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Recent content by mhosein

  1. mhosein

    First Photos of Destroyed Leopard and Bradley’s, confirmed

    What this war has demonstrated and exposed, is that the West is NOT invincible and when confronted by a Peer Power, the West has NOTHING in its arsenal to challenge, let alone, dominate its adversary. 500 years of oppression of the Western Civilization (probably civilized in their own...
  2. mhosein

    Breaking Point: USA Manipulated into backing overthrow of Imran Khan government

    The one thing that has occurred in the last few years have been a mercy from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. Those with some semblance of rationale and Imaan, have seen that Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah has exposed the True Traitors to Islam. These are the leadership of Pakistan Army, ISI and other...
  3. mhosein

    Afghan - Iran clashes over Water Rights

    The governments of Afghanistan and Iran must establish lines of communication and refrain from fighting each other. Peace must become priority number one and a settlement must established for sharing the water of the river, equitably.
  4. mhosein

    Pakistan makes unprecedented announcement of nuclear capabilities

    Those nuclear capabilities are WORTHLESS when the ones in power DO NOT SERVE the People of Pakistan and are actively looting and plundering the wealth of Pakistan. The leadership of Pakistan Military take orders from their Masters in Washington and London. A day will come, when the only TRUE...
  5. mhosein


    Those who live in glass houses, what awaits them ... I was commenting on the article, not you. Western Mainstream Media are proven pathological liars, quoting them is worthless. The West is a rotting carcass and is destined to meet a horrifying end. Let this be the last time we cross paths...
  6. mhosein


    China extricated 770 million people out of poverty. You expect me to believe this bu!!$hit article? https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2022/04/01/lifting-800-million-people-out-of-poverty-new-report-looks-at-lessons-from-china-s-experience I flip that right back at you, bud.
  7. mhosein

    Parvez Elahi cautions Imran against issuing irresponsible statements

    These are the scum that form governance in Pakistan? Bajwa is a fool with a capital "F" to leaning toward the West. Such mindset can only exist when one is devoid of any Hikmah as a Muslim. His $$$ billion family fortune proves he is nothing more than a prostitute along with Nawaz, Zardari...
  8. mhosein


    What a load of crock!! Journalism surely is dead in the West!!
  9. mhosein

    Pakistan sees Saudi Arabia beefing up deposit 'in a matter of days'

    Dar is the filthiest form of what a Khabas is. I hope one day, Pakistanis lynch these Khabas on the streets and leave their corpses to be picked on by crows. Lanath on these spineless, soulless traitors.
  10. mhosein

    кофейня (Russian coffee house)

    Its refreshing to see that Slavic thread has been created and not deleted. The toxic Westernization ought erode and will erode, in-sha-Allah. But as Pakistanis do explore Slavic culture, I would implore to do so through lens of Orthodox Christianity. Because it is here where we will find an...
  11. mhosein

    Every Indian will have a house by 2022.

    Granted the Indians are always full of hot air and as much as I consider India as a despicable enemy, but hats off to India ... unlike our pathetic leadership in Pakistan, they (India) does not have their Qiblah in Washington and London. Our military and civilian leadership is prostitute of...
  12. mhosein

    SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

    The Chinese J-35/J-31 is the go to option for Pakistan Air Force IF this aircraft is permitted by China to Pakistan. As for going with the Turkish option, well that's got stupidity written all over it. I said many years ago, J-10 was the way forward for Pakistan to wean itself off of the F-16...
  13. mhosein

    Britain on verge of collapse

    It's clear to me that your lengthy post has zero legitimacy since you've stated yourself that you're a Communist. First off, even communists themselves are no longer communists. Secondly, had you bothered to read the Noble Qur'an and Hadeeth, you would've known about God's promise to return with...
  14. mhosein

    Britain on verge of collapse

    It is Godlessness which has brought to the world LGBTQ, binary identity bull$h!t, wars, mass murder, school shootings, destruction of family values and the list goes on. True faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah requires one to face the challenges of waking up one's soul with Ibaadah (worship of...
  15. mhosein

    Inside the Red Zone: Truth about lies

    The ones who have had their Qiblah in Washington and London over the last 75 years, are now pointing the finger at someone who has demonstrated by character to be an honest and trustworthy Muslim. Those who are now out to character assassinate Imran Khan (since they failed to actually kill...
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