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  1. Piotr

    Drunk US Military Instructor Says Ukrainians are War Criminals

    There were volunteers from Russia and other countries fighting for Donbass just like there were US volunteers/mercenaries fighting in Nazi Azov Battalion. There is evidence that regime in Kiev and it's western backers acted in bad faith: Merkel’s, Hollande’s remarks on Minsk Accords signify...
  2. Piotr

    Drunk US Military Instructor Says Ukrainians are War Criminals

    Local Donbass forces were not foreign and there where no Russian forces in Donbass back then. Russia didn't violate Minsk Agreements. The difference is Moscow granted Dagestan and Chechnya broad autonomy, something regime in Kiev and it's western backers refused to grant to Donbass. Regime in...
  3. Piotr

    Drunk US Military Instructor Says Ukrainians are War Criminals

    Russia is defending Donbass. Regime in Kiev was obliged by Minsk Agreements to give autonomy to Donbass. Regime in Kiev not only refused to implement Minsk Agreements but continued to shell Donbass. In fact neither regime in Kiev nor it's western sponsors ever intended to implement Minsk...
  4. Piotr

    Merkel’s Confession: Minsk Agreements Were Lie Aimed To Inflame War Against Russia

    Merkel’s Confession: Minsk Agreements Were Lie Aimed To Inflame War Against Russia Frau Merkel revealed in her interview with the Zeit newspaper that the Minsk agreements were not an attempt to establish peace in war-torn Ukraine but they were aimed to give the Kiev regime more time to...
  5. Piotr

    Thanks. Martyr Soleimani is a great hero. He defeated US terrorist organisation Daesh.

    Thanks. Martyr Soleimani is a great hero. He defeated US terrorist organisation Daesh.
  6. Piotr

    Poland to sue Germany for $1.3 trillion over WWII

    Many Germans are indeed very racist and chauvinist.
  7. Piotr

    Poland to sue Germany for $1.3 trillion over WWII

    It's in Ukraine and it's going to stay in Ukraine.
  8. Piotr

    Poland to sue Germany for $1.3 trillion over WWII

    In World War II we defeated Germans. There was Polish Division - 1 Warszawska Dywizja Piechoty - that together with the Russians conquered Berlin. Polish flag over conquered Berlin and Polish soldier Antoni Jabłoński: Soviet army played by far major role in defeat of Germany, by we also...
  9. Piotr

    Poland to sue Germany for $1.3 trillion over WWII

    Germans didn't give as any land, we liberated our land that was occupied by Germans.
  10. Piotr

    Poland to sue Germany for $1.3 trillion over WWII

    As Kaczyński said mentality of the Germans hasn't changed since the times of their previous leader Adolf Hitler. If Germans can't affort to pay they can give back Polish land they still occupy (including Berlin)
  11. Piotr

    Nord Stream explosions are a ‘tremendous opportunity’ – US

    Regime in Washington is very happy: Nord Stream explosions are a ‘tremendous opportunity’ – US 1 Oct, 2022 14:1 Washington can now step in as Europe’s top supplier of LNG, the Biden administration explained The US views the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines as a “tremendous...
  12. Piotr

    Putin signs treaties on Donbass, Zaporozhye, and Kherson accession to Russia

    Putin speech: PILNE wystąpienie PUTINA! [NA ŻYWO] ANEKSJA UKRAINY
  13. Piotr

    Poland-Russia Cooperation and Friendship : News & Discussions

    Polish newspaper interview with official from Donetsk Peoples Republic. He explain why they decided to leave the Ukraine. Aleksandr Kofman: Ukraina nas "przekonała"
  14. Piotr

    Putin signs treaties on Donbass, Zaporozhye, and Kherson accession to Russia

    Putin signs treaties on Donbass, Zaporozhye, and Kherson accession to Russia 30 Sep, 2022 12:59 The treaties are now to be verified by the Russian Constitutional Court and ratified by parliament President Vladimir Putin has signed the treaties on the inclusion of the two Donbass republics...
  15. Piotr

    Over 90% of Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson voters favor joining Russia — first results

    Why should Russia nuke Kiev ? Russia is not fighting against Kiev, but against England and USA. Without support from England and English colonists in North America Zelensky regime would be already over. One Russian member of parlament already sad that in case of World War 3 they will turn...
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