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  1. F.O.X

    Haqqani network also target of N Waziristan operation: ISPR

    We have already completed this mission , Haqqani network is not present in Pakistan anymore .... Mission Accomplished . now lets move on .
  2. F.O.X

    Russia Ready to Fulfill Prospective Projects in Pakistan - Putin

    It is a two way street , you stop supporting our enemies we will stop supporting yours .
  3. F.O.X

    Sri Lanka cancels on-arrival visa facility for Pakistanis

    Their country they rules, we should respect that .
  4. F.O.X

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    Yes they can Go Behind enemy lines ... but the question is how far then can go before they are sent back in the body bags . and for those who said US did it without any repercussion, go ask them how much it cost them , and while you are at it .. Count how many of the Seal Team 6(those who...
  5. F.O.X

    Lashkar Responsible for Attack at Indian Consulate in Herat: US

    LOL If you read their files , most of your so called peaceful counselors have order/orchestrated/or even taken part in terrorist activities within Pakistan ( proof of which was presented to your HC ) ... so it is cure you think that they are just simple diplomatic staff.
  6. F.O.X

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Go and have a mental checkup ... you desperately need it .
  7. F.O.X

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    May he achieve what he desires , May Allah's help be always with him ... Aameen ! .
  8. F.O.X

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Have you Made the evidence again Hafiz Saeed Public ?
  9. F.O.X

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    The Proof has been given countless time , last time your ambassador was handed with Transcripts , Terrorist Account details back linking to Indian sources , Phone conversations , photographs of Indian diplomatic staff with knows BLA terrorists , and few other things , you ambassador assured that...
  10. F.O.X

    India raises concern over Russian attack copter sale to Pakistan

    Well that shows your lack of knowledge & operational understanding , I would suggest you do a little more research on this subject and then return with strong arguments .
  11. F.O.X

    India raises concern over Russian attack copter sale to Pakistan

    currently we do not need any platform for pure Air Cover , we need to transport troops for DSM's , and there is no other Oprtion them Mi-35 , if there is let me know .
  12. F.O.X

    India raises concern over Russian attack copter sale to Pakistan

    Our Cobra was also taken down by AA fire from militants , so does that mean they are not effective, or that we should not use them against terrorists ?
  13. F.O.X

    India raises concern over Russian attack copter sale to Pakistan

    These Helies are perfect for what we need right now , no other Heli can fill that role , we need a fast mode of transportation to drop a team of 6-8 men provide them cover during the time they complete their task & then extract them . Now since you are such and excellent Weapons Procurement...
  14. F.O.X

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    I Like this Formation , Entry team Led by an SSG/LCB , it has been quite successful in recent operations .
  15. F.O.X

    Rana Sanaullah asked to resign : Shabaz Shareef

    What if I tell you even is Chota shreef Resigned himself it still wont be enough for TUQ .
  16. F.O.X

    India raises concern over Russian attack copter sale to Pakistan

    We Desperately need Mi35 for DSM's , I know of few operation which were called off due to lack of sufficient support firepower & inability to securing LZ.
  17. F.O.X

    Lal Shabaaz urs: Scorching heat claims 34 lives

    No one is sure of that except for Allah .
  18. F.O.X

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    TTP Karachi commander Killed .
  19. F.O.X

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Ohh Accha Bhai Jaan Chor , We will take care of the problems ourselves our way , that is what Nations do , we do not hide from them or accept the demands of nut jobs .
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