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Your advice for Pakistan's post war reconstruction?


May 3, 2009
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As you know that Pakistan is about to exit a 14 year long war, as the western invasion forces recede from Afghanistan, the security climate is going to improve greatly.

Looking at other nations that entered a post war economic boom like Germany and Japan, what lessons could Pakistan learn to replicate a similar growth model, in order to make up for the lost growth due to America's war and natural calamities i.e 2005 earthquake and 2009 mass flooding plus the IDP crisis?

Please discuss.
As you know that Pakistan is about to exit a 14 year long war, as the western invasion forces recede from Afghanistan, the security climate is going to improve greatly.

Looking at other nations that entered a post war economic boom like Germany and Japan, what lessons could Pakistan learn to replicate a similar growth model, in order to make up for the lost growth due to America's war and natural calamities i.e 2005 earthquake and 2009 mass flooding plus the IDP crisis?

Please discuss.

Germany & Japan were great before the war too,Pakistan on the other hand is not that technologically developed like Japan & Germany
Do you have anything to contribute instead of playing the typical Indian here?

Forgive me Air chief Marshal,Perhaps greater trade with a neighbors can help Pakistan specially more trade with a certain Neighbor which is located in the east of Pakistan,We both have the same culture some Pakistani Products are doing really great in India & some Indian Products are doing great in Pakistan,Perhaps we should promote trade btw the 2 nations so that we don't end up importing the same items indirectly from Dubai.
Due to our move away from a domestic investment-led economy (to one based more on consumption), Chinese outwards investment is going to boom like nothing you've ever seen.

Make yourself open and friendly to these investors, and you can ride this investment boom just like we did during our opening-up phase.

And it's not just outwards investment, our new economic model means huge consumption, which means huge imports.

If you can position yourself to receive Chinese investment, and use that investment to export your own products to China, you could see a really serious economic boom.
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As you know that Pakistan is about to exit a 14 year long war, as the western invasion forces recede from Afghanistan, the security climate is going to improve greatly.

Looking at other nations that entered a post war economic boom like Germany and Japan, what lessons could Pakistan learn to replicate a similar growth model, in order to make up for the lost growth due to America's war and natural calamities i.e 2005 earthquake and 2009 mass flooding plus the IDP crisis?

Please discuss.

- I think it would be better to focus on sustainable peace then growth, for one thing energy crisis will take around 4 more years which will hamper developmental activities. Secondly peace will ensure a steady (though much slower) growth.

- Its high time that FATA should be brought in mainstream (elections and all). PMLN's Baluchistan experiment has been successful and should be used in FATA.

- Public should know clearly that Khakis won't do anymore experiments like TTP in Pakistan. Alas all signs till now show that 'doctrine of strategic depth' is still in vogue and this operation is only a temporary measure. If there is ONE thing we get out of this mess it should be assurity from Khakis that Pakistan will be spared more misery in shape of strategic depth or any such venture which employs citizens in this manner.
better relations with neighbors and more trade
solve the issue with neighbors effectively and improve situation
less spend on defence and more on country build
privatize all white elephants and save more money
improve police and civil intelligence for no future problems
improve tourism with massive events
reduce imports and save more $ so economy stand on solid base
reduce loans as much as you can
As you know that Pakistan is about to exit a 14 year long war, as the western invasion forces recede from Afghanistan, the security climate is going to improve greatly.

Looking at other nations that entered a post war economic boom like Germany and Japan, what lessons could Pakistan learn to replicate a similar growth model, in order to make up for the lost growth due to America's war and natural calamities i.e 2005 earthquake and 2009 mass flooding plus the IDP crisis?

Please discuss.
for any country .. they have one CORE advantage ./skill/ competency...
Germany & japan -- High end Manufactuting
China - mass Manufacturing
India- larger service industry
USA - Entrepreneurship and Services ..
All base is Education..
Primary.. secondary ..for labor
PG.Masters ..Management
PHDs Engineering.. basic science .. for reserach

pak need to find its own NICHE ,, where it can compete and beat other hand down
like Bangladesh in garments and textile...
just take care of these and see result in 10 yrs
Education,, pure fact based ,, scientific ,,Govt approved ..
competing with asian level if not western
both in term of skill and regular...

2. Railways ..
the most imp infra which can change the small village in to town and town in to city
with saving of time , fuel business and people can benefit it

3. Act like RTI, Lokpal
RTI- Right to information
can check corruption level .. in govt

4. Army - University..private sector - univeristy
as imp institution in pak...
as it have vast resurce base and knowledge
planning and implementing thier know how in engineering with university / private sector for
using non core military tech for civilian use

5. Core industry
build steel giant -- which pak lacks..like SAIL in india....china can help here immensely
Oil refinary
oil - gas -NGas exploration in pak

6. Enegry
instead waiting for BIG dames use small river flow dams for enegrey
use solar enegry which pak have in abudance
(india and china have good knowhow here and even germany too )

7. Trade pact
open trade with india, afg, SL, south east asia , Central Asia,, OIC memebers
(with protection to local industry for certain period to developed as per WTO norms )
in short term it will be diffuclt but in long term it will help immensely.

