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Afghan War: News & Update Mega Thread

Why they have to? western system is not the only way of ruling. They can follow their own way of governing, outsiders have no rights to point fingers.

There is a difference between Taliban and CCP.

On one hand, CCP is making China a modern, progressive and scientific thinking nation. Ahead in technology, innovation and power.

Taliban is backward thinking.

They banned COVID vaccine:

They beat women on streets even if they show their hands or feet in open:

If China is so welcoming to their rule, why not ask a group like Taliban to rule China !!

Communism is good only if it is progressive.
How is this in any way a 'choice' made by the Afghan people?! lol

The same way China respects the choice of the Uighur muslims?
There has been a revolution, Afghans have come out on to the streets to welcome the Taliban, the scums of the Northern alliance who were illegitimately installed have run off and abandoned their Afghanistan brethren. The Afghan people have made their choice and the world should accept it. Next it will be Kashmir.
It's their own business, China has no bone in it.

As I said China is no true Communist country and therefore doesn't care about relieving the burden of oppression anywhere in the world. China just cares about its economic interests, its selfish political interests and extracting raw minerals in many places by either colonizing that country or like in the case of Afghanistan joining hands with outright criminals / oppressors ruling that country.

The corner stone of Chinese foreign policy is non interference.

Then why did China support Al Qaeda in Afghanistan during the 1980s ?
As I said China is no true Communist country and therefore doesn't care about relieving the burden of oppression anywhere in the world. China just cares about its economic interests, its selfish political interests and extracting raw minerals in many places by either colonizing that country or like in the case of Afghanistan joining hands with outright criminals / oppressors ruling that country.

Then why did China support Al Qaeda in Afghanistan during the 1980s ?
Which country has China colonised?
As I said China is no true Communist country and therefore doesn't care about relieving the burden of oppression anywhere in the world. China just cares about its economic interests, its selfish political interests and extracting raw minerals in many places by either colonizing that country or like in the case of Afghanistan joining hands with outright criminals / oppressors ruling that country.

Then why did China support Al Qaeda in Afghanistan during the 1980s ?
In 1980's China couldn't even feed herself, how much help she can give to others. what's right and wrong in Afghanistan should be judged by Afghan people, neither the west nor China can make judgement for them based on foreign values and perspectives.
why didn't they just take part in elections and be voted into power? :)
Did US ask for an election to find out if Afghan people welcome their invasion when they invaded Afghanistan?
The Taliban have been suppressed by the United States for 20 years. If the Taliban did not have the support of the Afghan people, they could not live until now.

China eliminated all terrorists in Xinjiang in only three years. If the CCP did not have the support of the Xinjiang people. It could not do so well.

And how long did the Indian army stay in Kashmir?
One belt plan and mining untapped Afghanistan lithium resources.
How is this in any way a 'choice' made by the Afghan people?! lol

The same way China respects the choice of the Uighur muslims?
No surprise here. Already some days ago China had said that it would accept Taliban government "as long as the Taliban would engage in political settlement with the current government". Basically, indirect words calling for the then Ghani government to accept the Taliban.

And there is the matter of Afghan mineral deposits which China also desires.

Also, did this "Afghan people's choice" that China speaks of include acceptance statements by the ghosts of the 180 Afghan intellectuals and journalists that the Taliban assassinated between 2020 and 2021 ? Or of those women and Afghan people in general whose lives are going to be now made miserable by the new Taliban government ? Who are these Afghans whose "people's choice" that China speaks of ?

China is not a true leftist ideological state which would oppose the oppressive, regressive, cruel Taliban.
The Taliban have been suppressed by the United States for 20 years. If the Taliban did not have the support of the Afghan people, they could not live until now.

China eliminated all terrorists in Xinjiang in only three years. If the CCP did not have the support of the Xinjiang people. It could not do so well.

And how long did the Indian army stay in Kashmir?
Afghanistan's winners: Qatar, Russia, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran
Most of these countries have hosted the Taliban or tacitly backed them.
AUGUST 16, 2021 16:51

The victors in Kabul will be those who benefit from the Taliban taking power. They will also be those who benefit or cheer as the US appears humiliated.

Among those “winners” are Qatar, Russia, China, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran. This can be seen in various ways. Most of these countries hosted the Taliban or tacitly backed them. Others, such as Turkey, have sought to have a role in post-American Afghanistan.

Iran’s media is full of stories arguing that the Taliban won’t export extremism or threaten anyone and that Iran has always helped the Afghan people. Iranian official Ali Shamkhani, for instance, has put out positive statements about Iran’s role in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, Qatar’s Al Jazeera was on hand to showcase the Taliban taking the presidential palace in Kabul. It appears Qatar had advance knowledge of the Taliban’s plans because Doha has been hosting the Taliban for years.

Qatar has a large US military base but has always backed religious extremists, including Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, and has given red-carpet treatment to the Taliban. This is a big win for Qatar, and it will use it for leverage across the Middle East.

While Qatar and Turkey benefit because of their links to Islamist groups and general backing for far-right Islamic movements, Iran benefits from seeing the US leave its doorstep. Iran also wants the US out of Iraq and will use the Afghan chaos to push it to leave Iraq as well.

Turkey will be working with Russia and Iran in Syria to try to get the US to leave. All these countries agree that they want America gone from the region.

Russia and China have both hosted Taliban delegations in recent years and months. They want to have open channels to the Taliban and consider recognizing them as the new government. This is important at the United Nations Security Council. With backing from Russia and China, the Taliban can get the international clout they need and eventually obtain wider recognition.

