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  1. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    India ranks 111th out of 125 countries in Global Hunger Index 2023, below Pakistan, Sri Lanka

    It's probably more to do with malnutrition than hunger. Eating the wrong foods or lacking certain nutrients. Thats why you see a lot of thin Indian guys with massive bellies.
  2. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    Melbourne and Sydney bounce back up the world’s most liveable cities list

    The biggest drain to the budget is NDIS and Centrelink. My fortnightly tax is approximately 1200, barely enough to cover the payment for one retiree on Centrelink. NDIS is on another level....
  3. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    White Woman Fatally Shot Black Mother Of 4 Admits Racism

    Fcuking Karens with guns.
  4. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    India official drains entire dam to retrieve phone

    He was a low level food inspector and already have this much contempt and disregard for others. Also, why is he taking a selfie with that green stagnant water?
  5. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    Zhurong has died

    The magical being is so wise and powerful that his solution to a world ending flood is to build a wooden boat and then repopulate the world through incest. Cant beat someone that smart. The CCP is a continuation of the Chinese state, which far precedes the religions of today. When these...
  6. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    Zhurong has died

    It is cold hard science that will determine whether the rover will reawaken or not. Nil assistance required from some magical being who lives in the sky.
  7. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    Another U.S. train derailment carrying hazardous materials

    Its Detroit, a derailed train will fit right into the scenery.
  8. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    us brutal police beating leading to Tyre Nichols' death

    Incredibly fcuked up and heartless. Police all roided up and most like poorly educated.
  9. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    Taiwan TV: Beijing blue sky everyday, PM2.5 falls to record low in 2022

    I was in Beijing in winter 2018 and the air then was fcuked. Looks so much better now.
  10. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    Defect rate of Chinese chips shipped to Russia surged to 40 per cent after Western sanctions, local newspaper says

    Anonymous source = rubbish unsubstantiated article. Could be citing a youtube comment for all we know.
  11. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    One out of every 179 Americans will eventually be murdered if crime rate continues: study

    That number is too low. Look at how George Floyd died, police brutality in the USA is a murder machine.
  12. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    Myanmar Maid jailed for stabbing to death 95-year-old Singapore employer who spat in her face

    Maids get treated like shit. We won't know the whole truth of what happened but if the maid had been abused a long while then I call it justice.
  13. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    Vietnam is catching up on the chip race with FPT Semiconductor

    The Vietnamese are very capable people.
  14. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    The Chinese Unification Promotion Party members stormed Taiwan president tsai's rally, Shouting "Don't provoke the mainland"!

    I can't wait to take a train from the mainland to Taipei. 2035 is my estimate
  15. +4vsgorillas-Apebane

    China's 28nm DUV lithography machine was delivered in 2021

    100 percent of the landmass of the USA was acquired through unethical and illegal means.
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