8. No Jihad .. No terrorism
any kind of support to any jihad from pak soil or supported partly by govt or private instituion is strckly NO
these things only cause blood and destrcution sometime in india or in pak ...
no one gains ..

9. Kashmir
its imp for pak..
make LOC as international border
its not possible for both nation to have full kashmir
and independent kashmir is not viable economoy,,politicaly..
it will save pak resources ...
most imp it can foucs on real priorities

10. Independent forign and economic policy...
diffuclt cant be fully 100%
more independent F and E policy more it will alien with benfit of pakand people rather other nation interest...
exa. India .. even we cant say we have 100% free policy but we put our foot down where we want . like recent tussel in WTO.// usa on agricultrue stock .... MMRCA selection ...(not to usa or russia but to france as per IAF requirment )
for that you need solid economy to stand on..
Forget the most imp
Constitution of Pakistan
Make only one book to refer. for religion,law and order, governance
no one above it..
make Supreme courte of PAk custodian of it and have higest stand of integirity and independent of judges and judiciary
make path clear either islamic republic or secular ...either of in true letter and spirit..

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Hard infrastructure:

1. Dams
2. Thar
3. Pak-China corridor (Inc. Rail link)
4. Irrigation canals
5. Shale gas/oil exploration and development
6. Upgrade of railway tracks and freight fleet
7. Motorways, expressways and highways
8. Mass transit systems

Social and human development:

1. Reconstruction of all government schools with basic facilities
2. Continous training and evaluation system for teachers
3. Hiring with merit via NTS
4. Universities in collaboration with renowned universities of the world
5. Drive to increase primary and secondary NER and reduce drop out rates
6. Continous monitoring and improvement mechanism of schools education standards
7. Revamped immunisation and child nutrition programs
8. Solid waste management and sanitation management in big cities.
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i think:
1-new town planning with proper sewerage and road network e.g paint roads with colors for the lines water line blue , electric line red and sewarage brown.. that way they wont start digging for making new construction building on their own with permision
2-establish a industry whose output is consumed by mainly locals-like milk farms and dairy products , pottery , handicraft,clothes making,mining, tree plantation,cookery making,farming

3-the more low tech industry the more labor is utilised
4-scholorships for studentts and training like lathe machines and tool making,medical care centers
5-industry should be govt so that any loss incurred is easily beared
6-no self construction should be allowed
7-warehouses for food storage and better farm area alotment.
hope there is something worthy enough that is useful to idps .
As you know that Pakistan is about to exit a 14 year long war, as the western invasion forces recede from Afghanistan, the security climate is going to improve greatly.

Looking at other nations that entered a post war economic boom like Germany and Japan, what lessons could Pakistan learn to replicate a similar growth model, in order to make up for the lost growth due to America's war and natural calamities i.e 2005 earthquake and 2009 mass flooding plus the IDP crisis?

Please discuss.
How can you be so naive to suggest that Pakistan will be at peace as soon as the yanks quit Afghanistan? The war has just begun. Things are going to get sticky from now on. The TTP and other assorted groups are probably re-grouping in Afghanistan and waiting to strike at a place and time of their choosing in Pakistan. This cat and mouse game between the PA and terror groups will continue well into the future.

Not only that. The coming civil war in Afghanistan after the US withdraws will spill into Pakistan and that would be bad news. More Afghan refugees will flood the AfPak region and move further South. This would result in demographic changes and a breakdown of local infrastructure and administration.

That's not all. Pakistan's strategic asset - the LeT - has now started acting independently of the Establishment. For eg the Raiwind episode where two police officers were killed and six others injured during the shootout. According to police sources, the suspects admitted to planning and reconnoitering the area for a potential attack on Sharif. They also admitted to belong to the Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT).

However, while the Northern frontiers could pose a problem, infrastructure development can continue in the rest of the country. For that Pakistan would need the money. For starters: increase TAX revenues! And a conducive environment for massive foreign investment. The latter is going to be a tough call.

Now some Pakistan friends would say: Why is an Indian poking his nose in Pakistan affairs? I wish I knew!! :rolleyes1:
Pakistan must sort out its Priorities and number priority for Pakistan should be Education, Education and Education.


2. Energy and Water ( DAMS )Projects
3. Building Infrastructure
4. Developing Manufacturing sector to become an Export Engine
5. Research and Development
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