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Indian Atrocities in Kashmir - Point blank with Lucman


Sep 25, 2009
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A brief information on the Indian state terrorism in Kashmir in the show Point blank with Lucman.

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

Part 3 :
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atrocities are real.. not only in Kashmir but in other places in India aswell... its no secret... the only thing though.. is that atrocities are real beyond borders aswell... so a bunch of nationalists, either Indian or Pakistani, who normally don't give a sh*t about actual people's freedoms resort to finger pointing at each other... if you actually give a damn.. than you will support the actual people who are suffering from atrocities... not your damn governments who conduct atrocities.... both Indian and Pakistani governments I talk of.... I wish all the best to all my Kashmiri, Assami, Punjabi, Balochi brothers and all other suppressed people of the subcontinent.... nationalist BS aside.... Pakistani and Indian government are both oppressors..... both commit atrocities... but people like to live in deluded world... oo look at elections Kashmiris go and vote they love India.. orr ooo look at puppet balochi ministers they sit in Islamabad hey love Pakistan... its all BS.. if the people loved either country there would be no grassroots movements... so... freedom to all!!!

Indians and Pakistani nationalist chest beaters can start trashing now:
atrocities are real.. not only in Kashmir but in other places in India aswell... its no secret... the only thing though.. is that atrocities are real beyond borders aswell... so a bunch of nationalists, either Indian or Pakistani, who normally don't give a sh*t about actual people's freedoms resort to finger pointing at each other... if you actually give a damn.. than you will support the actual people who are suffering from atrocities... not your damn governments who conduct atrocities.... both Indian and Pakistani governments I talk of.... I wish all the best to all my Kashmiri, Assami, Punjabi, Balochi brothers and all other suppressed people of the subcontinent.... nationalist BS aside.... Pakistani and Indian government are both oppressors..... both commit atrocities... but people like to live in deluded world... oo look at elections Kashmiris go and vote they love India.. orr ooo look at puppet balochi ministers they sit in Islamabad hey love Pakistan... its all BS.. if the people loved either country there would be no grassroots movements... so... freedom to all!!!

Indians and Pakistani nationalist chest beaters can start trashing now:

The situation of Balochistan is a whole different issue, people of Balochistan love Pakistan, it's just a small minority which is involved in insurgency which is funded by hostile agencies in Afghanistan, that's a whole different matter, Pakistan hasn't occupied Balochistan, it's a part of Balochistan, Balochistan when was included into new state, then it was called Pakistan.

Straight up your records, Balochistan issue is nowhere related to Kashmir, Kashmir is a occupied land and UN has resolutions on it while Balochistan is Pakistan's part, the biggest province of Pakistan.

The difference of opinion is everywhere, the whole Pakistani nation is fed up of their political parties and establishment, same is the case in Balochistan, there are more missing persons from Punjab than Balochistan so next time before comparing the two issues, Do some research.
I know exactly how much they "love" Pakistan.. one of my best friends is a Balochi :disagree:

its been a while since I talked Baloch issue with him since we don't normally talk politics.. but basically some Baloch leader had declared independance on august 11th, 1947... 3 days before Pakistan!! that is why even today.. all these guys still consider august 11th as their independance day... these guys were independant until pakistani army invaded their country in 1948 and took them over by force... since than these guys have always been fighting.. I know these guys have fought Pakistani army for even way before when Sikhs picked up guns in Punjab against Indian army.. Balochi struggle is so much older! Even recently.. like 2-3 years back these guys were widely protesting because Pakistan government killed some Balochi politician who wanted independance.. and that is when riots took place all over Balochistan... just because their voice is suppressed doesnt mean Balochi people don't have one.. anyone who says Balochi movement is only foriegn thing doesnt have knowledge.. when Pakistani army has to use helicopter gunships and artillery guns against Balochi fighters you can imagine the scale of fighting... Balochi people too deserve freedom just like Kashmiris, Sikhs, Assamese and all other suppressed people... Balochis are as important as Kashmiris and all others!! The only difference between Kashmiri and Balochi situation is that Balochistan was invaded by only 1 imperial power but Kashmir was invaded by 2.. both wanting to have all of Kashmir...
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