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  1. Slav Defence

    Dr. A.Q Khan passed away

    The Pakistan Defence forum management would like to express deep sorrow for the death of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan. Dr. A.Q Khan was a Pakistani nuclear scientist because of whom we stand here today as a proud and powerful nation. He had also established educational institutions and wrote several...
  2. Slav Defence

    Basic Ethics

    It has come to our attention that some members of PDF community are badly misbehaving with moderation team for one reason or another. I am very disappointed to see how some members are treating staff members as if they owe them something. I would like to remind all members that our staff and...
  3. Slav Defence

    Suggestions needed for Forum news

    Gentlemen, I was thinking for a project that helps us to create more fun, especially in this pandemic. In order to achieve this, I saw few sites now a days who quote tweets and make interesting narrative. I was thinking that what if we also have our own defence forum news network DFTN, where...
  4. Slav Defence

    Senior Moderators Corp.

    I would proudly like all of you to give a warm welcome to newly promoted Senior Moderators. Please welcome: Arsalan, jango, Wajsal, Zaki, Adios Amigo & Waz. These members were working tirelessly for the improvement of forum and are still setting examples for new and old members alike. In...
  5. Slav Defence

    New section for write-ups

    We have decided to replace the Senior's Cafe with Pakistan Defence Magazine. This will enable all of you to now give your opinion and make high quality posts regardless of your post count. Here is tutorial for all the posters: Step 1: When you decide to write any article, you will come...
  6. Slav Defence

    The wounds of past and cure: Future

    Written by: Slav Defence Category: Opinion I do not know, whether should I laugh or cry. I don't know that as if should I lie to you all or speak up the truth. I sometimes, don't even know whether I should give you all answers on basis of simple religious angle, political angle...
  7. Slav Defence

    Help us fight disinformation

    The 20th century has brought the access of technology in the hand of common man like never before. Hence, people from any class, race or faith are able to use technology for communication, social interaction and trade. Unfortunately, in past 15 years the websites meant for bringing people closer...
  8. Slav Defence

    кофейня (Russian coffee house)

    Hi all, I hope that everyone is doing fine in here. I am marking this thread as sticky will and hope that Russians will contribute here everything Russian: Food, culture,jokes, fun or whatever chat! Stay safe and enjoy!!
  9. Slav Defence

    Calling all Vloggers!!!

    Pakistan defence requires Vloggers for some projects. The Vlogger is supposed to make videos on work given by management. This announcement is also an initial glimpse to our next incoming exciting project released soon. Regards
  10. Slav Defence

    Coronavirus Evolved Naturally, and ‘Is Not a Laboratory Construct,’ Genetic Study Shows March 19, 20

    Those people who were blaming each other for alleged deliberate attempt for spreading virus. Here is an update for you...
  11. Slav Defence

    Best Writer's Contest | 2020

    I would like to make an announcement for Best Writer's Contest 2020. The posters are invited to bring write-ups for following categories: Topics: Defence & Politics Social issues Military gear & Equipment AI & Surveillance International Laws and treaties: How countries are bounded. World...
  12. Slav Defence

    Calling all the nations!!

    Gentlemen, I have observed a very common issue and would be required all contributing members of this forum to help. As members you all are aware that we have limited number of moderators and most importantly from few nations.Where as Pakistan Defence Forum has diverse pool of nations. Hence...
  13. Slav Defence

    Nation's Club

    Kindly write point wise about your country. Your post should cover following points: Ideology of your country. Political parties of your country. Allies of your country. Countries with whom your country share border with. Foes of your country. Inner politics of your country. Organizations...
  14. Slav Defence

    Welcome @ghazi as Think Tank Analyst

    We would like to welcome @ghazi52 as new addition of Think Tanks. Welcome to the special group. We hope that you will continue to contribute positively in upcoming future. Regards
  15. Slav Defence

    Chinese tea shop!

    Hello!? I thought that there should be a Chinese chit chat thread like we have in other defence forums as well. If you want to relax here with a reviving cup of Chinese tea than everyone is welcome here! Share jokes and light hearted discussion in here Happy chatting
  16. Slav Defence

    Pakistan defence forum- Annual meeting 2019-20

    All members are invited to drop their suggestions in few lines: 1) What new feature they want to see? 2) What challenges are we facing? 3) Any suggestions for new members!? Note: Do not make this thread a troll fest or anti xyz campaign.Doing so will cause your credibility to be zilch. If you...
  17. Slav Defence

    PTI lead government discussion thread

    Respected members, As a common citizen of this state I have casted my vote to PTI , thinking that we may observe some improvement in the system. This thread is positively meant for suggestions and discussion regarding Khan's strategy to resolve problems and to fix corrupted system that is...
  18. Slav Defence

    Indian Science Congress Speakers Say Newton Was Wrong, Ancient Demon-King Had Planes

    Interesting: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2019/01/09/683298815/speakers-at-indian-science-congress-say-newton-was-wrong-ancient-demon-had-airpl?fbclid=IwAR1_7u67a_4pTzDlVoYHh-bq82oBYeebk-itxt9h6DtOx7s5g28dtF_glpo
  19. Slav Defence

    Austerliz is Banned

    Austerliz has been banned from the forum for violating forum rules and code of conduct for TTAs. Thanks.
  20. Slav Defence

    Woh hamsafar tha..

    Recently, a beautiful song reaches mega hits in both India and Pakistan.People started to make overwhelming comments over the romantic song: "Woh Hamsafar Tha".However, very little people knew about the fact that the song beautiful sung by Quratulain recently (and Abida perveen in past) was...
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