The meetings between Taliban officials and Russian envoys this week, which have been reported, are important.

“Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan Dmitry Zhirnov will meet on Tuesday with the coordinator of the leadership of the Taliban movement [outlawed in Russia] to discuss ensuring the security of the Russian Embassy, Russian Presidential envoy to Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov said in an interview,” Russia’s TASS news agency reported.

“Our ambassador is in contact with representatives of the Taliban leadership,” he said. “Tomorrow, as he told me just 10 minutes ago, he will meet with the coordinator from the Taliban leadership for ensuring security, including our embassy.”

The Russian ambassador will discuss with the Taliban representative the details of the external protection of the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation, Kabulov said.

This means that Russia may consider recognizing the Taliban at a future date. Russia could help put the wind in the sails of the Taliban.

But Russia has its own background in Afghanistan. It has noted that the US-backed Afghan government has fallen quickly. Russia wants to secure Central Asia as well, including its southern flank.

That means the chaos of Afghanistan must not spread. It will want to work with China, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran to make sure that the Taliban are contained and come to power in a stable way.

All these countries have common interests. They want the US gone from the region. They want America humiliated. They also want to share energy and mineral resources that may flow through Afghanistan. This is their invitation to help make the decline of the US and the West more rapid.

These countries have different ideological agendas. Turkey, Pakistan and Qatar have a far-right Islamic worldview of the world. They have wanted to work with Malaysia and even Iran on new concepts regarding an Islamic system of trade or television programs to confront “Islamophobia.”

Turkey and Qatar form an axis that backs the Muslim Brotherhood, and as such, there has been cheering in Syria and the Gaza Strip regarding the Taliban takeover. China and Russia have other ideas about how this may benefit them on the world stage.

For now, the Afghanistan debacle is a major setback for the US globally in terms of image and the perception that US-backed systems tend to be as weak and temporary as the grass that greens with the spring and withers in the fall.

Oh man, I have a headache explaining everything to naive and misguided people here. I will come back after dinner.
China's state media mocked the US withdrawal in Afghanistan, saying the Taliban takeover was 'more smooth than the presidential transition in the US'
Cheryl Teh
11 hours ago

China's state media mocked the US troop withdrawal in Afghanistan, saying the Taliban's takeover of the country was "more smooth" than the presidential transfer of powers in the US.

The opinion was tweeted out on August 15 by Hu Xijin, the editor-in-chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China.

Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.

People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6. when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown.

Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani left Afghanistan for Tajikistan on August 15, leaving his presidential palace open to Taliban fighters entering Kabul. On Sunday, fighters were seen inside the presidential palace, holding assault weapons and posing behind desks.

Ghani, who became president in 2014, made a Facebook post upon his departure, saying he "thought it was best to get out" to avoid a "flood of blood" in Kabul, Afghanistan's capital and its largest city.

The Taliban is now positioned to formally take hold of power in the country once again and declare it the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan following a complete withdrawal of American troops and the evacuation of US diplomats.

"What a joke. In Kabul today, the new government takeover was even more stable than when the US changed presidents," wrote a Weibo user named Chen Zhen.

Some Weibo users also poked fun at the blame game currently unfolding between Biden and Trump on who should take responsibility for the Taliban's swift takeover of Afghanistan's major cities, making predictions about "what will happen next" in US politics.

One user with the ID DiGuaXiongLaoLiu wrote: "The script should read like this from here on. Step one: Trump asks Biden to resign and take responsibility for Afghanistan. Step two, Biden refuses to resign, and states supporting Trump will say if Biden doesn't resign, they'll leave the US! Step three, two years later the US government dissolves itself and becomes the Ameri-Russian Government."

I urge every afghan neighbour to just do away with the suits and tuxedos and join the taliban oath taking ceremony in their traditional attires . What a sight to behold- -----!
As far i remember they provide old weapons that Saddam could afford but never training, In fact because Saddam purged the military after the Iranian war debacle most iraqui troops and commanders didn't have much training at all.
Before all of this, Saddam Hussein was looking for Western arms, but none was willing to sell, so he went after the Soviets and Chinese. You do not sell sophisticated weaponry without providing training, and I do not mean just how to read and execute the user's manual. When I was active duty and on the F-111, the list of air forces that can fly a variable sweep wing aircraft can be counted on one hand minus the thumb. We did not sell the F-14 to Iran and left the Iranians on their own. At the time, the F-14 was a complex weapon system that required two human beings to operate.

Further, you train your customers based upon YOUR knowledge and experience of the system. You can scale down, but not scale up, meaning we did not train the Iranians on carrier operations for the F-14 because the Iranian Navy did not have an aircraft carrier, so if somehow Iran can make the F-14 and sell to someone else, the Iranians cannot train the customer on how to use the F-14 from ships, even though the Iranian version of the F-14 might be fully capable of withstanding carrier operations stresses. What this mean is that %99.999 of the time, you already know your customer's technical sophistication and will offer wares that you believe the client can understand and execute AT YOUR LEVEL of experience.

So for these PDF yahoos to insinuate that China did not train the Iraqi Army is absurd. But of course, none of them ever served a day in their countries' armed forces so they cannot talk with any understanding in the first place.
Where did you learn this crap? US media?
The usual "I said A, but when people are asking really meant B, where B is just an unsubstantial wall of a**pull or vapid opinions or appeals to my authority, beating around the bush and not ever actually answering the question or proving the point" American switch tactics with Vietnamese characteristics.
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