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Recent content by Sam6536

  1. S

    Maldives President Asks Indian Military To Pack It's Bags !

    My bad, the second half of the comment still stands though.
  2. S

    Pakistan officially applies for BRICS in 2024

    Nations need stability as well as in political and economic stability. The original term was coined by a western economist.
  3. S

    Pakistan officially applies for BRICS in 2024

    Okay make it growing economies across the globe, the point still stands.
  4. S

    Pakistan officially applies for BRICS in 2024

    Yes make it a cope chamber with China, Pakistan and Russia in it. Please push India further into arms of the West, brilliant strategy lol. India is passive on the whole anti China thing and QUAD right now due to diplomacy and trade still being open and free between India and China.
  5. S

    Pakistan officially applies for BRICS in 2024

    "Highest growing economies in Asia with a bright future" Umm that's the sole reason BRICS exist, you can't possibly take a nation which goes to the IMF and the Chinese to bail them out every 3 yrs. Pakistan has gone to the IMF like 23 times that's like every 3 years since it's creation.
  6. S

    Who is more Islamophobic, Jews or Hindus ?

    Race and religion is secondary to national and geopolitical interests. Nations use the religion card to propagate their nationalistic ideology. The religious hardliners of each religion would get political support for votes and influence to skew public view in a particular direction. We went...
  7. S


    It was a temporary setback but what did it change in the region? Taliban is pro Pakistan? You guys have border clashes with them pretty often. Taliban wants to continue diplomatic and economic relationship with India. When they said that they won't let "hostile elements" use their land against...
  8. S

    US thwarted plot to kill Sikh separatist on American soil

    Ah yes brilliant idea, the last debacle and spillover effect wasn't enough it seems. No way funding and training rogue elements can go wrong not like current day Pakistan isn't reeling under those same effects. Also America has pretty much dumped Pakistan, I mean you have CPEC and military links...
  9. S

    US thwarted plot to kill Sikh separatist on American soil

    I don't know how deep state things works, how the intelligence agency is involved or if they just pay some random joe to carry out a hit so can't comment. But a lot of Pakistani extremists have been dying "mysteriously", I've read about rivalry and stuff so dunno could be the handiwork of RAW...
  10. S

    US thwarted plot to kill Sikh separatist on American soil

    China and India don't even use weapons at our borders. Apart from couple of skirmishes there hasn't been arms usage since the war in 1962. America wants India to serve as an check to China so China is forced to divert men and resources from South China Sea. India wants American TOT and...
  11. S

    US thwarted plot to kill Sikh separatist on American soil

    It'll make a media whiplash like last time then vanish into obscurity again. The Reuters article mentions this was conveyed during Modi's June state visit to the US since then India and the US have signed a lot of deals. Also see the wording the journalist themselves aren't sure about what...
  12. S

    China has a sweeping vision to reshape the world — and countries are listening

    I'll give a differing outlook USA has delegated Russian threat to secondary status, Ukraine is effectively countering Russia with western help that's the best deal scenario USA cam hope for. China pivot has long been in the works. QUAD, AUKUS are just passive measures for this. Right now USA...
  13. S

    China has a sweeping vision to reshape the world — and countries are listening

    China can't reshape anything till it replaces western hegemony which i dont see happening as of now. International law is western made, human rights, right to protect etc all has evolved through western jurisprudence which the world follows right now. IMF, World Bank,UN all major financial and...
  14. S

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Arrogance doesn't take you till finals though. End point is that Australia played well and perserved today. India's best match was against NZ. Batting order collapsed today.
  15. S

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Australian fielding was top notch Even under pressure Travis Head played well. Problem with India was that after Rohit everyone crumbled. Kl Rahul and Kohli had a limited partnership but not enough to make a difference.
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