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Zardari fights back, plots counter-coup?


Apr 24, 2007
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Zardari fights back, plots counter-coup?

3/11/2009 4:45:45 PM

Pakistan media on Wednesday (March 11) is rife with reports of President Asif Ali Zardari planning a counter-coup against Pakistan Army Chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani. Reports claim Zardari plans to bring his choice of generals to the top of the Pakistan Army to strengthen his grip on power.

The development, according to sources, follows the Pakistan Army Chief asking President Zardari to resolve persistent political crisis within days. Insiders say quiet efforts have already begun to push Zardari’s choice of generals to the top. The buzz in the Presidency is that Zardari is in a hurry and is already privately meeting some generals who will retire soon.

At least three uniformed officers have been seen visiting the Presidency at odd hours, like 3 AM. One of these three generals has been military secretaries to three previous Prime Ministers and this link is said to be the key. The Pakistan Army is the largest branch of the Pakistan military, and is mainly responsible for protection of the state borders, the security of administered territories and defending the national interests of Pakistan within the framework of its international obligations.

Meanwhile, reports suggest President Zardari’s advisors have told him to consider repealing the 17th amendment and move to reinstate Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry. By doing this, Zardari will call Sharif's bluff isolating him prior to the long march. Zardari could then take over as Prime Minister and at the same time the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) would prevent the Chief Justice from actually taking over by ensuring the defeat of the bill in Parliament.

The ruling PPP and the Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League are engaged in wrangling that could well see another intervention by the Army. Sharif on Wednesday dared the Zardari Government in a rally addressed in Abbottabad, saying that the latter has been responsible for all the on-going trouble in Pakistan.

He said, "The turnout shows our strength. Zardari is responsible for all the trouble for Pakistan. When Pakistan’s future looks dark, then how can I stay back at my house?” He added, “How can I stay back when the judicial system is not in place. The state apparatus is not working and the challenges on our borders are too many? We were very happy with Musharraf's exit, but nothing has changed since then. I had high hopes when I signed the CoD with Benazir Bhutto.”

Nawaz said Zardari has again introduced the politics of horse-trading in the country. He lauded the efforts of Iqbal Zafar Jhagra, Sardar Mehtab Khan and Pir Sabir Shah for the restoration of deposed judges and supremacy of constitution.
Man would he be dumb enough to commit the same sin, that Nawaz did?

Obviously if WE know something's up, Kayani knows something's up. He can now easily justify a mini-coup, citing all the hoo-haa that would transpire between 12th march and the 16th.
Nawaz has not learnt his lessons after three firm kicks to hispolitical career. He is a moron. He does not deserve to lead pakistan. For that matter neither does Zardari. I think he naively thought that it would be like a walk in the park once he takes over and his cronies would be left to their devices. However, events have caught up with him and with pakistan. However, he /PPP needs to complete his tenure.we need to be rid of him once andfor all.
I mentioned this somewhere that Gen. Kiyani is the most a-political soldier ever in the history of the army and some "generals" are not too keen about this.
I mentioned this somewhere that Gen. Kiyani is the most a-political soldier ever in the history of the army and some "generals" are not too keen about this.
Any General who plans coup against General Kiyani should be thrown out from Army.These type of generals should be treated like General Ziauddin Butt!
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It’s too early for the Army to come back in anyway...Kayani has got the right idea, let the people see firsthand what their 'elected' representatives do and the Army will make a big comeback in terms of popularity and image. Personally I don’t think Zardari has enough connections (or respect) in the Army to be able to arrange or even dream of a counter-coup.
if there is any truth in this news then i may say that coup has become a necessity. although it will be unfortunate but a lot less than wat our beloved president is upto. he seems to have gone crazy for power
It’s too early for the Army to come back in anyway...Kayani has got the right idea, let the people see firsthand what their 'elected' representatives do and the Army will make a big comeback in terms of popularity and image. Personally I don’t think Zardari has enough connections (or respect) in the Army to be able to arrange or even dream of a counter-coup.

hope you are right mate! but in this country there is always a slip between the cup and lip!

personally i hopw the army stays in their barracks!

as sen. mushahid hussain said three things will happen!

1. re-conciliation between politicians.
2. covert coup ala Gen. Kakkar asking the civilian govt to abdicate (Pres and PM) and new elections are held
3. overt coup ala Gen. Musharraf and then it is back to square one!

there is no minus 1 option!
lets look at the coup trend in our region...
zia ul haq type coup
musharraf style with a touch of democracy
gen. moin (bangladesh) type with no direct military involvement
gen. kyani ?????????
you see what is going on in our streets!nice avtar!!!!!

That does not negate Mr. fatman that Army will do a better job either. You can clearly see army's shortcomings in FATA and SWAT. How will they handle all of Pakistan, since majority are permenatly stationed on the east coast.
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as far as counter coup is concerned zardari has called some serving generals(soon retiring) they hav told zardari in straight forward language that country has soo far tolerated enough and wat he iz doing is going to hurt himself and gen kiyani has indirectly send his msg to zardari about this news regarding cleaning up his mess and the way zaradri is calling generals is also known as sending msg indirectly but in clear words!!!!
Wese its only the Indian media abuzz with this type of sensationalist news.
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