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  1. H

    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    We know that Germany will not allow it. Why are they so eager to be disgraced?
  2. H

    Israel will commit a massacre in Gaza

    Hamas will withdraw after 3-5 days and hand over Gaza to Israel. There are people who are happy about this terrible situation.
  3. H

    ÖZGÜR-2 Project signed for F-16 Block 30, 40 and 50

    https://www.savunmasanayist.com/f-16-blok-3040-ve-50ler-icin-ozgur-2-projesi-imzalandi/ Block 30s will be delivered in 2025-2027, and block 40-50s will be delivered in 2028-2030.
  4. H

    2023 Turkish election

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