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Israel - Birth of an Apartheid State

Muslims and their zombie-like obsession with Israel and Jews continues. Our own governments and people have committed worse atrocities upon us then any Zionist can ever imagine, they just need to sit back and watch us destroy each other.

Two state solution is the best solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. And make Jerusalem an international city.
Just make it a secular state.
How is this relevant to what I was talking about?
My post was about whether or not Pakistan was against the concept of invasion because that's what the other guy claimed that Israel has done.

Many people say that Pakistan did not exist before 1947 but neither did india. What a lot of people fail to realise is the world India before 1947 referred to the whole subcontinent. India inherited the name and is thought of an ancient civilisation when Pakistan has just as much history if not even more. Now shush with your ridiculous israel comparison.
Some more recent coverage:

This year, Israel is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its founding in 1948. But how exactly was that country born on land that was already called Palestine?

The Palestinian catastrophe explained.

Around the time that Israelis celebrate Independence Day, Palestinians commemorate “The Nakba,” or “The Catastrophe.” The Nakba was a series of events, centered around 1948, that expelled hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homeland and killed thousands. The Nakba isn’t the beginning of the story, but it’s a key part of Palestinian history — and the root of Israel’s creation.

Prior to the Nakba, Palestine had a thriving population — largely made up of Arabs — that had lived and worked the land for centuries. But with the founding of Zionism, years of British meddling, and a British pledge to help create a Jewish state in Palestine — things began to change drastically. By 1947, with increasing tensions between Jewish settlers and Palestinian Arabs — British left Palestine, and the UN stepped in with a plan to partition the land into two states. What followed was known as Plan Dalet: operations by Israeli paramilitary groups that violently uprooted Palestinians. An estimated 15,000 Palestinians were killed, more than 500 villages were decimated, and roughly 750,000 Palestinians were displaced.

Most who were expelled from their homes couldn’t return to historic Palestine. And today, millions of their descendants live in refugee camps in Gaza, the West Bank, and surrounding countries. The history of the Nakba has been deliberately concealed and often ignored in Western narratives around the creation of Israel. In this episode of Missing Chapter, we break down how the Nakba happened — and how it defined the future of Palestine.
The Majority of the Israelis are born in Israel, and they speak Hebrew. Generations have passed since the first-generation migrants came in Israel is the country they have seen since they were born. Arabs including some Islamic states joined together to fight Israel and lost, basically, Israelis fought and won the land they live in. Finally, Israel is a country recognized by the UN back in 1949, absolutely nobody objected its creation and these Arab countries abstained from voting. The Palestine demand is the entire country to them, right?
Arab Herdsmen fighting against the British victors of WW2 didn't stand any chance. However with support of Soviet Union the Egyptians took back Sinai and defeated the Jews.
Many people say that Pakistan did not exist before 1947 but neither did india. What a lot of people fail to realise is the world India before 1947 referred to the whole subcontinent. India inherited the name and is thought of an ancient civilisation when Pakistan has just as much history if not even more. Now shush with your ridiculous israel comparison.
Okay but then again, it’s not relevant to what I posted.

Pasting it again:
My post was about whether or not Pakistan was against the concept of invasion because that's what the other guy claimed Israel has done.
Both Pakistan & Israel were created to serve as a homeland for all Jews & all Indian Muslims, both confront the fact that more Indian Muslims & Jews live outside these two countries.
No parallel between Israel and Pakistan. Prior to becoming a secessionist, Jinnah was for British India staying as it was. He was known as the Hindu-Muslim unity ambassador. Secondly, Pakistan was not created as the homeland for all Indian Muslims, but as an independent country based on Muslim majority area. In the resolution passed by the Muslim League in Lahore, the name Pakistan is not mentioned as they had no official name for an independent country (yet), unlike Israel which is ancient name and identity. The name Pakistan came later and the resolution passed because of cultural, historical, and religious disregard shown by Congress toward Muslims [BJP is far worse]. Hindu-Muslim migrations occurred mainly because of partition violence.

Ancient Israel worshiped the same monotheist God as Muslims. Ancient Palestinians accepted rule by Ancient Israel in the name of God. They love and respect Israeli prophets as much or more than Jews. They used to be Christian and now are mostly Muslim with about 10% Christian. Christian Palestinians are just as much Palestinian as Muslim Palestinians, and (Godless) Zionist Israel hates them as a people. It is a clash of two peoples sharing the same land. On the other hand, you have Kashmiri, Sindhi, Punjabi, Pathan, and Bangali in India and Pakistan [East and West when it was formed]. Ethnically the same people.
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Arab Herdsmen fighting against the British victors of WW2 didn't stand any chance. However with support of Soviet Union the Egyptians took back Sinai and defeated the Jews.
And? I'm not talking about past conflicts, I am talking about the present and the future.
The Majority of the Israelis are born in Israel, and they speak Hebrew. Generations have passed since the first-generation migrants came in Israel is the country they have seen since they were born. Arabs including some Islamic states joined together to fight Israel and lost, basically, Israelis fought and won the land they live in. Finally, Israel is a country recognized by the UN back in 1949, absolutely nobody objected its creation and these Arab countries abstained from voting. The Palestine demand is the entire country to them, right?

you are such a hendoooo
No parallel between Israel and Pakistan. Prior to becoming a secessionist, Jinnah was for British India staying as it was. He was known as the Hindu-Muslim unity ambassador. Secondly, Pakistan was not created as the homeland for all Indian Muslims, but as an independent country based on Muslim majority area. In the resolution passed by the Muslim League in Lahore, the name Pakistan is not mentioned as they had no official name for an independent country (yet), unlike Israel which is ancient name and identity. The name Pakistan came later and the resolution passed because of cultural, historical, and religious disregard shown by Congress toward Muslims [BJP is far worse]. Hindu-Muslim migrations occurred mainly because of partition violence.

