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Yousuf Al Kardawi's Speech to Bangladesh


Oct 29, 2010
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Yusuf al-Qaradawi (Arabic: يوسف القرضاوي Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī‎; or Yusuf al-Qardawi; born 9 September 1926) is an Egyptian Islamic theologian. He is best known for his programme, al-Sharīʿa wa al-Ḥayāh ("Shariah and Life"), broadcast on Al Jazeera, which has an estimated audience of 60 million worldwide.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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How the heck am I supposed to know what he said to Bangladesh seeing that I know neither Arabic nor Bengali ? :blink:
1. I can speak Arabic so I listened to this idiot's speech in Arabic and stopped watching his garbage at 3.08

2. This monkey is ignorant and knows nothing about Bangladesh or our history.

3. Ghulam Azam and Jamat are hated by the majority of Islamic scholars (Deobandis) in our country for their deviant Maudoodist beliefs (even many Pakistanis hate Jamat and Maudoodi who opposed the creation of Pakistan).

4. This caveman Qardawi would never give a speech like this about Turkey which is far more secular, or even Tunisia during the Ben Ali period, both countries where Hijab was restricted.

This is just an example of bullying by an Arab nationalist caveman and ignoramus.

Also for those who know Arabs well, he revels in his opportunity to lecture "ajaanib" (foreigners/non-Arabs) who are inherently regarded as inferior. His whole tone is condescending.

Watch the name-calling from "you know who" here, who support a "certain party".

Ironically none of these same guys who support this party and abuse members here, can even speak Arabic, whilst I can...lol.

How the heck am I supposed to know what he said to Bangladesh seeing that I know neither Arabic nor Bengali ? :blink:

To summarize the first few minutes he said to the effect:

"I am going to speak today to our brothers in Bangladesh, a big Muslim country. It separated from India to form a country to establish Islam, Pakistan. There was West Pakistan and East Pakistan. East Pakistan separated to become Bangladesh. You are part of the ummah do not distance yourselves from it. There is a secular government there which...bla, bla, bla (all sorts of exaggerated lies against the current government)."

Then just before 3.08 he says there are ulama arrested and named Ghulam Azam.

I stopped watching after that to this monkey in disgust.

Jamat have been pumping the Arab world and Arab leaders with anti-Bangladeshi garbage and for the first few years of Bangladesh tried to prevent us from getting recognition.

They are still causing problems for us and spreading their anti-Bangladeshi message of hate.
1. I can speak Arabic so I listened to this idiot's speech in Arabic and stopped watching his garbage at 3.08

2. This monkey is ignorant and knows nothing about Bangladesh or our history.

3. Ghulam Azam and Jamat are hated by the majority of Islamic scholars (Deobandis) in our country for their deviant Maudoodist beliefs (even many Pakistanis hate Jamat and Maudoodi who opposed the creation of Pakistan).

4. This caveman Qardawi would never give a speech like this about Turkey which is far more secular, or even Tunisia during the Ben Ali period, both countries where Hijab was restricted.

This is just an example of bullying by an Arab nationalist caveman and ignoramus.

Also for those who know Arabs well, he revels in his opportunity to lecture "ajaanib" (foreigners/non-Arabs) who are inherently regarded as inferior. His whole tone is condescending.

Watch the name-calling from "you know who" here, who support a "certain party".

Ironically none of these same guys who support this party and abuse members here, can even speak Arabic, whilst I can...lol.

To summarize the first few minutes he said to the effect:

"I am going to speak today to our brothers in Bangladesh, a big Muslim country. It separated from India to form a country to establish Islam, Pakistan. There was West Pakistan and East Pakistan. East Pakistan separated to become Bangladesh. You are part of the ummah do not distance yourselves from it. There is a secular government there which...bla, bla, bla (all sorts of exaggerated lies against the current government)."

Then just before 3.08 he says there are ulama arrested and named Ghulam Azam.

I stopped watching after that to this monkey in disgust.

Jamat have been pumping the Arab world and Arab leaders with anti-Bangladeshi garbage and for the first few years of Bangladesh tried to prevent us from getting recognition.

They are still causing problems for us and spreading their anti-Bangladeshi message of hate.


So in order to silence me you are reporting me for calling this idiot what he is?

Why don't you just try and refute what I have said.

I forgot you can't.

Also you can't even speak Arabic.


But then again most Muslim Scholars are indeed 'bearded buffooons' ! :undecided:

in Summary he said that Pakistan and Bangladesh were separated from India to strive as Muslim nation, not secular. Ghulam Azam only wanted to keep the country united, if he is Guilty , Give good judgement, Not through Kangaroo Court

But then again most Muslim Scholars are indeed 'bearded buffooons' ! :undecided:

1. Kobiraaz who is on a personal crusade against me and other Bangladeshi nationalists reported me for calling one "scholar" (so-called) a caveman, you are calling thousands, if not millions of "scholars" (so-called) ******** but he doesn't threaten you.


2. The TTP and Al-Qaeda have "scholars" and I am sure if anyone insulted their "scholars" they would threaten them too.

1. I can speak Arabic
Ironically none of these same guys who support this party and abuse members here, can even speak Arabic, whilst I can...lol.

Lol we have found the Arab wanna be of this forum, its certainly not us:rofl:

Everyone get line, @Hammer-fist is ready to give razakar/jamati certificate. kobiraaz already got the first one of 2013 oh sorry....31 dec 2012.

Report him bro, all his offensive posts
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1. Kobiraaz who is on a personal crusade against me and other Bangladeshi nationalists reported me for calling one "scholar" (so-called) a caveman, you are calling thousands, if not millions of "scholars" (so-called) ******** but he doesn't threaten you.


2. The TTP and Al-Qaeda have "scholars" and I am sure if anyone insulted their "scholars" they would threaten them too.


Well to be fair you are not a 'Bangladeshi Nationalist' - You're more of a delusional hate monger who acts as if he has a 'monopoly' over 'Bangladeshi Nationalism' ! :undecided:

P.S @kobiraaz is my brother & he knows I said that in jest as a joke not in 'contempt' !
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This guy is not well informed.. ;)

Iajdani as one Bangladeshi nationalist to another.

I think we Bangladeshi nationalists have failed at promoting Bangladeshi nationalism to the Arabs.

Their whole perception of Bangladesh has been hijacked by Jamat and their thugs, who are spreading hatred of our country to morons like Qardawi and Arab dictators and "scholars". I think our government should do this.

1. Create a team of fluent Arab-speakers, well presented and with good communication skills (not necessarily Maulanas, though legitimate ulama are not a problem). Even secular (not anti-religious) but articulate Arabic speakers would be fine.

2. Create books/leaflets/DVDs written in high quality Arabic explaining the history of Bangladesh and the role of Jamat as well as the rejection of Jamat and Maudoodi by mainstream Sunni scholars.

Explain how Jamat were against the creation of Pakistan itself.

Correct all the lies promoted by Jamati thugs against our country.

It is imperative we do this.

Well to be fair you are not a 'Bangladeshi Nationalist' - You're more of a delusional hate monger who acts as if he has a 'monopoly' over 'Bangladeshi Nationalism' ! :undecided:

P.S @kobiraaz is my brother & he knows I said that in jest as a joke not in 'contempt' !

This is the thanks I get for giving a relatively detailed paraphrasing of what this Qardawi guy says.

Errmm...ok thanks.

Thanks for the insults too.

Anyway I'm out of this thread.

I'm sick and tired of all this gang-bullying of me.

If you notice I'm the only one on topic here, whilst others are all attacking me personally and how I should be reported.
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