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  1. Waterboy

    PTI anti Pakistan and economy stance.

    Literally no shame. From shehbaz gill to fawad chaudhry everyone is a stupid clown. Politics on economy is the worst thing.
  2. Waterboy

    PKR falling like a meteorite.

    Right at this moment the interbank rate is 242... The journey started from 173 and now it's at 242. Everyday we loose about 4, 5 rupees. No single head is turned. Federal government is busy in god knows what. SBP is chilling. Khan is busy conquering provinces. Is there anyone who cares for...
  3. Waterboy

    How realistic is the possibility of import of crude or wheat from russia?

    People here are speaking on top of their lungs that IK got a good deal from russia, however no MOU was ever signed, it's all based on what he said. Moving forward if we do import crude from russia during deranged international political environment(russia ukraine war), how will if affect our...
  4. Waterboy

    Who will decide if the next elections are fair or not?

    I am seeing a trend where people are advocating that PTI government should be restored or should come back to power via election. Moreover there's an alternative thread going on where members are advocating for civil disobedience and violence. How will the people of Pakistan know whether the...
  5. Waterboy

    TTP mutilates Pak army soldiers in waziristan.

    Snowflakes and softies here would be like, no airstrikes.... It's about time we start levelling the TTP, No matter how many kids end up dead It's on taliban and TTP.
  6. Waterboy

    Targeted campaign against the army should stop.

    It's really unfortunate to see staunch supporters turning against the armed forces. What has transpired over the last few weeks was unfortunate, however it does not in any capacity justify army bashing. There will be numerous IK and populist leaders, they will come and go. Politicians will...
  7. Waterboy

    PTI spreading facism and anarachy

    Advocating people to hang the opposition based on accusations is nothing short of fascism. They've already butchered the constitution and now advocating for violence. PTI legalised TLP and now they're spreading the seeds of anarchy and justice through violence. Better sense should prevail...
  8. Waterboy

    Who's looking after the economy?

    Unfortunately people are busy following their cults and the economy is on autopilot about to crash. As of today: Rupee touched 185 Foreign reserves stand at 11billion dollars We have two months of import cover PTI continues to subsidize petrol, which is darconomics. IK was rallying for protest...
  9. Waterboy

    Petrol at 127.30 - highest ever

    Petrol Prices Increased to Rs. 127.30 per liter! The highest ever price in the history of Pakistan. Dollar crossing Rs. 171 - the highest ever in the history of Pakistan. The finance ministry said Pakistan’s prices are lowest in region but we also have one of the lowest GDP per Capita in the...
  10. Waterboy

    Good times ahead

    Lemme just reiterate, all of this is happening because of N league and we all should just shutup and drink IK kool aid. Tabdeli agaiii
  11. Waterboy

    Why TLP is dangerous, and the 10 factors that led us here:

    The recent protests by Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan, and the banning of the outfit, is being reduced to a political fight. However, as always the reality is a whole lot more nuanced and complicated than that. The dangers TLP holds for Pakistan go beyond the tenure of PTI. TLP is a result of decades...
  12. Waterboy

    BLA releases Video of Ormara Attack

    { Video removed! } Before the moderators start with the bullshit of not posting gruesome content, every Pakistani should watch this video and know about the sacrifices of the FC soldiers, and freedoms come at a cost paid by the ordinary young men. The army and the FC commander needs to be...
  13. Waterboy

    Rape victim should've been more careful, taken safer route: CCPO Lahore

    The affected woman departed for Gujranwala at 12:30 AM. LAHORE (Dunya News) – Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Umar Sheikh Thursday said while speaking exclusively to Dunya News that the culprits involved in motorway rape incident will be arrested within 48 hours. The CCPO noted that...
  14. Waterboy

    Punjab Police Receives Salary Increment of up to 120%, made equal to that of PAS officers.

    Salaries of Police officers in Punjab made equal to PAS officers LAHORE (Dunya News) – The Punjab government has approved an increase in the salaries of Punjab Police officers. PSP officers’ salaries now stand equal to those of Pakistan Administrative Services Group (PAS). In summary, the...
  15. Waterboy

    The silence on Uzair Baloch's Iran connection

    https://arab.news/jx7gz Uzair Baloch, who was tried by a military court three years ago for spying on his country’s army and providing information to Iranian intelligence officials on sensitive installations in Pakistan, made headlines again after the provincial administration of Sindh released...
  16. Waterboy

    Decision to reopen educational institutions on July 2: Shafqat Mahmood

    Decision to reopen educational institutions on July 2: Shafqat Mahmood Top Story Muhammad Anis June 27, 2020 ISLAMABAD: Minister for Federal Education Shafqat Mahmood on Friday told the National Assembly that private schools were pressurising the government to open educational...
  17. Waterboy

    India setting up liquor stores in IOK

    The fascist rss government taking advantage of Covid 19, are setting the ground for demographic and ethnic change in Kashmir.
  18. Waterboy

    Imran Khan and Lies

    Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later that debt is paid. First he downplayed the pandemic and now blames the people.
  19. Waterboy

    Petrol pricing likely to be deregulated

    ISLAMABAD: Amid continuously aggravating petroleum shortage across the country, the government has decided in principle to “completely deregulate” petrol pricing and marketing and do away with uniform pricing mechanism. The decision comes at a time when oil marketing companies (OMCs) are under...
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