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Zawahiri in Pakistan: US intelligence committee chief Mike Rogers

Jul 4, 2010
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US House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers has said that "ally" may be too strong a word to describe Pakistan, the country in which al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was found, and where he believes Ayman al-Zawahiri has been hiding.
US President Barack Obama's National Security Adviser Tom Donilon has declared one-time Egyptian doctor and al-Qaeda's number-two, Ayman al-Zawahiri, as the world's "number one terrorist" following the death of bin Laden, in a top-secret operation involving a team of US Special Forces in Abbottabad.
In an interview with CBS News, Congressman Rogers said the US has known for years that Taliban leaders are living inside Pakistan.
"It was one of those, I think, arranged trade offs for other bits of cooperation," he said, adding that the US knew that the Pakistani military "weren't being aggressive there", but did arrest hundreds of terrorists in other places in the country.
When asked whether he thought Pakistan was a good ally of the US, the chairman of the committee that oversees US intelligence agencies said, "I would say Pakistan is an ally. There are challenges, serious challenges and 'ally' may be too strong a word."
Rogers also said he knows that the Pakistanis have disclosed US operations and held back information, but believes that the killing of bin Laden may lead to more cooperation between both nations in the ongoing war on terror.
"I hope they see this as an opportunity to be more cooperative. To be more open, to help us with other targets that we have in Pakistan that we're very interested in having apprehended and brought to justice," he said.
On being suggested that al Qaeda 's number-two would be on that list, Rogers replied: "Zawahiri is a great example. I believe he's in Pakistan."

Zawahiri in Pakistan: US intelligence committee chief Mike Rogers | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
If he would be caught in Paksitan ...it will be bigger blow then ever to Pakistan..... This time Paksitan will be in bigggggg problem.
No wonder there are threats that any more operations will not be tolerated.

The commitment is strong.

The trend is incredibly consistent. Every accusation eventually turns out to be true, for a couple of days people actually get confused, then the conspiracy theory reaction kicks in, then all is well. Nobody risks facing the reality :no:
why is everyone blind here..word used is' " believes ". not certain. Heading is misleading.
^^^ SO WHAT .... that means there is a big possibility that he is inside Pakistan.....
these villains are also hiding in pakistan


Specially him..

Wow wow wow, no wonder why Indians are jumping in joy, Somebody's terrorists are somebody's freedom fighters or todays friends are tomorrow's foes. I also want americans to do this covert operation and only then we will find out how would the army respond this time. I hope this next time would also be the last time.
their existence is known here.....ignore them and their usual trash. They are trash people. Report posts if and when needed.

as for Zawahiri, if he is in Pakistan, the intel should be shared and Pakistani forces should be dispatched to nab him. Unless there is an armed resistance, he should be caught alive since living suspects are more valuable than dead ones.
their existence is known here.....ignore them and their usual trash. They are trash people. Report posts if and when needed.

as for Zawahiri, if he is in Pakistan, the intel should be shared and Pakistani forces should be dispatched to nab him. Unless there is an armed resistance, he should be caught alive since living suspects are more valuable than dead ones.

u were saying the same for the OBL...what happened now??? rassi jal gayi per bal nahi gaya ..LOL
I think, if the mofo is indeed in Pakistan, Pakistan will definitely get to him before the Americans. They certainly won't want another secret adventure from US of A.
Wow wow wow, no wonder why Indians are jumping in joy, Somebody's terrorists are somebody's freedom fighters or todays friends are tomorrow's foes. I also want americans to do this covert operation and only then we will find out how would the army respond this time. I hope this next time would also be the last time.

i hope US doesnt push their luck too much this time! :pakistan:
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