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LIVE: Protest in London against India's Kashmir crackdown

Why are Ambassadors not asked to join?

Its Jihad not a Rock concert !!
Salam Guys

Well in London 15th August 1pm start their will be yet another protest from a very very long line of protest history at the indian high commission.

This is being done since Pakistan will now on a National level be commemorating it as a black day so it will be a black day demo going on.

I personally will be their InshaAllah and i will be doing photography for the event and will be posting it all here on PDF for all to see.

I wish i could do film too but i havent got the right lens for my DSLR one that would be silent when it focus hunts as that horrid noise they make ruins your footage. However i will try to get as much good footage on my phone too.

I wish some bjp types come to do a counter demo there too coz when that happens the Sikhs just absolutely F***in lose it and go on full charge LOL and the sanghis bolt off faster than usain bolt it is a sight to see:omghaha:

I will be posting everything from that day on this very thread i wont make a new thread for it guys so until then we speak
There seems to be announcement of counter rally:

A counter demonstration is scheduled by British supporters of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata party (BJP). A number of other events are also set to take place to draw attention to the Kashmir issue over the coming weeks while leading British Pakistani politicians have written to the Foreign Office and the UN calling for action against India over its current actions.

Lord Nazir Ahmed, one of the signatories who originates from Pakistan-administered Kashmir said: “There is bound to be some heated debate between the two communities but we have to ensure that it remains just that.

“We are determined to put pressure on the international community because what India has done is illegal. But the solution is through peaceful dialogue, both between British Indians and Pakistanis and the respective governments of each country.”

Ikram Junaidi
Updated August 11, 2019


The appeal was made at a press conference addressed by Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Overseas Pakistanis Zulfi Bukhari (pictured) and SAPM on Health Dr Zafar Mirza at the Press Information Department. — DawnNewsTV/File

ISLAMABAD: Announcing the launch of health cards for the families of deserving expatriates, the government on Saturday appealed to overseas Pakistanis to hold protests outside the Indian high commissions and embassies across the world on August 15 when Independence Day is observed in India.

The appeal was made at a press conference addressed by Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Overseas Pakistanis Zulfi Bukhari and SAPM on Health Dr Zafar Mirza at the Press Information Department.

Mr Bukhari said that the government had decided to observe August 14, Pakistan’s Independence Day, as the day of solidarity with the Kashmiri people and August 15 as a black day to protest against India’s decision to strip Occupied Kashmir of its special status in the constitution.

“As I have lived abroad, I am aware how much weightage is given to protests in foreign countries. I appeal to every overseas Pakistani to reach outside Indian high commission or embassy on August 15 and hold protests. Moreover they should also convince their friends to participate in the protests as it is a humanitarian issue,” he said.

Mr Bukhari said that he would participate in a protest outside the Indian High Commission in London.

Dr Mirza announced extension of the Sehat Sahulat Programme to the overseas Pakistani labourers and their families back home.

“Overseas Pakistani labours are working day and night in foreign lands and send precious remittance to the country which is the main source of foreign exchange. Now this is time for us to give them social protection,” he said.

“Providing Sehat Insaf Card to overseas Pakistani labours will be a unique example of collaboration between two ministries. Under this initiative, the Ministry of National Health Services and the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development will work together to provide healthcare facilities to overseas Pakistani workers and their families,” Dr Mirza said.

He said the scheme would be launched from Oct 15 and its beneficiaries would be those overseas Pakistani labourers who had recently come under the government social security net for one year starting from the date of their registration. The old protected overseas Pakistani labourers will be allowed to have health cards on a self-finance basis.

“The family of a beneficiary will include spouse and unmarried children of an overseas Pakistani. Each family has a limit of Rs720,000 per year to fulfil its need for health care services,” Dr Mirza said.

“The Sehat Sahulat Programme is part the poverty alleviation initiative of the government which is working to provide financial protection to poor and marginalised sectors of population against unaffordable healthcare expenditure,” he said.

Published in Dawn, August 11th, 2019


Just do not do this in GCC countries. In GCC countries, ANY kind of a protest results in deportation.
Is there any way to pin the thread so people can view it through the day? The protest will have speeches beginning soon
its not that big as IK said.. anyway, if it last like for 2-4 days that would be better.
It doesn't help that it is during the week. People are at work and can't take time off
its not that big as IK said.. anyway, if it last like for 2-4 days that would be better.

