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Recent content by vostok

  1. vostok

    what happened to our Russian friend vostok

    Thank you all for your concern. I am fine for now.
  2. vostok

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    It is quite painful times for me. No will to prove something to anyone.
  3. vostok

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    It is a payback for 8 years of constant shelling of Donbass people.
  4. vostok

    Erdogan calls Russia's recognition of Ukrainian breakaways 'unacceptable'

    More like former US states broken away during the Great Depression+Civil War happened at a same time with the help of hostile foreign powers 30 years ago. Cuba or Mexico for Russia is more like Norway or Mongolia. And Ukraine for Russia is the same as Wheat Belt or New England for USA.
  5. vostok

    Germany suspends Nord Stream 2 certification

    China will have 100$ Russian gas, while Germany will have 1000$ American gas. RIP German industrial might.
  6. vostok

    Russian Air Force. Photos & Videos & Discussion

    Su-57 production in Komsomolsk-on-Amur
  7. vostok

    Germany suspends Nord Stream 2 certification

    Beidou2020 is absolutely right. You deserve it better than anyone else, including me.
  8. vostok

    Russian Navy

    Yes, he was the second Russian ruler, right after Rurik. He conquered Kiev and made it capital of Rus, before Kiev capital was in Novgorod.
  9. vostok

    Russian Navy

    About 1000 km. I suppose much more with nuclear warhead.
  10. vostok

    Russian Navy

    Zircon missile firing.
  11. vostok

    West will introduce sanctions against Russia in any case, Putin says

    NATO is Hitler's best dream, his life-long wish for Christmas. And now new Hitler wants Ukraine and Caucasus, as old one did. And the ultimate goal - to destroy Russia. Nothing changes here, only some slogans. Fools see "democracy' instead of "nazism", "autocrats" instead of "untermensch"...
  12. vostok

    Russia in pictures

    Kaluga, town in Central Russia
  13. vostok

    New Iskander missile brigade to be created in Russian Eastern military district

    As far as I understand ballistic Iskander missile flying with ballistic trajectory but being able to make some random maneuvers most of the way.
  14. vostok

    Russian parliament passes bill on recognition of self-proclaimed Donbass "republics"

    Ukraine since 2014 is an occupied country. If USA will order to attack - Ukrainian president will attack.
  15. vostok

    French military to quit Mali in possible boost to jihadists

    PARIS/BAMAKO, Feb 17 (Reuters) - France and military allies said on Thursday they would leave Mali after almost a decade based there fighting Islamist insurgents around West Africa, moving instead to Niger despite public disenchantment with Paris' role in the region. Coups in Mali, Chad and...
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