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Pakistan asks US to mediate on Kashmir

Both Pak and Indian armed forces dont want kashmir dispute to resolve, WHY ???

DAWN.COM | World | US has ?great concern? over Kashmir

US has “great concern” over Kashmir

WASHINGTON: The United States said Friday that it has “great concern” about the situation in Kashmir but indicated it would not try to mediate over the Himalayan territory divided between India and Pakistan.

US officials rarely speak publicly about Kashmir, which India considers a domestic issue. But Pakistan raised the issue vocally at high-level talks with the United States aimed at improving the two nations’ uneasy partnership.

“We obviously have great concern about the situation in Kashmir,” State Department spokesman Philip Crowley told reporters when asked about Pakistan’s statements.

“We talk both to our Pakistani friends and our Indian friends on this issue on a regular basis. We would like to see the situation in Kashmir resolved,” he said.

“There is obviously too much tension and violence in Kashmir, which is why we continue to encourage both countries to resolve it through dialogue,” he said.

But he added: “The United States policy is clear: We believe that this is ultimately an issue that has to be resolved between India and Pakistan.”

Kashmir, a scenic Himalayan territory with a Muslim majority but large Hindu minority, is divided between India and Pakistan and claimed by both. It has triggered two of the three full-fledged wars between the nuclear powers.

India has long accused Pakistan of fomenting an extremist insurgency against New Delhi’s rule in the region. Pakistan says recent street protests, in which more than 100 people have died, prove that resentment is local.

President Barack Obama next month visits India in a bid to broaden warming ties between the world’s two largest democracies. Many Indian commentators have been skeptical about Obama due to his early focus on Pakistan and China.

Before his inauguration, Obama mused in an interview about US mediation in Kashmir, triggering a sharp backlash in India.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, speaking Friday next to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, referred to those remarks by Obama to press him to take up Kashmir when he visits New Delhi.

“His coming visit to the region is the time to begin to redeem the pledge that he made earlier,” Qureshi said.

Qureshi said that a resolution on Kashmir was vital for a “peaceful and stable South Asia.”

“The Kashmiri mothers are baffled at the deafening silence of the world leadership,” Qureshi said.

The United States during the talks pledged two billion dollars of military aid to Pakistan, a frontline partner in US military efforts against extremism. —AFP
Both Pak and Indian armed forces dont want kashmir dispute to resolve, WHY ???


Bro the only difference is that the Indiam Army is not running India.Their actions are goverened by the Indian civil society.
Kindly tell me, what's so special about kashmiris that you are sooooo pained about their so-called oppression and suffereing and what not and do not give two hoots about the suffering of peoples elsewhere on earth?

Where was this love in 1971?

Where is this love when it comes to Uighurs?

Where is this love when it comes to afghans?

Please enlighten me.
i'm just standing by my position and by my interests sir. I'm doing what you are doing. I have a moral position as well. Oh by the way i also have some Kashmiri blood in me. Suffice to say, i hope to see a fair and just solution to this problem so that everybody can move on to the next important issues
i'm just standing by my position and by my interests sir. I'm doing what you are doing. I have a moral position as well. Oh by the way i also have some Kashmiri blood in me. Suffice to say, i hope to see a fair and just solution to this problem so that everybody can move on to the next important issues

Oh cmon Abu you look so soft and emotional today man!

cmon I like the fighter Abu with his "hindustany" and "sissie" lingo :lol:

Everybody loves a fighter and so do I :) :cheers:

BTW, rest assured nobody wants kashmir issue resolved more than Indians. I mean just look at it from our perspective yaar.

Our economy is, inshallah, doing very good. Everything is looking great for us and there's this one little pesky issue which refuses to go away for the past 63 years. We also want to move on yaar. Nobody likes to carry the baggage of the past, neither do we. :rolleyes:
k, that post sounded borderline gay, but i'll let it slide this time. :D It's 7 am on a saturday after all. I come back fro squash, then we could discuss further. As for emotion, don't worry about it. Seems more of it comes from other side, maran.
No harm trying for US mediation.

The bottom line is that even God cannot mediate in this issue.

How many times we need to repeat? Shun your fuc*ing arrogance. This is the reason you can't solve any issue with Pakistan. What Pakistan need now is kindness and not your sorry as* ego displayed.

I am not surprised this type of posting, as i read that you can avoid queue by paying $ to enter temples. This is an official procedure. Only place in the world where you can buy entry in to worship place. Such is the respect for god in India

Don't you all realize your arrogant As* is the reason stuff happens in India and you don't get justice?

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