage.
Do you guys remember Afghanistan during the soviet era? Cars and women of all types scene, men in suits and the lot. Kabul was go to destination for many westerners and now it's turned into this, we need to return it to its former glory. I bet afghanistan could have been a secular state if there weren't any Taliban, but I guess every country has to have their fair share of misceats which they have to minimise.

I truly think Afghanistan can revive itself into this thriving destination, it has a lot of potential. Once Afghanistan can than the whole of south Asia will be strong. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. I'm hopeful our region will be wealthy and prosperous.
Good points! But then what's gonna happen to Pakistan's 'strategic depth'?? They've been running with the hare and hunting with the hounds ever since 2001 (when they were forced to sign up for the war on terror) to achieve their one goal, and that is, 'strategic depth' against India!

So they will try their darnedest to overthrow the lawfully elected sovereign government of Afghanistan and plant their Taliban cronies at Kabul for a pliable dispensation. But that would be easier said than done!
Hmm that is a possibility.But there is some striking difference here. Iraq SF was an entire US sponsored system and Iraq Army is a poorly trained than any others in region. Iraqis against the Iraqi Govt Army was best war veterans of Saddam Army .

In Afghanistan except equipments trainings are done by various nation.Lot of Afghans are passing out from Indian military institutions some of them are prestgious like CIWS.

But Afghanis are entire different they are known for their will power and courage.
Right on! One can't compare Arabs with Afghans!
I bet afghanistan could have been a secular state if there weren't any Taliban

Oh boy you really live in a fools paradise. Most of Afghans or even Pakistanis are very conservative and religious. Soviet propaganda showed a small elite class driving nice cars and wearing skirts lol. Most of the rural Afghans have been very conservative.

Coming to actual topic. They look bad *** and means business. Lets hope Taliban f@@@@ don't infiltrate to steal weapons etc.

look at the barrel of the gun , choked full of mud hahah ... guess they don't teach afghan 'special forces' to not use the rifle as a walking stick :lol:
The communist Afghan army was lot tougher, they defeated mujahideen in every battle after soviet withdrawl in 1988. But that army immediately collapsed when russians stopped funding it. This army, with shiny armours, will obviously collapse if americans lost interest. Though i must say, these soldiers will be good recruits for warlords.
So I see you have 9 Commando battalions, that's a very big force with a serious punch, what's the outlook on sustainability of these numbers and training to sustain these numbers once the involvement of the coalition in training purposes dies down? @Sher Malang

And btw, I still feel, though these guys are badass and important, the most important part of the Afghan security apparatus is the police. They're your real front line.

Lets hope we don't support Taliban this time. Its time to send all Afghans back home and support their government against Taliban. If they let India use their territory against Pakistan then raid their border from time to time to remind them who has the superior military.

Their government can't last the taliban one on one for the foreseeable future, as along as that fact remains, no matter what we in Pakistan or the Americans in their bases try to do, this war is lost and the future will be unpleasant

The Taliban and their supporters, better watch out! :smokin:These guys mean business.

I'd say the same about TTP. The TTP and their supporters, better watch out. :smokin:

We also have some pretty mean men in our service.
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