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Your views about Invasions of India


Feb 27, 2011
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United Kingdom
History of invasion of India is complex and there might be different opinions of any positive or negative impact of all these invasions of India in past. It was certainly not as hinduvata interpret that Indians were all one people and suddenly all Islamic invaders came and destroyed everything. Some of these invasion brought new ideas and substantially enriched Indian culture and had its impact on art, architecture,language, music, dresses, food etc.

Do Indians( especially those belong to dharmic faith) views all invaders or invasions in negative light? If that's the case then why they dont keep any enmity towards the countries where these invaders came from. I am referring to Invaders with Persian, arab, turks, Afghan, Mughals, British, Portuguese origin etc . what do you think which race of invaders were more cruel toward India or Indians?
Islamic Invasions of india brought superior civilization, culture, and values to the land. They were a good thing, in the hindsight.

British colonialism was exploitative and disastrous. Unlike Muslim rules, Brits never saw india as "their" home. They just saw it as a girl to be r@ped brutally. While Islamic leaders saw india as their home..their only home. And did alot for its progress.
Invasions bring nothing positive
so you hate all of them ? All of them were evil ? India seem to have good relationship with all these countries who invaded them in past
Btw do you also feel same about emperor Ashoka, Maurya and many other Hindu or Bhuddist emperors who tried hard to spread their religion and culture
If that's the case then why they dont keep any enmity towards the countries where these invaders came from.

We dont view any of those countries in positive light but it wont be in our national interest to have enmity over stuff from the past with those nations present day governments due to economic and political reasons.
Islamic Invasions of india brought superior civilization, culture, and values to the land. They were a good thing, in the hindsight.

British colonialism was exploitative and disastrous. Unlike Muslim rules, Brits never saw india as "their" home. They just saw it as a girl to be r@ped brutally. While Islamic leaders saw india as their home..their only home. And did alot for its progress.
British rule was exploitative and they may took more than what they delivered but still they introduced concept of democracy in India and left behind good network of transportation, proper governance, educational institutes with emphasis on international language English., proper penal code and well trained army and then abolishing evil practices i.e satti(burn widows alive), female infanticide, injustice based on caste discrimination etc so many positive as well

We dont view any of those countries in positive light but it wont be in our national interest to have enmity over stuff from the past with those nations present day governments due to economic and political reasons.
But you keep this enmity for some peopel of your own race who are Muslim now and you blame them for crimes of these invaders belong to others races ..Thats what surprise me that India/Indians enjoying political alliances and relationship with those coutures who invaded India in past whther iran/persia or afghan and blaming your own race because they share same religion with them
Islamic Invasions of india brought inferior civilization, culture, and values to the land. They were a good thing, in the hindsight.

British colonialism was exploitative and disastrous. Unlike Muslim rules, Brits never saw india as "their" home. They just saw it as a girl to be r@ped brutally. While Islamic leaders saw india as their home..their only home. And did alot for its progress.

Corrected.The ones that came were invaders and barbarians. One of them ordered a 7 day genera massacre in Delhi. The biggest problem with the hindu civilization was - complacency that comes from sitting on fertile lands, weaknesses introduced because of caste system.

British rule was exploitative and they may took more than what they delivered but still they introduced concept of democracy in India and left behind good network of transportation, proper governance, educational institutes with emphasis on international language English., proper penal code and well trained army and then abolishing evil practices i.e satti(burn widows alive), female infanticide, injustice based on caste discrimination etc so many positive as well

But you keep this enmity for some peopel of your own race who are Muslim now and you blame them for crimes of these invaders belong to others races ..Thats what surprise me that India/Indians enjoying political alliances and relationship with those coutures who invaded India in past whther iran/persia or afghan and blaming your own race because they share same religion with them

All of the above statements are false. The british tried to prevent democracy in India, all delegations by the congress were sabotaged, Indian nationalists had to design the entire democratic system on their own. All infra was to facilitate movement of British goods and troops.
I personally think it was the Portuguese and the Afgans most cruel to the culture and tradition of the indian people, although comparatively it was the mugal and the brits left the most impact due to their larger tenures.
Corrected.The ones that came were invaders and barbarians. One of them ordered a 7 day genera massacre in Delhi. The biggest problem with the hindu civilization was - complacency that comes from sitting on fertile lands, weaknesses introduced because of caste system.

All of the above statements are false. The british tried to prevent democracy in India, all delegations by the congress were sabotaged, Indian nationalists had to design the entire democratic system on their own. All infra was to facilitate movement of British goods and troops.
You people just view everything as black and white
Islamic Invasions of india brought superior civilization, culture, and values to the land. They were a good thing, in the hindsight.

British colonialism was exploitative and disastrous. Unlike Muslim rules, Brits never saw india as "their" home. They just saw it as a girl to be r@ped brutally. While Islamic leaders saw india as their home..their only home. And did alot for its progress.

I do not agree with you.

Between the two, if one would have to critically dissect from which of the two the Indian civilization actually gained something, it was the British and not the Muslim.
You people just view everything as black and white

We people have true appreciation of history. According to jokers like Oriya Maqbool Jan, the 'primitive' sub continental culture was given 'superior' culture because muslims brought in 'dome', 'pulao' and 'sherwani'. Vimana, silk and cooked food was unknown to us I guess.
I personally think it was the Portuguese and the Afgans most cruel to the culture and tradition of the indian people, although comparatively it was the mugal and the brits left the most impact due to their larger tenures.
Is it true that portuguese destroyedmany temples?..Your historians dont have good view of nader shah and taimur .what was their race?
We people have true appreciation of history. According to jokers like Oriya Maqbool Jan, the 'primitive' sub continental culture was given 'superior' culture because muslims brought in 'dome', 'pulao' and 'sherwani'. Vimana, silk and cooked food was unknown to us I guess.
answer my questions then in OP
is it true that portuguese destroyed precious many temples?..Your historians dont have good view of nader shah and taimur .what was their race?

You have forgotten all key parts of Indian history-
all commissions came after much political protests by Indian leaders and when they came (like simon commisio) they were a joke. Their idea of administration was lord over a bunch of maharajas.
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