It is quite a sizeable crowd - but because there are a few BJP international Hindutva brigade there the police have separated them so the protest angle is deceiving
its not that big as IK said.. anyway, if it last like for 2-4 days that would be better.

it is big the camera angles isnt the greatest you cant see how far back it is and indians are very low numbers lol
'Kashmir is Burning': Thousands protest outside Indian High Commission in UK


Police officers detain a demonstrator during a protest against the scrapping of the special constitutional status in Kashmir by the Indian government, outside the Indian High Commission in London, Britain, August 15, 2019. REUTERS/Henry Nicholls

LONDON: Thousands of people, many waving Pakistani and Kashmiri flags, protested outside the Indian High Commission in London on Thursday in support of the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.

India’s decision to revoke special status for its portion of Kashmir, along with a communications blackout and curbs on movement, caused fury in Pakistan, which cut trade and transport links and expelled India’s envoy in retaliation.

In London, protesters carried banners saying “Kashmir is Burning”, “Free Kashmir” and “Modi: Make Tea Not War”, according to a Reuters reporter.

Police were keeping a small counter-demonstration apart from the main protest.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered an Independence Day speech on Thursday that spotlighted his decision to remove the special rights of Kashmir among the bold moves of his second term.

Many of the London protesters had come to the capital from other English cities on specially chartered buses.

“We want to show our solidarity with our Kashmiri brothers,” said Amin Tahir, a British pensioner of Kashmiri origin who came from Birmingham on one of the coaches.

“Since 1947 Kashmir has been struggling to be free from India. Now Modi has changed the law by force to stop Kashmir’s autonomy,” he said.

Actress Armeena Khan, who, on Tuesday, wrote an open letter to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) urging it to distance itself from Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra for "deprecating peace in favour of her patriotism at any cost", also joined the protests.


Twitter/Armeena Khan (@ArmeenaRK)/Screenshot via Geo.tv

In response to a fan asking if she'd participate in the London march against Indian atrocities in Kashmir, Armeena said: "Wouldn’t miss it for the world."

Her husband, Fesyl Khan, went live on Twitter from the anti-Modi march.

Armeena Khan


@frk1⁩ LIVE from the #Kashmir rally in London. https://www.pscp.tv/w/cCVcQzFEWktvZWxiV0JvRWF8MW1ueGV2Z0R6RExLWMUyLYL-VYIE6y6WguX7blurf8B4tEMcHORVG_BGdvB0?t=2m5s …

Fesl Reza-Khan @frk110
frk110 was LIVE


6:58 PM - Aug 15, 2019
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Fesyl was seen speaking to the protesters, and, after talking to some children there, said: "When you take [away] the voice of little kids in Kashmir and you think that you’re gonna steal them… don’t worry because a thousand other children will voice out, kids like this."

Over 200 officers on duty
On August 13, it was reported that London's Metropolitan Police was on alert ahead of today's major anti-Indian government protest in London. Prime Minister Imran Khan’s special adviser on overseas Pakistanis, Zulfi Bukhari, had earlier appealed to the diaspora to observe August 15 as ‘Black Day’.

As part of Bukhari's appeal, overseas Pakistanis had been requested to hold protests outside Indian embassies in their respective countries to show solidarity with the people of occupied Kashmir.

A Scotland Yard spokesperson had said Tuesday the forces were aware of the planned protest at noon on 15 August and had security arrangements in place. While Intelligence reports had suggested that the number of protestors would be in thousands, police refused to discuss the number of officers on duty.

A source, however, had revealed that over 200 police officers would be on duty to maintain the crowd and prevent any road blockings and clashes.

The 15 August protest was said to be joined by the diaspora from all political parties, uniting them — rarely — for the issue of Kashmir. Two pro-Khalistan Sikh groups and secular Indian organisations had also announced their plan to attend the protest.

In a statement, Bukhari had said it was a moral obligation of everyone to speak up for the Kashmiri brothers and sisters living in the challenging circumstances under the Nazi-like regime of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Pro-Modi Indian groups, on the other hand, had initially announced to hold a counter-demonstration but changed their plans after realising that pro-Kashmir protestors would be huge in numbers and things could spiral out of control.

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