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The Role of Pakistan Army in National Development

Pakistan will start developing from the day FA pass duffers stop playing role in development,
Call them FA pass to soothe your bum burns but infact they are not. And army will forever play a role in development of Pakistan whether you want it or not.

The purpose of a army is to protect the frontiers of a country and it has no role in "development of a country" , except if you happen to aspire to becoming a banana republic.
The minute an army gets its hands on the levers of government for purposes of "development" you can kiss civilian governments goodbye.
That has been my experience of armies participating in "development" in Africa in 3 different countries.
One of the key points is that the upper echelon of Govt are alright with the notion of Army handling things as long as they themselves are in power. PTI is also an example - hypocritical IK knew everything but kept quiet since he was in power. He only started whinging like an Ex Gf of Bajwa wheh he was removed from power. So if the all time “honest” IK can stay mute then the other jokers would certainly be 10 steps ahead.

Public has no say.

Army, bureaucracy, judiciary, banks etc are the ones making decisions. That’s how it is and will be.
And army will forever play a role in development of Pakistan whether you want it or not.
You are right on this one, these crooks will keep doing everything other than what they are supposed to do and keep gobbling up major chunk of budget and most of countries resources. But will it be really forever, I even Firaon didn't last forever, end of these duffers is near.
Call them FA pass to soothe your bum burns but infact they are not. And army will forever play a role in development of Pakistan whether you want it or not.

Public has no say.

Army, bureaucracy, judiciary, banks etc are the ones making decisions. That’s how it is and will be.
how or why do they have this authority?
and if they take the decisions, how are we making them accountable?
for example - for all the mess we are in, we could oust the govt, but how do we oust the army? they have the guns, the goons the gun powder and the gumption.

if a govt does something wrong, we have a redressal in supreme court. if the court does something wrong, we can go to the media and make their life hell.
if all these are contained, who will bell the cat?

have you seen how one tiny group of people are getting richer and richer, literal songs being sung in their name while entire groups of populations are being pushed into the abyss?

this is the development we have got so far. we dont want it. i dont want the army to be part of any development. what are their credentials for the same?
are they PhDs in agriculture?
are they PhDs in aerospace?
are they economists?

I want the army to protect the frontiers of Pakistan.
and take action when missiles from across the border fall into our population areas.

Why is this such a difficult concept for some people here?
@SaadH @Mirzali Khan @Sugarcane
Real role of Army Generals in property development:

You are right on this one, these crooks will keep doing everything other than what they are supposed to do and keep gobbling up major chunk of budget and most of countries resources. But will it be really forever, I even Firaon didn't last forever, end of these duffers is near.
For you they maybe crooks or insult them in any way to soothe your inner - but they aren’t going anywhere, never. The defence of the country lies in their hands and thus you are breathing an air of freedom, otherwise an Indian occupation by breaking up the country is always on the cards. Since you don’t like PA and there are unlikely chances that Indian nefarious designs will succeed so migrate to India for sake of your health.

And this has done wonders for the country... FA pass duffers.
You must be more than FA in education, let’s hear what wonders you have done.
how or why do they have this authority?
and if they take the decisions, how are we making them accountable?
for example - for all the mess we are in, we could oust the govt, but how do we oust the army? they have the guns, the goons the gun powder and the gumption.

if a govt does something wrong, we have a redressal in supreme court. if the court does something wrong, we can go to the media and make their life hell.
if all these are contained, who will bell the cat?

have you seen how one tiny group of people are getting richer and richer, literal songs being sung in their name while entire groups of populations are being pushed into the abyss?

this is the development we have got so far. we dont want it. i dont want the army to be part of any development. what are their credentials for the same?
are they PhDs in agriculture?
are they PhDs in aerospace?
are they economists?

I want the army to protect the frontiers of Pakistan.
and take action when missiles from across the border fall into our population areas.