Ancient Israel worshiped the same monotheist God as Muslims. Ancient Palestinians accepted rule by Ancient Israel in the name of God. They love and respect Israeli prophets as much or more than Jews. They used to be Christian and now are mostly Muslim with about 10% Christian. Christian Palestinians are just as much Palestinian as Muslim Palestinians, and (Godless) Zionist Israel hates them as a people. It is a clash of two peoples sharing the same land. On the other hand, you have Kashmiri, Sindhi, Punjabi, Pathan, and Bangali in India and Pakistan [East and West when it was formed]. Ethnically the same people.
So by your reasoning Christians all over the world have the right to take the Vatican or Jerusalem just because they are Christians?
Israel is a reality and no one can change that. No country can undo it now. The sooner all accept it, the better for everyone.

Pakistan especially should wholeheartedly support it as Pakistan itself was created under similar circumstances.

True. Muammar Gaddafi presented the One State Solution for the Israel-Palestine issue and that solution is called Isratin. I believe the only ones to oppose this solution is Iran government, Israel government and its stooge the Hamas, and of course USA military-industrial complex.

2. Pakistan & Israel are the only states that were created in the name of religion.

And India has been recreated since 2014 as Hindu Rashtra.

Israel is a reality and no one can change that. No country can undo it now. The sooner all accept it, the better for everyone.

Pakistan especially should wholeheartedly support it as Pakistan itself was created under similar circumstances.

True. Muammar Gaddafi presented the One State Solution for the Israel-Palestine issue and that solution is called Isratin. I believe the only ones to oppose this solution is Iran government, Israel government and its stooge the Hamas, and of course USA military-industrial complex. Iran government's mullahs simply want to keep the issue burning because war and violence are their purpose in life instead of giving Iran's own people a harmonious society. Iran government will not be regime-changed by NATO.

2. Pakistan & Israel are the only states that were created in the name of religion.

And India has been recreated since 2014 as Hindu Rashtra.

Muslims and their zombie-like obsession with Israel and Jews continues. Our own governments and people have committed worse atrocities upon us then any Zionist can ever imagine, they just need to sit back and watch us destroy each other.

Just make it a secular state.

Please see above.
And India has been recreated since 2014 as Hindu Rashtra.

What makes you feel that, Jamahir ?

Does this Hindu Rashtra stop non-Hindus to become a PM or Army Chief? And that too, by constitution? Does it stop a particular community from identifying themselves whatever they want to identify themselves?

If this Hindu Rashtra doesn’t do it, then I guess it’s far better than some medieval-era shit hole.
Two state solution is the best solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. And make Jerusalem an international city.
So basically the 1947 UN partition plan the Arabs rejected and started a war over?

This year, Israel is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its founding in 1948. But how exactly was that country born on land that was already called Palestine?
Who was the Palestinian president back then?

Ancient Israel worshiped the same monotheist God as Muslims. Ancient Palestinians accepted rule by Ancient Israel in the name of God. They love and respect Israeli prophets as much or more than Jews. They used to be Christian and now are mostly Muslim with about 10% Christian. Christian Palestinians are just as much Palestinian as Muslim Palestinians, and (Godless) Zionist Israel hates them as a people. It is a clash of two peoples sharing the same land. On the other hand, you have Kashmiri, Sindhi, Punjabi, Pathan, and Bangali in India and Pakistan [East and West when it was formed]. Ethnically the same people.
Ancient "Palestinians" (ancestors of modern day Palestinians) were probably riding camels in Saudi Arabia in the time of the Israelites.

Real Ancient Palestinians refers to the Philistines, which were Greek and were a literal mortal enemy of the Jews, God commanded to erase them and erased they were. They have nothing to do with today's Palestinians. That's where the name Palestine originates from, the Romans named this region "Palestine" based on the local Philistines, as an insult to the Jews which were enemies with them.
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Muammar Gaddafi presented the One State Solution for the Israel-Palestine issue and that solution is called Isratin.
Doesn’t sound feasible really.
Why Muslims would want a country where they are in minority? There would be 2 nations then. 1 Jewish Isratin and 1 Muslim Isratin.

They may then demand for a separate Muslim state where they can live peacefully with fellow Muslims (you know, majority non-Muslims are threat to Islam may be). That’s exactly how Pakistan came into being.

Rather than going with the hassle of partition again, let’s recognize the current boundaries.
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