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  1. H

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    85 engines from South Korea for ALTAY Tank The aim is to overcome Germany's engine embargo on the ALTAY Tank with South Korea. In this direction, South Korea will deliver 85 power groups to Turkey in the first stage. Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler stated that the work on the "Altay...
  2. H

    T-625 & Turkish Utility Helicopter Programs

    They are going straight to the T1400 for production, the LHTEC was only used for prototype testing early on I think. Its probably going to be an engine option for foreign sales I think, if requested.
  3. H

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    Greek defense company that developed Bayraktar TB2 Hunter went bankrupt Greek defense industry company Soukos Robots is on the verge of bankruptcy due to its accumulated debts. The company announced that it had developed an Anti-Drone System called Minotor with the motto 'Bayraktar TB2...
  4. H

    T-625 & Turkish Utility Helicopter Programs

    I'm seeing a lot of Gokbey posts everywhere. How long until we see serial non testing production and when do you guys think we will see the first export contracts?
  5. H

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    Any news when Anka 3 will fly?
  6. H

    Suggestion for Pakistan-Turkey Nuclear Deterrence Command: A By-Product of Current Israil-Palestine War

    Its not actually true, the overwhelming amount of land Palestinians still hold the rights to, they were driven off the land in the Nakba. The jews stole the land, they didn't buy it. Its a propaganda lie. Your own source says only about 5% of the land, and much of it was because of the British...
  7. H

    North Korea would pay ‘price’ if it supplies Russia with weapons, US says

    Its not about technology, North Korea has a significant stockpile of Artillery shells. Russia either wants to maintain their own artillery strike rate or boost it for an offensive, and has determined that it cannot produce them at the rate it would like to use them, so its supplementing with...
  8. H

    Suggestion for Pakistan-Turkey Nuclear Deterrence Command: A By-Product of Current Israil-Palestine War

    Come out in the streets with an Israeli flag to show your support, I dare you, any city in Turkey. See if you don't get mauled by people. lol, you won't be safe even in Izmir. All this coping about Kilicdaroglu acting like you are glad about the election b/c he went away, lmao. only b/c he...
  9. H

    Suggestion for Pakistan-Turkey Nuclear Deterrence Command: A By-Product of Current Israil-Palestine War

    You might be misunderstanding me. No one is demanding Turkey send soldiers or anything. Turkey out of all the countries in the region under the AK Party is doing the most with regards to helping Palestinians, the geography and the immense task is not lost on people. Turks I've seen protesting...
  10. H

    Suggestion for Pakistan-Turkey Nuclear Deterrence Command: A By-Product of Current Israil-Palestine War

    He is a pussy, These Turkish murtads try to act all hard on the internet with the Pro israel nonsense, dare them to hold a pro Israel rally inside Turkey, ACTUAL Turks will rip them apart limb for limb, and these people know that. This is why they hide and only act loud on the internet. lol you...
  11. H

    Turkish Naval Programs

    So I've been hearing about Turkey doing joint development with Spain on S-80 submarines to be built in Turkey, and I'm wondering if this is separate from the MILDEN project?
  12. H

    Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees

    There is no Hamas in East Jerusalem or the West Bank, and yet there is still land theft and occupation.
  13. H

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    The test Ivchenko-Progress AI-322 engines have already been delivered by Ukraine to the Bayraktar factories, so atleast in terms of testing they have the engine ready. Idk about mass production, as you mentioned there is a war.. I believe there was a picture of this engine on the Baykar factory...
  14. H

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    They are still doing tests no? Still in testing phase. They fly so much it doesn't get the same level of press coverage. Nothing new other than more test flights. TB3 is new so it gets more coverage about test flights.
  15. H

    Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees

    Thats a great option, leave your home and give it to us, or die. wtf kind of BS is that? Why should anyone accept that? Dying in your own home is better, for one thing, if they kill you, this only embarrasses them for the massacres and people see the Zionist entity for the genocidal scum that...
  16. H

    Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees

    Why should the people become refugees in the first place? They never ask this question. These people are living in their homes, why should they be ethnically cleansed, and why should it be acceptable for the Israelis to carry out land theft of their land. Its a facetious framing.
  17. H

    People of Palestine calling Pakistani Military.

    Thats his purpose, he is controlled opposition. They killed Arafat so that he would replace him, and his role is to be a lapdog and pacify the Palestinians.
  18. H

    People of Palestine calling Pakistani Military.

    What the matter why did you dodge the question? lol I'll ask again, ARE YOU MUSLIM, OR ARE YOU NOT MUSLIM? Murtads try to hide, but give themselves away the moment you dig a bit under the surface. lol Haramzades sitting in Britain lecturing people about the "strategic interests of Pakistan"...
  19. H

    T-625 & Turkish Utility Helicopter Programs

    Will weight be an issue? with the bigger/heavier helicopter than the T129. How does the Turkish engine compare to the LHTEC T800?
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