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Would you remove ban on me from gaza topic there is son of bich banded me on that topic as I
Criticized usa
Pakistan is a nation of haramkhoor
Indeed. For worrying about Palestinians & Uyghurs rather than our own people and sustainability.
Nation of Haramkhoors and Kaamchoors

Look at this video
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Hahaaaa, excellent! Sadat wanted Arafat to raise the flags together! How much more could he have done. This is what I was just telling that fella Novus, unless he's part of this culture and lived through it, he would never understand the real essence of what is going on. That was proof positive right there. I love what he said to him about the soviets loool. Kathaabeen!! :lol:
Hi Sammuel,

Hope all is well at your end.
We interacted only very briefly on this forum.
But I remember you as being a good hearted person.

The human loss of life is beyond comprehension in this latest spat of violence.
Do you see any hope for betterment and eventual peace.

Thank you my friend . may peace and humanity prevail and we live to see a better world.
Ya Gomig, you found a fucking masterpiece of a video.
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I was going to post his speech at the Knesset, to show how he was adamant about not giving up a single inch of Arab land and it would've worked if the other parties had joined, but it was too long, and I knew not many would watch it because of that. This one basically had everything in it.
Hey bro, just wanted to say I value your inputs! Keep doing your thing!
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Thanks, i might come back and oppose my own promise but for now i need some timeout and to see how it will go on in next days
Ineptitude from muslim countries is depressing.
For sure brother it is super important! Take your time and I hope continue to do well!
Egypt is getting MUCH HATE. What they expect us to do. Fahem A7a.
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It's crazy bro. Like you said perfectly, Rabenna Yostur.
OIC need to step in instead of leaving everything to Egypt. I don't like people just bashing Egypt for something that is a collective responsibility of 57 Islamic countries.
Egypt is over a barrel. In any moment, just a little mistake, we can see Egypt entering the war. We are in a tough situation
It's crazy how more and more this forum is turning into Bharat ratshit forum, it's all about 💲💲💲
The previous generations of Pajeets bred like rats, now you have to tolerate them in every SM space
You didn't attend that music festival? :sarcastic:
Beny Karachun
Beny Karachun
Can you stop the JDAMs?
Yeah feeling so proud in killing unarmed women and children from the sky. Show some balls and go take hamas like hamas took out your so called Israeli settlers.
I hope the next music festival will get you.
I think I mistake you for one of those obnoxious Indian Trolls, and hence my not so polite discourse. We can of course state our POV and disagree without being nasty.
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Ok, lets talk respectfully from now on. Cheers
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Srry, I come here to have fun, not talk respectfully and boringly, haha.
Mostly low q trash talk here, not to be taken seriously.
I did a chk on your posts after your relatively mild response and realized my mistake.
Where does the source states "Claims of Physical Abuse & Drunkenness Revealed"??

Why the title is still there??
Some countries have the moon their flag, some countries have their flag on the moon.
#Chandrayaan, Waiting for #Gaganyaan
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