Why is this such a difficult concept for some people here?
@SaadH @Mirzali Khan @Sugarcane
The authority has been with civilian cadre too and the results were dismal. Cursing, insulting, abusing, showing frustration etc is very different than holding someone accountable. No one is holding anyone accountable, it’s all just frustration showing everywhere. Even if accountability is to be held, there have to certain realistic measures and metrics set for that but for that the whole system needs to be revamped. For revamping, the public needs to get off online platform and start taking practical steps which are meaningful. Basically, get off PDF, try making a change in the society which has favourable outcomes for you.

The politicians, ministers, govt officers, military, bankers etc are a product of the society. They went through a system and thus given authority to make decisions for Pakistan. Nobody gives 2 effs to you ranting online. If you care so much about Pakistan, did you try to get into the system somehow to make a difference ? Nah, you are sitting on the sidelines and jumping like a kangaroo because things aren’t going the way you want. Let’s say you did reach an important post in the system, what would be your steps then ? How would you start changing the system? I guess it’s meaning less to ask these questions coz you are just 1 out of millions of Pakistanis and you are just like them -unwilling to be more than an arm chair analyst who makes zero dent in real life circumstances affecting Pakistan.

Army has expertise in a lot of sectors, not all. There are PHDs in different domains as army allows further education in national and foreign institutes, so the FA pass BS actually bites the dust. Army holds its control over security sensitive departments and projects, deputes its personnel where required which maybe due to lack of funds, resources and equipment in the counterpart civil domain and also provides support and back up in case Govt wants it.

If the civil sector was non corrupt to start with, army wouldn’t have bothered taking notice and then entering into domains which were not required. Army is the sole fully functioning institution of the country. Its functions continue even when all else starts falling apart around it.
Pakistan Army, like its glorious past, will aptly continue working towards nation-building, playing a multifaceted role in the nation's development, extending beyond its traditional military functions. This will not only help the government of the day in fulfilling its duties, but also facilitate the welfare of the veterans and the families of the martyrs.


Since its inception, Pakistan Army has been at the forefront of national development. From being an essential player in infrastructure development to generating much-needed revenue for the country, Pakistan Army has played many roles beyond the traditional call of duty. Its subsidiary organizations have effectively supplemented the functioning of the government in the crucial fields of health and education, in addition to several other socioeconomic projects aimed at uplifting the living standards of the people. Besides, such nation-building activities also generated much-needed jobs in the country–particularly for the veterans and the wards/families of the martyrs.

In this context, Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), General Syed Asim Munir's decision to focus on agriculture, mining, and the IT sector as a future driver of the country's economy takes center stage. First, immense focus on the agricultural sector is premised on the fact that agriculture contributes approximately 24 percent to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)–while employing more than 40 percent of the workforce. Revolutionizing this particular sector would go a long way in contributing to the economic well-being of cash-strapped Pakistan and decreasing the country's skyrocketing unemployment statistics. Furthermore, improving the efficiency of this sector will also play a crucial role in safeguarding the country’s food security frontiers.


It is irrefutable that with every passing day, the population of this country is increasing manifold, which is expected to reach 400 million by 2050. However, the already-scarce resources are decreasing per capita, creating a scenario where there can be a genuine threat to the country's food security, which may lead to widespread social disturbances. Therefore, to counter this threat, it would be highly pertinent that specific unorthodox and unconventional steps are immediately taken to mitigate the future challenges vis-à-vis food security. Such a scenario makes an ideal pitch for Pakistan Army's entrance into the field to revolutionize the old and redundant ways of agriculture. Pakistan Army’s decision to partake in corporate farming should be seen in this light.

Land Information and Management System (LIMS) is a tool that will comprehensively modernize and revolutionize the country's agriculture sector.
Second, Pakistan Army's focus on developing the country's mineral resources is a step in the right direction. Even the conservative estimates from world-renowned companies indicate the mineral potential in hundreds of billions of dollars. Although the mineral industry is highly complex due to its physical characteristics, heterogeneity, uncertain occurrences, and processing requirements, well-intentioned and focused efforts in the field can pay dividends that have the potential to change the country's outlook for decades to come. This laser-like focus on developing the mineral sector not only has the potential to uplift the backward areas of the Balochistan province, but also has the added advantage of earning much-needed foreign exchange for the country.

