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Yemen looks to become GCC member


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Staff writer, Al Arabiya News
Sunday, 8 December 2013

Last Update: Sunday, 8 December 2013 KSA 12:04 - GMT 09:04


Yemen is looking to become the Gulf Cooperation Council’s (GCC) latest member, Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al-Kurbi said on Saturday. (File photo: Reuters)

Yemen is looking to become the Gulf Cooperation Council’s (GCC) latest member, Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al-Kurbi said on Saturday, adding that Sana’a has widely benefited from taking part on the sidelines of Gulf summits for the past seven years.

Speaking during the annual Manama Dialogue, a regional security summit in the Bahraini capital, Kurbi said the Yemeni government would leave the decision on their inclusion in the bloc to GCC officials.

The foreign minister also said that Yemen has laid out a number of risks and security concerns facing the country, which include the flow of refugees from the Horn of Africa and al-Qaeda’s infiltration in the country, pan-Arab newspaper Asharq al-Awsat reported.

Kurbi also said that his country needs assistance to secure an important corridor that links the East and the West in the Gulf of Aden and Bab el-Mandeb.

Comprising Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain, the mostly desert GCC has a population of just 47 million, nearly half of whom are expatriates.

Oman voiced its objection Saturday for upgrading the GCC to a Gulf Union formed of the existing six nations, an idea that was previously suggested by regional heavyweight Saudi Arabia.

“We are against a union,” Omani Foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi said during the Manama Dialogue.

The Gulf Cooperation Council was scheduled to discuss the idea during a summit in Kuwait on Tuesday.

Riyadh’s idea of upgrading the GCC was first proposed in 2011 and supported by Bahrain. But because of reservations by some members, it was put on hold.

Kuwait and Qatar have since expressed their backing, but the UAE’s position on the proposal is not known.

Formed in 1981, the GCC states sit on around 40 percent of proven global crude reserves and around 25 percent of natural gas deposits.


It would be wonderful if one of the most ancient countries on earth and most beautiful and a key cornerstone of the Arabian Peninsula and its history would be welcomed. Insha'Allah that will soon be the case. Yemen needs to prosper and reach its big potential and not suffer anymore. It is also very much in the interest of the region and the GCC.

Jordan should also join due to ancestral, historical, geographical, linguistic and religious ties aside from being a trusted ally by all GCC member states.
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@al-Hasani - You'd better make us a member of the GCC or else ! :angry:

And while you're at it can you please ensure that Jordan gets thrown out of the GCC till @BLACKEAGLE stops ignoring me ! :cray:
Yemen is one of the best country in the world. They deserve to be a part of GCC member but please take care of your young sons,fathers or brothers.
I doubt it. Can't imagine Saudi Arabia allowing Yemen into GCC (Yemen has a population of around 24 million people).
I doubt it. Can't imagine Saudi Arabia allowing Yemen into GCC (Yemen has a population of around 24 million people).

kSA need people to fight to defend kSA..There forces are not really trained so that they are taaking training from Turks and yemen will also join the training because if a war breaks out then Yemenians will save them and KSA public will sit their petrol pump.
You need to take your medication and feed your poor since your country have the biggest number of poor people on planet earth. Build a few million of toilettes as well.

It seems that you drank the wrong bottle today not consisting of water from the filthy Ganges River or what you drink but piss from a certain animal.

Now get lost idiotic troll.

How is your exam going ? Hope you get failed and join petrol pump..
kSA need people to fight to defend kSA..There forces are not really trained so that they are taaking training from Turks and yemen will also join the training because if a war breaks out then Yemenians will save them and KSA public will sit their petrol pump.

kSA need people to fight to defend kSA

What are these boys doing? :omghaha: playing chess

There forces are not really trained so that they are taaking training from Turks and yemen

Oh yeah, you know everything about us :lol: I wonder what are these commandos doing :angel:

a war breaks out then Yemenians will save them and KSA public will sit their petrol pump.

The same way Indians sat duck when the Chinese invaded you country twice? :lol: no sir thanks

Don't forget to take a shower next time we talk, it really stinks.
I see that gulf monarchs are scared they know america will be there forever.when you going to make morocco and Jordan to join GCC because you can't protect your self
I see that gulf monarchs are scared they know america will be there forever.when you going to make morocco and Jordan to join GCC because you can't protect your self

Your cleverness never ceased to amaze me :omghaha:

The GCC has nothing to do with defense initially :lol:

The PAS has the last and the final word in this.

How is your exam going ? Hope you get failed and join petrol pump..

Better than dwelling slums with no water and food.
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