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  1. C

    Who is more Islamophobic, Jews or Hindus ?

    Yes. Hate is good. When religions hate on each other it strengthens my convictions :D
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    Pakistan officially applies for BRICS in 2024

    You crazy? We have the most corrupt politicians and our economy is in shambles. The fact that we were permitted to join BRICS as a founding member is a joke in itself :D
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    Who is more Islamophobic, Jews or Hindus ?

    I'm an atheist. I don't hate anybody. I regard the general concept of God or some Creator as being ridiculous in the current age. To claim that atheists hate Muslims is crazy. There's no reason for us to hate anybody. We are indifferent to anybody who wants to practice religion. It's your right...
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    Pakistan officially applies for BRICS in 2024

    BRICS is such a waste of time. Went for a few BRICS events which were recently held here. All talk and no walk. China and India are two sides of the same coin. Looking out for their own interests without anything much to add to the table. Russia is in turmoil. Brazil simply had no idea why they...
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    Hamas announces 4 day truce, prisoner exchange deal

    Are you really Iranian? Most Iranians I've met seem to like Indians. Point on note. I'm still trying to figure out what were the objectives of Hamas. Does anybody know? Sadly, if you look at the entire scenario..Hamas seems to have done the bidding of Netanyahu the Monster. They invaded at a...
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    Hamas announces 4 day truce, prisoner exchange deal

    October 7 . Hamas storms Israel and capture 240 hostages October 8 - 22 November. Israel pounds Gaza killing approximately 15000 people and displacing millions. Israel demands that the people move to the south thus capturing a large part of the Gaza after demolishing hospitals. November 22...
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    The government of Uttar Pradesh in India has banned the production, storage, distribution, and sale of food products with the Halal certification

    Cosmetics and medication I can understand. But medical devices? Halal certification of meat is widespread in my country. In fact, 99% of the meat products are halal and nobody raises a fuss. Point being is that somebody is profiting using religion to certify anything and everything as halal. we...
  8. C

    Trump vows to kill Asia trade deal being pursued by Biden if elected

    America is strange. When I was a kid, they went way out to win over China and push manufacturing to China in order to counter the then USSR. Now they are going way out to counter China using the same strategy with other countries.
  9. C

    The government of Uttar Pradesh in India has banned the production, storage, distribution, and sale of food products with the Halal certification

    We have a large Muslim community in South Africa. I've never seen halal certified medication or cosmetics here though. Halal certified medical devices ?
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    You've been posting absolute crock on this thread. Your knowledge relating to the Palestinian conflict seems absolute minimum and yet you insist on posting your two cents and embarrassing yourself. Please educate yourself on a topic before expressing your opinion
  11. C

    Hamas miscalculation?

    39 days to demolish Gaza is also no joke. That is what the Israeli military effectively did. They have unleashed hell on Gaza. This was no miscalculation by Hamas. It was pure stupidity. Nobody is blind to the atrocities committed by Israel over the years. The world is likewise not blind to...
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    Indian Social Media Barbarity, Sycophancy and Lechery - Megathread

    South Asians are a weird bunch. Even if you were all one religion, you would still be killing each other
  13. C

    Indian Social Media Barbarity, Sycophancy and Lechery - Megathread

    Pervos and bigots are all over the internet. Does a defense forum really need a special thread to discuss the millions of batshyte insane people on the internet :D
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    Taiwan to import 100,000 Indians

    We got some Indians in South Africa. Except for students in certain areas, we do not have a lot of them here in Cape Town. They came here as cane-cutters and ended up owning a fair portion of the country. Their cuisine is great. The slang developed by them over the centuries is hilarious. Our...
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    Forced to leave Pakistan, where can Afghan refugees go? | The Take

    We do. Shame on your country for deporting people without first documenting them and establishing whether any of them are in genuine need of political refugee status, especially the women. Having checked on the issue on Google, I am in agreement with those who claim that this is collective...
  16. C

    Canadians angry after massive mess during Diwali fireworks, local volunteers clean up Indian mess

    Here in South Africa, certain organisations attempted to ban fireworks during the Diwali festival. Strangely, the Muslim community rallied with the Hindu community in opposition. Likewise, when a bigoted Hindu tried to get the Azan loudspeakers banned, the Hindu community rallied in support of...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Hi. You don't know anything about me and the work I do. Anyway, I wouldn't lobby for the destruction of anything. I cannot hold to truth the words of a man who misleads and changes his stance so often leaving aside his conviction for what is clearly a despicable crime
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    Taiwan to import 100,000 Indians

    Aren't Taiwanese predominantly Han ?
  19. C

    We were unhappy in Pakistan, but we are not happy in India either

    True that about Hinduism. Same standard applies to all religions. Take any holy book and change the name of the protagonist to say for example "Bobby". Then see whether you continue believing in the message. Here's an example. Bobby took an empty basket and filled it with bread. As the...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    It's great having all this aid being sent for the Palestinians in Gaza. When is the middle eastern powers going to get the Rafah Crossing opened? The world is waiting to send aid. It just can't get in with Israel closing all access
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