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Recent content by shaded

  1. shaded

    Change of Arm Just After ISSB.

    Alright sir I read it and I think I almost got my answer. thank you
  2. shaded

    Change of Arm Just After ISSB.

    I understand this very well but it clearly says " once inducted " .At the time of receiving recommendation, the candidate is not necessarily inducted in the arm. then does this apply to that aswell ?
  3. shaded

    Change of Arm Just After ISSB.

    HI I know it's pretty late to see this thread to be replied again but I have this exact same question . If I got recommended in issb for CAE in the airforce , can I change my arm to army ?
  4. shaded

    eye sight problem????

    thank you sir . it's not stopping me from trying
  5. shaded

    eye sight problem????

    i have a question . i have 6/6 vision in both eyes but inherently my left eyeball is a little smaller than my right which causes some refractive problems . will i have any problems in my medical ?
  6. shaded

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Can I safely assume that the F 16 is un-flyable were it not for the fly by wire system due to its aerodynamic instability?
  7. shaded

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

  8. shaded

    Air Force Question Thread

    when is the next gdp course registration opening due ?
  9. shaded

    How do we make PDF better?

    please appoint only // one Air chief marshal one chief of army staff AAAND ONE navy admiral // in this PDF having multiples of each is UNPROFESSIONAL AND AWKWARD
  10. shaded

    My Encounter With PAF Airchief

    dont forget snickers
  11. shaded

    Air Force Question Thread

    sir i am extremely sorry to ask this question again . but i posed this question to someone within the airforce . he passionately agreed to this percentage and even said " it maybe even less than that " . i am confused at this stage . can you confirm that what is the real statement ?
  12. shaded

    Air Force Question Thread

    Can anyone explain the FALCON UP modification upgrade ? will be appreciated
  13. shaded

    Air Force Question Thread

    thank you sir
  14. shaded

    Air Force Question Thread

    where are these mechanicals jamming devices like chaffs , decoys and corner deflectors located on an aircraft
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