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Egypt and Israeli army both clash on border fight casualties reported!


Sep 14, 2017
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United Kingdom
Egypt has been fairly diligent and loyal in its cooperation with Israel. That’s the Egyptian military not the peoples. I don’t think it will escalate! What do you think guys?
You are right. Probably there were more loss on Israeli side as they fought trained soldiers and not kids pelting stones at them in occupied areas.
You are right. Probably there were more loss on Israeli side as they fought trained soldiers and not kids pelting stones at them in occupied areas.

We'll see if Netanyahoo loses his mind and tries to strike an Egyptian outpost or military barracks of some sort and start a war. He's a harda$$ without a doubt so anything is possible, as well as just throw out harsh words and nothing happens.

Translation for the lower tweet:

Pictures from the funeral of the Israeli female soldier who was killed in the Al-Auja crossing attack on the Egyptian border.
This twitter handle is hilarious! According to Defense Arab, the IDFAF is exercising with the intention of striking somewhere in Egypt. Not sure of the veracity of this report, but that would be a disaster for them to start a war over what happened. Despite 3 of their border soldiers dying to one of our policemen, certainly not worth a conflict after all these decades of peace as Egypt will respond in kind no matter what anyone thinks of any disparity in military power. Israel is in no position to earn the wrath of Egypt & the Arab world should it do something foolish like an airstrike into Sinai. That's much worse than 3 of their soldiers dying to one Egyptian in a border gun battle.

The tweet is interesting as to how they're disabling certain systems in their aircraft due to all the early warning systems and layered ADS that Egyptian military has, specifically against such a type of attack. They need to be reminded this isn't Syria and not worth such a foolish escalation.

Not sure, though, how Defense Arab got the info that the maps they're using indicate the target is Egypt?! Even if this rubbish is true, as if the Israelis would show any of that info.


• Israel conducts air exercises that simulate an attack on Egypt
• The training included reducing the capabilities of the Israeli aircraft: - Turn off GPS - Turn off the radar - Restriction of communication systems
• All maps, roads and calculations identify Egypt as a primary target for the attack

Sisi even said a few years ago "let anyone approach our border and they'll see what happens."

This twitter handle is hilarious! According to Defense Arab, the IDFAF is exercising with the intention of striking somewhere in Egypt. Not sure of the veracity of this report, but that would be a disaster for them to start a war over what happened. Despite 3 of their border soldiers dying to one of our policemen, certainly not worth a conflict after all these decades of peace as Egypt will respond in kind no matter what anyone thinks of any disparity in military power. Israel is in no position to earn the wrath of Egypt & the Arab world should it do something foolish like an airstrike into Sinai. That's much worse than 3 of their soldiers dying to one Egyptian in a border gun battle.

The tweet is interesting as to how they're disabling certain systems in their aircraft due to all the early warning systems and layered ADS that Egyptian military has, specifically against such a type of attack. They need to be reminded this isn't Syria and not worth such a foolish escalation.

Not sure, though, how Defense Arab got the info that the maps they're using indicate the target is Egypt?! Even if this rubbish is true, as if the Israelis would show any of that info.


• Israel conducts air exercises that simulate an attack on Egypt
• The training included reducing the capabilities of the Israeli aircraft: - Turn off GPS - Turn off the radar - Restriction of communication systems
• All maps, roads and calculations identify Egypt as a primary target for the attack

Sisi even said a few years ago "let anyone approach our border and they'll see what happens."

Israel always prepares for war. They do these exercises every year.
I hope they don’t, but is an Israeli ready to face an entire Egyptian army. Why don’t they investigate how to prevent such an incident from happening again? Nasty War mongering nation Israel needs wars to justify its supremacy in the region and to frighten the neighbours! This exercise looks more like a intimidation stunt by the Jews
Israel always prepares for war. They do these exercises every year.

All top 20 militaries do, just like Egypt does. Although the Rapid Deployment Forces won't be needed for an airstrike, I'm sure they're on high alert as well as the navy but especially the new, layered AD which comprises of the GE Protivnik and Resonance SE long range radars which (the latter detects almost anything flying, specifically in L-band) and are directly linked to the main HQ that delegates to the S-300VM units, the IRIST-T SL SAMs (8 batteries I believe) and many more SAMs. They seem to be hardly worried about it because of the decades of preparation and sophisticated AD system + the AF.

A strike by the Jews will automatically trigger a declaration of war. So, they're better off not doing anything remotely foolish as they're trying to consolidate all Arab countries to become allies for the sake of countering Iran. This would not only start a war with Egypt but strengthen the Arab coalition against all that effort to normalize relations.

At the same time, this should never have happened if it wasn't instigated by the Israelis and done solely by the Egyptian officer.

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unfortunately the elephant in the room , is Israeli now has large number of F-35 stealth aircraft. Egypts air defences would likely never see them coming. Without the stealth , the IAF has an embarrassing kill ratio over the Arab airforces. I am Also wondering . There wasn’t much cohesion between the Arab states and army’s each time they fought Israel. Have you now got better and improved at thus in recent times , and do you do regular military exercises together? The question is then isn’t if Egypt’ could win , but if even a multi front attack from several Arab countries would it be effective against Israel’s defenses?
Yes and bow to israel Iike a obedient lackey

That has been Egyptian policy since 1977. The self respect of 1 police officer should not get in the way of that.

Sissi is a dictator with an ego - Eygpt should not suffer war because a dictators ego got pricked. Let there be peace and prosperity for the people of Eygpt.

