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    Forex idea, let other nations pay us to take their trash

    Easy way for us to make dollars Recently China was one of the largest destinations for global garbage and they got valuable foreign reserves. We can do the same and at least get us out of debt trap. https://www.lovemoney.com/galleries/85732/the-countries-where-the-worlds-waste-goes
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    Can Pakistan build one of these ww2 u boats or something better today? completely in house

    I was impressed by the complxity of these machines the navigation equipment, targeting systems, and they even have an analog computer to help with trigonometry Keep in mind this was done when they were sanctioned so most if not all of these components were made by the germans.
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    Pakistan has one of the oldest space programmes in Asia.

    https://eurasiantimes.com/pakistan-china-asias-oldest-space-agency-suparco-satellites/ It is vital to note that Pakistan has one of the oldest space programs in the world and the oldest in Asia. Indian ISRO was established in 1969 while China’s CNSA was formed much later in 1993. Felt proud...
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    What is the best we can hope to achieve if everything went right?

    In sports, there is something called 'genetic maxxing out' where you are simply unable to progress further in muscle gains due to simple genetics. Given the resources this nation has, the human capital, the people IQ and strategic placement, what could we realistically achieve if politics was...
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    what Pakistan can learn from Israel, both countries are facing similar issues

    Economics explained has a great video on the case of Israel, in the 80's it was like Pakistan with high inflation at about 300% and no real exports and no natural resources. Pakistan also has no natural resources and like Israel has hostile neighbors. We can learn by studying their case study...
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    What is the foreign office doing? What have they achieved?

    Just trying to figure out why we dont have any loans from friendly nations yet, isnt this the foreign office job? to maintain relations and ask for favors etc.
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    What Prevents the U.S COAS from overthrowing Biden?

    This dude is the leader of the worlds strongest army and the CIA. What prevents him from taking power, if he was inclined to do so? What checks are in place ? And are the US military really in power, but we just dont know it?
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    Looks like IMF wanted to know where the flood money received was spent.

    I hope our govt can provide them the details and get this bailout asap.
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    Why are superpowers so massive? Is this a size requirement? And is Pakistan too small to aspire to this goal? or any muslim nation for that matter.

    USA, USSR, China and if india becomes one, all are huge nations. I was wondering if other nations are just too small to ever attain this status.
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    Is there oil in Pakistan? Onshore or offshore?

    I have seen this topic tossed around and many news of such discoveries. I want to know the status of where this oil is, why its not being exported yet and what are we doing to explore furthr oil fields in the sea or on land. If we ever become an oil exporter, we can get out of this econimic...
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    Are Nuclear weapons now overrated?

    They used to be a symbol of pride and leading edge tech. Recently seems like the world is no longer impressed and small weak backward nations with no armies like Taiwan and netherlands are at the cutting edge of many supply chains, i.e. microchips. Instrumental to those supply chains.
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    what will happen after a collapse? Will we become like Somalia?

    I wish I could see how Sri Lanka turned out, but whats the likely scenario? If Govt has no money, no police, no military and no water, electricity. Basically anarchy ? what normally happens in cases of default?
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    Can we jumpstart a 6th gen fighter program?

    I have always felt that we never started in aviation early, we missed the bi plane era, the propeller plane era and never really got into the Jet era - we lack out own engines. Chinese mentality has always been to compete, no matter how far behind. Now, the US is starting its 6th gen program...
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    whats the difference between our fence with Afghanistan vs the one with India?

    if Afghans keep breaching us, why cant we breach Indians?
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    What if India becomes superpower? What then?

    I think at this point, their growing industrial base, large landmass, and tech sector, they will eventually become a second tier superpower like the soviets (who had a lot of poverty compared to the west) what would Pakistans defence strategy be then? They will be treated with even greater...
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    Is Nawaz actually richer than Jeff bezos?

    Jeff and other billionaires are limited by law and to the extent of their companies. This guy has all of Pak, I dont believe hes poorer than a guy who owns a shipping/warehousing company. Our man is deffo in the top ten with Musk and others.
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    Most innovative countries 2022

    At least were not grey like Afghanistan https://www.visualcapitalist.com/most-innovative-countries-2022/
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    If Pakistan were to Vanish tomorrow how would it be ranked among the muslim empires of this region and middle east?

    Im talking about gunpower empires, ottomans, Delhi Sultanate. We study these empires. Im wondering if future generations will study Pakistan in the same way.
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    Can Pakistan come in and plug the gap for microchips ?

    We have lots of sand in Balochistan desert, we have access to a port as well. We really have the same gifts that Taiwan has. We should buy some of the ultraviolet machines from the netherlands and set up a plant. Unless there is a real reason we cant, which I dont see. We are geographically...
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    Why does our PM not travel in a large airforce one type plane?

    We are a nuclear power and among the largest military force in the world. One would think we would have a plane with command and control so that descisions could be taken from the air in case of a MAD situation. And its embarassing seeing SS climb out of that small plane when lesser...
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