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  1. Conqueror

    The Declining Credibility of the Pakistan Army: A Wake-Up Call for Change

    If a credible poll were conducted in Pakistan, the support for the Pakistan Army would now be less than 20%. There is an 86% popularity of PTI in Pakistan, which holds Pakistan Army generals and ill-reputed leaders responsible for overthrowing Imran Khan and the PTI Government. This is widely...
  2. Conqueror

    Pakistan Army must restrain or Pakistan will be no more

    Year 2022-2023, Pakistan army is operating like a criminal group against the interest of people and the state of Pakistan. They're in survival mode trying to stay alive at the expense of the rest. If you ask whats the difference between MQM the terrorist political group in Karachi and Pak...
  3. Conqueror

    Negative growth - Pak Army backed Shahbaz Sharif has destroyed the country

    How proud is the Pakistan Army of having installed Shahbaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar using PAF planes? You must be proudly thumping your chests. Why not give yourself a few medals of honour and get some salutes? Most factories closed, remaining operating at 65% capacity, new orders not coming anymore
  4. Conqueror

    Corrupt, inept and defeated - Army backed Shahbaz Sharif Govt

    This is the policy of the PMLN government that the Pakistan Army and every political party in Pakistan is pushing. Links to tweets: Tweet1 (divide bread among 4 - ex Finance Minsiter PMLN) Tweet2 (We're out of money - Khuaja Asif - PMLN) Tweet 3 (Stop eating chicken, its poisoned - Fed...
  5. Conqueror

    More patriotic than Pak Fouj, Imran Khan is guilty

    It's clear who's behind the assassination attempt on Imran Khan. Why hide it anymore...? Its Pakistan Army - looking to assassinate him for some goals and gains beyond comprehension. Mind it, it was one person who divided Pakistan before—another military general—and the new lunatics are...
  6. Conqueror

    Books soldiers should read to become better

    What are some books that are so good that they changed who you are? They changed the way you think, they changed the way you act and the way you look at life and your purpose in life? Follow the pattern: Book title, author, a link to buy/download that The summary: What the book is teaching The...
  7. Conqueror

    Pak Army wants to accept Israel - and fix resistive Imran Khan

    Look down into Pakistan's problems from a height of 50 thousand feet and try to answer the question: Why is all this happening? Imran Khan has been shot, and the Army is desperate to keep him out, opposing him vehemently and refusing to dismiss army personnels involved in criminal acts against...
  8. Conqueror

    Intelligence is now threatening Imran Khan Riaz after killing Arshad Sharif

    Today (28 Oct, 2022) Imran Khan Riaz was approached by people in plain clothes and he was shown images of his home, his bedroom and more, adding words of threat and consequences if he continued what he was doing. Identify the date and time of this message. If Imran Khan Riaz is harmed, we'd know...
  9. Conqueror

    Is National defence a paid job or a sacred duty?

    Is national defence a paid job that you do because you get paid, like plumbing and welding, or is it a sacred duty of every sensekeeping citizen? Another vexing question: Does patriotism begin in you when you wear a uniform and end when you take it off? Do you not have patriotism in you unless...
  10. Conqueror

    Kid scholars - Blown away by the wisdom of 10 years old

    A shocker! Kids are perhaps born with "a deep default knowledge". I had a conversation with my 10 years old son this morning, and I am blown away by the depth of his thinking. Here are some points for your delight. For the ease of reading, I have replaced his long sentences with simple words...
  11. Conqueror

    Mechanism within Armed Forces to Punish political involvement

    It may be an innocent question and may offend many, but let me ask anyway: What is the mechanism within Establishment to prosecute individuals involved in the politics of Pakistan? I am calling it an "innocent question" because we know Establishment purposefully destroys the political...
  12. Conqueror

    Establishment of Pakistan that hides behind the Tombs of Martyred

    There is so much talk around the sacrifices of Armed Forces of Pakistan and how they defended this motherland, and they're right. Armed Forces have saved this country, offering all kinds of sacrifices fighting enemies at the border and within. These guardians have the best of our respects...
  13. Conqueror

    PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

    Hello Everybody, Post and share everything related to PTI, Imran Khan's political carrier, campaigns and events coming ahead. Website: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Facebook: Pakistan Tehreek-e-insaf [Offical page] | Facebook Twitter: PTI - Twitter YouTube: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf...
  14. Conqueror

    Sydney or Melbourne - Where to go after Immigration?

    Hello Australian Fellows, I have got Permanent Residence Visa for Australia and I am set to sail in around couple of months time. I have a crucial decision to make for which I am seeking your advise. I have two places in mind where I can go. Sydney or Melbourne. I am into IT/Media business my...
  15. Conqueror

    J-10 - Extreme Manoeuvrability (Mini with TVC)

    I wish Real FC-20 would have TVC in coming versions.. :yes2:
  16. Conqueror

    I'm going to settle in Australia - Any Suggestions?

    Hay guys.. I am going to settle in Australia in around 4-5 months time from now. I've got family migration but I might be moving alone first to settle accommodation etc. I don't know anybody there.. don't know how's it going to look like, don't know how people are there and what are economic...
  17. Conqueror

    Dr. Ata-ul-Rehman on Importance of Education

    The Great Dr. Ata-ul-Rehman is explaining where we are lacking and what is importance of Education for the defense of Pakistan. YouTube - Jirga - 3rd january 2011 part 1 - 1 / 2 YouTube - Jirga - 3rd january 2011 part 1 - 2 / 2 YouTube - Jirga - 3rd january 2011 part 2 - 1 / 2...
  18. Conqueror

    Why is the complain thread closed? Is that against the rules?

    I want to know why the thread about banneing of a member got closed? Is complaining not allowed anymore?. If anybody thinks he has his stance, why would he force the others to stop pitching theirs? Old Thread...
  19. Conqueror

    I am Al-Khalid

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