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Turkish government workers remove Arabic signs in Adana

I don't understand this. These nationalists have gone crazy. They hate Pakistanis. They hate Arabs. They hate Afghans. They hate Erdogan.
This doesn't deserve a thread tbh let them remove it what should we do? And why is an Arabic sign even important?
Populists/Nationalists are alive even if they are dead. i.e. Ataturk, Hitler, Stalin, Naser, Bhutto etc.
Was Bhutto truly a nationalist though? ZAB or Benazir?
ZAB. I mean you can make the argument he created "jiyalas" in Sindh and Punjab and even today they chant "Bhutto Zinda Hai"
Anything that Erdogan associates himself with the nationalists hate and boycott.
Why do you repeat this lie over and over again? Why do you create the notion that AKP voters are pro refugee and migration? This is obviously not the case. There's a common agreement in the Turkish society that refugees and illegals have to go! Stop equating legal Pakistani immigrants to illegal Afghani invaders.

With the exception of religious scriptures, signs and texts in Arabic are not acceptable in TÜRKiye. I'm sorry.
Why do you repeat this lie over and over again? Why do you create the notion that AKP voters are pro refugee and migration? This is obviously not the case. There's a common agreement in the Turkish society that refugees and illegals have to go! Stop equating legal Pakistani immigrants to illegal Afghani invaders.

With the exception of religious scriptures, signs and texts in Arabic are not acceptable in TÜRKiye. I'm sorry.
Does that include removing Turkish in Arabic script from Ottoman historic sites or from the old cemeteries in Istanbul?
This doesn't deserve a thread tbh let them remove it what should we do? And why is an Arabic sign even important?

I posted it because I'd like to see people's opinions on it. Just about every thread posted here is not asking people to do something about it, rather than publish opinions. Nothing wrong with that.

If you ask me about threads where people were were actually asked to do something was when I posted Afghan profiles on Quora impersonating as other nationalities.

Some people co-operated, but the other answers were there's no point in it. And I can agree to some extent. But try to understand, me posting here jut like anyone else is for seeing other peoples beliefs on it, not asking them to do anything.

I hope I am making my self clear. And I agree, it's their country. They should be allowed to do what they want within their own borders.
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