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Recent content by SaadH

  1. S

    New evidence challenges the Pentagon’s account of a horrific attack as the US withdrew from Afghanistan

    This was brought up at the top but all CIA fronts AKA MSM outlets buried the news at the time. Now as usual, when no one cares and Afghanistan is under sanctions and there won't be any accountability, these stories are coming out.
  2. S

    Who is more Islamophobic, Jews or Hindus ?

    According to quran they are both equally opposed to believers in the most vicious way.
  3. S

    Pakistan seeks Russia's help to join BRICS as a member

    Yeah sure, thook kar chaatna, after Bajwa revealed to the whole world that pak Mil-establishment is made up of perennially enslaved sepoys who will never do anything to displease their western masters. And now with what faces will they approach Russians after condemning their invasion of...
  4. S

    This Pakistani journalist just compared zionism to Muslim Nationalism.

    I'm surprised he didn't throw Zia in the mix or did he? He's one noun, verb and adjective away from blaming Zia for all the ills in the world.
  5. S

    China’s rise is reversing

    That's quite a disingenuous and misleading statement, only multimillionaires and billionaires are better off, most Americans can't even afford $500 emergency. Incomes for workers have been stagnant since the late 70s and high inflation has killed their remaining purchase power.
  6. S

    Confirmed : PAF Negotiating For L-15 LIFT Aircrafts !

    Not by choice, as the previous head sepoy lamented to his western masters, you don't sell to us oh exhalted masters and we have no choice but to buy Chinese equipment.
  7. S

    Nawaz, US ambassador meet in Lahore, discuss political and economic situation

    Faujis AKA sepoys have been selling motherland far longer since 1751.
  8. S

    Nawaz, US ambassador meet in Lahore, discuss political and economic situation

    And now you are Army's biggest fan, wonder what changed.
  9. S

    How will we know that India is about to attack

    India is already in control of Pakistan's foreign policy through the colonial sepoys of GHQ. It has no need to attack Pakistan...
  10. S

    TB2 killer goes bankrupt

    Maybe Turks should acquire it for cheap
  11. S

    Hamas miscalculation?

    And then Apple will be banned in China...followed by Tesla. After AIPAC, Corporations have the second biggest say in the US Foreign Poicy...and they wouldn't want to let go of their 2nd biggest market in China.
  12. S

    Nawaz Sharif's women obsession.

    That's why this mfkr had fake naked pics of Benazir dropped from airplane.
  13. S

    Why hasn’t U.S. poverty improved in 50 years? Pulitzer-prize winning author Matthew Desmond has an answer

    Reaganomics and neoliberal economic policies. Downward spiral of late stage capitalism. As soon as dollar loses it reserve status, game over for US.
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