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Most Kashmiris, including in Azad Kashmir, want to be with India: Indian minister

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Jun 10, 2010
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United Kingdom
Most Kashmiris, including in P o K, want to be with India: Farooq

NEW DELHI: Contending that most people of Jammu and Kashmir, including areas under Pakistani occupation, want to be with India, National Conference leader Farooq Abdullah today ridiculed demands for "independence", saying said the separatists were not aware of its consequences.

Participating in a debate in the Lok Sabha on the situation in Kashmir, the Union minister warned that the state would face the problems as are posed by elements like Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan if it became independent.

He pressed for autonomy for the state, saying such a step would make India truly federal and strong.

"Most Kashmiris want to find a solution to the problems within India... We want to find a solution to the problem within India...not in Pakistan, China or in America," said the former Chief Minister, whose party is in power in the state.

"We want Jammu and Kashmir of Raja Hari Singh," he said making it clear that he wanted re-integration of Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Kashmir and Northern Areas with other parts of the state as existed before 1947.

Making a strong plea to political parties, particularly the BJP, to understand the sentiments of the people of the state, he said the whole of Jammu and Kashmir, including the Pakistan occupied Kashmir . Kashmir and Northern Areas, would remain part of India.

"Those in Kashmir demanding 'azadi' (independence) have not realised the consequences of such a demand. Kashmir too faces a threat from Taliban elements and a situation similar to Afghanistan and Pakistan will arise in the state too (if independence is granted)," Abdullah said.

He warned about the dangerous consequences of independence as he stated that he had visited Jalalabad in Afghanistan where he had seen that not a single building or a house was intact.

"Is that the kind of freedom we want? Those demanding independence, don't they see the situation in Afghanistan," he said, while pointing out that "Taliban and other terror groups have wrecked havoc in Pakistan and Afghanistan."

Most Kashmiris, including in ***, want to be with India: Farooq - India - The Times of India
What a waste of breath, Farooq Abdullah's statements are, if he has this much confidence, lets conduct a plebiscite and find out.

Pakistan is confident about the plebiscite, India cowers away. That tells you where the Kashmiris would vote.

Its also about the question of precedent. India would never hold a plebiscite in a state of India since that is not allowed by the constitution. And there is no way in hell that a constitution ammendement allowing that will be passed.

Even if India is 100% sure of a positive outcome in the plebiscite, its not going to happen..
What a waste of breath, Farooq Abdullah's statements are, if he has this much confidence, lets conduct a plebiscite and find out.

Pakistan is confident about the plebiscite, India cowers away. That tells you where the Kashmiris would vote.

Ranting about plebiscite, let us hear from Pakistan if they are open for the same on their states, including Pak occupied kashmir.
Ranting about plebiscite, let us hear from Pakistan if they are open for the same on their states, including Pak occupied kashmir.


Gilgit Baltistan
... LOL @ You and your fail logic. Also show some respect for senior members here troll!
one mans word are not more important than that of an entire state

if they want to a plebiscite his vote would only count for one!!!
pakistan want kashmaire and pakistan gets it,hindu loose and kashmiri believe in allah and not ram so kashmir is pakistan getting.
Asim please close this thread too. I think we have enough of this retard farooq abdullah.

Asim please close this thread too. I think we have enough of this retard farooq abdullah.


why close pakistan getting kashmire and we closing,we need discuss to are problams wid hindus to get kashimre.
LOL, yaaro I am from AJK, and let me tell you, you won't find a more anti India population anywhere. If you Mr. Farooq has ant doubts, he can come to AJK and ask us if we want to join India :rofl:

Its also about the question of precedent. India would never hold a plebiscite in a state of India since that is not allowed by the constitution. And there is no way in hell that a constitution ammendement allowing that will be passed.

Even if India is 100% sure of a positive outcome in the plebiscite, its not going to happen..
No sale.

The day India is sure Kashmiris will vote for them, it will go to war to support plebiscite.

India is afraid and it knows it will lose. Plain and simple.
Made more than 11 trips mostly to Kotli, Poonch and Muzafarabad. I am sure my word is not good enough but I urge you to take a trip and see both sides (IOK to start with, and then make your way across the border) to make a better argument. Otherwise your statements are going to be more on the ignorant side just like Mister Abdullah's.
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