Lastly, today's ever-changing times, due to the advent of new technologies and changing work patterns post-COVID, have put the IT sector into the limelight. Businesses and the private sector are taking steps to cut their costs to ensure market competitiveness. As a result, most of the first-world countries are gradually outsourcing the IT services aspect of their businesses to countries like Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh, etc. Therefore, there is a growing demand for IT services, and the market for freelancing is witnessing a mushrooming growth. Such a scenario is ideal for the country to benefit from it to bring in millions, if not billions, of dollars’ worth of business. In Pakistan, the IT sector in general and the freelancing market in particular, is booming, with many youngsters working effectively from their homes. Pakistan Army's attention towards this sector will bring new reforms in the field and legitimize much of the IT sector's undocumented economy. Moreover, the subsequent establishment of IT parks and Special Economic Zones–coupled with tax breaks, tax-write-offs, and tax immunities–would catalyze this sector's mushroom growth. Consequently, the country's youth bulge, with comprehensive IT literacy, will be effectively employed, helping it earn much-needed cash inflows/foreign exchange.

Pakistan Army, like its glorious past, will aptly continue working towards nation-building, playing a multifaceted role in the nation’s development, extending beyond its traditional military functions. Apart from safeguarding this great nation's territorial and ideological frontiers, the Army will also perform much-needed tasks to help catalyze national development. This will not only help the government of the day in fulfilling its duties, but also facilitate the welfare of the veterans and the families of the martyrs. Here, it is essential to note that the sacrifices of the Army's rank and file in the war against terrorism in recent history have left a considerable debt that needs to be repaid in kind. We need to protect, safeguard, rehabilitate, and support the families of those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect this homeland. The current military leadership understands this sentiment and has taken practical steps in pursuance of this sentiment.

That is Lora!!!!!!
On principle, Jinnah laid it out in unequivocal terms that the Army has no role in governance.

In addition, army’s past experiments in governance have pretty much ended up in failure while their enterprises have gone from strength to strength at the expense of the state.

The army needs to understand their role and leave governance to the civilians. It is not healthy to perpetuate a hybrid regime.

We are now in 2023, with Pakistan teetering on bankruptcy and army’s true face being exposed. Common sense would suggest there needs to be a course correction.

Again, a message to the army, withdraw to barracks and allow rule of law across the board.
1. Set up army public schools and cadet colleges with the main purpose of recruiting the students in the military.
2. NLC or national logistics cell to transport goods and services throughout the country. NLC has been accused of corruption within its ranks.
3. FWO or frontier works organisation builds roads and dams in the northern areas of Pakistan. Also accused of corruption within its ranks.
4. AWT or army welfare trust helps retired officers and ranks to get jobs in various army industries like Fauji Foundation and Askari Bank and Askari apartments etc. Army industrial enterprises is a multi billion $$$ business.

All this mainly helps the military establishment.
Call them FA pass to soothe your bum burns but infact they are not. And army will forever play a role in development of Pakistan whether you want it or not.
There's no issue with the army being involved different sectors but there's an issue when it does so incompetently and we don't see satisfactory results.

The whole anger right now is about their pseudo-God Imran Khan, before that no one had a problem with army involvement.

But honestly there needs to be a structural overhaul, stricter vetting process, and much higher quality educational institutions because the current crop clearly is not doing a good enough job.

On principle, Jinnah laid it out in unequivocal terms that the Army has no role in governance.

In addition, army’s past experiments in governance have pretty much ended up in failure while their enterprises have gone from strength to strength at the expense of the state.
The thing is, it hasn't even gone from strength to strength, it's recording losses and imposing a harmful market monopoly that prevents competition and innovation... completely preventing any meaningful growth.
The economy was sH!t in Imran Khan's term and would've been just as bad if he stayed.

You need to take something to help your delusions:

Economy under PTI (exhibit 1):

Economy after PTI (exhibit 2):

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