With time their voices will be those heard in the corridors of power once again.
unfortunately the elephant in the room , is Israeli now has large number of F-35 stealth aircraft. Egypts air defences would likely never see them coming. Without the stealth , the IAF has an embarrassing kill ratio over the Arab airforces. I am Also wondering . There wasn’t much cohesion between the Arab states and army’s each time they fought Israel. Have you now got better and improved at thus in recent times , and do you do regular military exercises together? The question is then isn’t if Egypt’ could win , but if even a multi front attack from several Arab countries would it be effective against Israel’s defenses?


The beginning of the Israeli border guards involved in smuggling operations
Those who protected the Israelis are the rulers and peace agreements that are rejected by the people, and this is the real problem for the Israelis. They are rejected by the people, so they know fully that their presence in Palestine, no matter how long it is temporary, is rejected by the people and the lands no matter what they do.
The Egyptians do not fear the Israelis and do not even fear the presence of hundreds of Egyptian fighters. The Egyptians cooperate with the Israelis in light of the continuous Israeli technical superiority.

The horror that the Israelis suffer from is the Egyptians' possession of huge quantities of weapons, benefiting from the October War. Israel is terrified of Hezbollah because it possesses 100,000 various missiles.
The Israelis are talking about the fact that the Egyptians possess 2,000 ballistic missiles of various types, both solid-fuel and liquid-fuelled. Therefore, the Egyptians possess quantitative superiority and much greater depth. They could annihilate Israel with their huge numbers of weapons: 5,000 tanks, 25,000 armored vehicles, 4,500 artillery, 1,750 rocket artillery, 400 batteries. Air defense: 1,200 aircraft, 800 drones, thousands of suicide planes
Hundreds of stored planes can be reactivated
The Egyptian people are 110 million people, that is, they simply bear much greater losses and at the time of wars they possess large economic and defense production capacity
Egypt will use the Palestinians as a tool in a war between Egypt and Israel. It will be a comprehensive war in which the Palestinians will participate inside Israel and the Egyptians outside, i.e. the annihilation of Israel at that time is inevitable.
The Palestinians suffer from oppression and the lack of a future in a real war between Egypt and Isabil. Their role will be to blow up the Israeli interior. Israel will direct 4 million Palestinians inside it and 110 million Egyptians outside it.

Israel thinks that it will threaten with nuclear weapons. Egypt also knows Egypt's capabilities in biological and chemical weapons

Egypt benefited well from the Ukraine war
massive stockpiles of unmanned aerial vehicles
And the development of cruise missiles in large quantities low cost

Egypt will flood Israel with all available means

Egypt does not remove any weapons from service, old weapons are re-developed periodically, and this matter proved true in the Ukraine war, and during the war with Israel in the future. The peoples will be against their rulers in any Egyptian-Israeli war, in support of the Egyptian people

The Israelis, their main weapons are propaganda, superiority is imaginary. The West's weapon in the Russian-Ukrainian war did not prove its effectiveness or its technical value in exchange for the prices and cost of possession paid for it. On the contrary, the Russian and Soviet weapons proved not only their effectiveness, but also their ability to develop them with Western munitions and components.

Israeli has big problems with western weapons
The decline in the effectiveness of Western air defense systems and Patriot batteries, which Egypt refused to buy from America since 1999 because the Egyptians were not convinced of its efficiency.
The American HARM missile failed with distinction
Israeli weapons did not succeed against Hamas like the iron dome
The limitation of what Israel possesses of cruise missiles in light of its high consumption

Israel's inability to keep up with the high consumption of weapons
The West's inability to produce weapons in sufficient quantities, and the stocks of weapons and ammunition in Europe and America are close to zero. America announces that its stocks of Patriot missiles are not enough for a week, as an example. Europe declares that its weapons stores are like squeezed lemons. Israel will face an inability to replace weapons.

The actual Israeli technical superiority is worthless unless we are talking only about propaganda

Has the F-35 been proven effective? It still suffers from multiple problems to this day. Therefore, Israel lost fourth-generation fighters that operate up to 4 sorties per day, to a fighter that cannot operate one sortie per day continuously.

Are the Israeli drug dealers who unleash their burden on the soldiers of the Ministry of Defense

They will fight Egyptian soldiers who will respond either by kidnapping many Israelis or by dying. They will be able to confront
The Israeli soldiers are the ones who will face the Egyptian army

Let the Israelis thank God that they have traitorous Arab rulers who protect Israel, and no one protects Israel from their power
Has the F-35 been proven effective? It still suffers from multiple problems to this day. Therefore, Israel lost fourth-generation fighters that operate up to 4 sorties per day, to a fighter that cannot operate one sortie per day continuously.

It was on the nightly news here that the average cost per hour of operating the F-35 is around $40K. That's absolutely ridiculous and very difficult to sustain long term as that cost increases. The Rafale is $16K CPFH as a 4.5 gen. fighter. A much better option considering its capabilities,

unfortunately the elephant in the room , is Israeli now has large number of F-35 stealth aircraft. Egypts air defences would likely never see them coming.

Not true. That's why the Egyptian ADS went to Russia bought the Protivnik GE and especially the Resonance SE radar complexes. Even Algeria did the same thing with the latter operating in the L-band frequency and has approximately a 1000 km range. They can even see the airports and those things taking off.

There wasn’t much cohesion between the Arab states and army’s each time they fought Israel. Have you now got better and improved at thus in recent times , and do you do regular military exercises together?

Of course. You should check out the EAF thread. Exercises galore all the time.
Things are different nowadays, it's not the military of 1967 or even 1973.
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