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Erdogan urges settlement of Kashmir issue under UN resolutions


Mar 21, 2007
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United States
In General Assembly address, Erdogan urges settlement of Kashmir issue under UN resolutions

September 22, 2021

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan speaks during the 76th Session of the General Assembly at UN Headquarters in New York, US, on September 21. — Reuters

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan speaks during the 76th Session of the General Assembly at UN Headquarters in New York, US, on September 21. — Reuters

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday called for a solution to the decades-old Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan on the basis of the United Nations resolutions.

Addressing the 76th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), he said in a wide-ranging speech to the 193-member assembly: “We maintain our stance in favour of solving the ongoing problem in Kashmir for 74 years, through dialogue between the parties and within the framework of relevant United Nations resolutions.”

President Erdogan has consistently raised the Kashmir issue at the annual sessions of the UNGA.

At the 75th session, the Turkish leader had said: "The Kashmir conflict, which is also key to the stability and peace in South Asia, is still a burning issue. Steps taken following the abolition of the special status of [occupied] Jammu and Kashmir further complicated the problem."

His espousal of the Kashmir cause has evoked strong protests from India, which claims that Jammu and Kashmir is its "internal matter".

Meanwhile, Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, secretary general of Washington-based advocacy group World Kashmir Awareness Forum, welcomed President Erdogan's reference to the Kashmir issue, saying his words have given the Kashmiri people encouragement.

President Erdogan's message, he said, is aimed at the promotion of dialogue among all parties to the dispute.

"This is the only means of achieving a genuine and lasting peace in this volatile conflict," Fai said, adding that Kashmiri people have suffered too long.
"They demand and they deserve peace," he added.

Over 100 world leaders are participating in the UNGA debate in person, with attendance in the assembly's iconic hall scaled down as a precaution against the coronavirus pandemic.
This is backtracking from his earlier strong stance for independent G&B and Kashmir or backing Pakistan's demand as it all being part of its territory. Why he going back from his earlier support for Pakistani right over the land? Interesting.
This is backtracking from his earlier strong stance for independent G&B and Kashmir or backing Pakistan's demand as it all being part of its territory. Why he going back from his earlier support for Pakistani right over the land? Interesting.

Lol continue to twist the words.

But what can be expected from Modi bakhts all they do is "Jumla bazi", generations have been consumed defending Modi and RSS hindutva ideology. WhatsApp graduates like yourself are a ray hope for China and Pak.
This is backtracking from his earlier strong stance for independent G&B and Kashmir or backing Pakistan's demand as it all being part of its territory. Why he going back from his earlier support for Pakistani right over the land? Interesting.
He is a politician, words have no action.
1. Erdogan should first stop participating in the NATO+GCC criminality against Syria and Libya.

2. Once done that he will begin to have legitimacy to speak of peace in Kashmir. And for that he should at least start with Musharraf's Four-point Formula which spoke of a political settlement of the issue.
Turkiye and Pakistan are the contemporary Khalifahs of the Islamic world and destined to lead the Muslim world in the 21st century.
This is backtracking from his earlier strong stance for independent G&B and Kashmir or backing Pakistan's demand as it all being part of its territory. Why he going back from his earlier support for Pakistani right over the land? Interesting.

Stop making things up. Unlike India, Even Pakistan does not claim J&K as her territory.

Turkiye asking for plebiscite in J&K under UN supervision is consistent with Pakistan's stance.
This is backtracking from his earlier strong stance for independent G&B and Kashmir or backing Pakistan's demand as it all being part of its territory. Why he going back from his earlier support for Pakistani right over the land? Interesting.

If you think a few Business deals and contracts given by India to Turkiye will change their stance then you are mistaken.

Turkiye is an Islamic country and they will always choose Islamic Pakistan over Hindu India.
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