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  1. Saquib

    Pak Navy New Anti Submarine Warfare Aircraft Lineage 1000E update!

    Can we have an update on Sea Sultan MPA?
  2. Saquib

    Why Pakistan's on the Brink of Collapse

    What are thoughts on this
  3. Saquib


    Are they left hand or right hand drive?
  4. Saquib

    US Army Weapons Smuggled Out of Afghanistan

    A new report outlined $7 billion dollars worth of US Military equipment was abandoned in Afghanistan but where is it going? Apparently it's flowing into India and Pakistan
  5. Saquib

    What if IK does an Erdo'an?

    It all depends on how big his DANDA!
  6. Saquib

    China moves to counter India with arms sales to Pakistan

    What about the rest; Legs, Head and Bodies!
  7. Saquib

    UAE and France sign deal for 80 Rafale fighter jets

    Does UAE have enough pilots?
  8. Saquib

    Pakistan Navy Questions Thread

    I came across this Leonardo AW-139 Seahawk - Sea combat search and rescue variant designed for Pakistan Air Force any info on this?
  9. Saquib

    Featured National emergency helpline 911 likely to ring in on July 25

    How about this number 786 The number signifies the benevolent and merciful Allah! We in the UK have 999 for all emergencies.
  10. Saquib

    Saab to supply Carl-Gustaf M4 to Norwegian army

    It's can be an ideal weapon for LOC?
  11. Saquib

    Saab to supply Carl-Gustaf M4 to Norwegian army

    Does PAK army has this in their inventory and have ever used them?
  12. Saquib

    Featured Pakistani Navy confirms Brazilian jetliner will replace Orion patrol aircraft

    I think PN might be launch customer for Embraer Lineage 1000 version of LRMP?
  13. Saquib

    Featured Pakistani Navy confirms Brazilian jetliner will replace Orion patrol aircraft

    Wouldn't be cheaper to just buy the ten aircraft covert them when they have the funds, otherwise it might be come very expensive. The price of the aircraft might go up!
  14. Saquib

    Featured Pakistani Navy confirms Brazilian jetliner will replace Orion patrol aircraft

    Have the PN already bought or optioned these 10 aircraft or are they going to buy one at a time?
  15. Saquib

    F-16 Pilots S/L Haseeb Paracha and Shakir Qazi saluting to Alpinist Alison Hargreaves.

    Where is the painting? I think it should be sent to her family as memorial!
  16. Saquib

    Imran Khan Announces to give Pak Citizenship to Afghan Refugees

    How many of you who criticizing, have families who are citizens in UK,USA, Canada etc..
  17. Saquib


    LUCK is the one thing you always need!
  18. Saquib

    Why Pakistan must annex/merge with Afghanistan

    This looks like history repeating itself; Scotland was a bankrupt and poor state and England wasn't = United Kingdom.
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