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Xi, Putin back India on UN terror charter against Pak


Jun 10, 2010
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United Kingdom
BEIJING: In a significant development, China and Russia on Monday decided to back India for moving a proposal at the United Nations that essentially goes against Pakistan on the issue of terrorism.

In order to corner Pakistan for sheltering and facilitating terrorists involved the 26/11 carnage and other attacks in the country, India seeks to move a resolution in the UN to punish those who shelter and finance terrorism. And on Monday, it enlisted the support of China and Russia for the same. "I see this as a major achievement," Exteral affairs minister Sushma Swaraj told newsmen after a summit of the foreign ministers of Russia, India and China (RIC).

This is a rare occasion when China, a close ally of Pakistan, has taken a stand on an issue that is bound to rattle Islamabad. Beijing's move not only reflects the importance it accords to New Delhi, but is also an acknowledgment of its own problem of terrorism in Xinjiang province. China has often said that 'foreign forces' are helping terrorists in Xinjiang.

After the RIC summit - attended by Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi, his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov and Swaraj - a joint communique was issued which "underlined the need to bring to justice perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of terrorist acts".

The three foreign ministers called for early conclusion of negotiations on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. India had moved this resolution 19 years back that has since remained inconclusive, Swaraj explained.

"The ministers reiterated that there can be no ideological, religious, political, racial, ethnic, or any other justification for acts of terrorism," the resolution said.


Foreign minister Sushma Swaraj and Chinese President Xi Jinping greet each other before their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, on February 2, 2015.

Russia and China also agreed to support a larger role for India in the United Nations, Asia Pacific Economic Coperation (APEC) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

There are clear signs that China and Russia are making an extra effort to sway India towards them after the new-found bonhomie between New Delhi and Washington in the wake of US president Barack Obama's recent visit to India. Among other things, Obama had agreed to back India's membership in the APEC and the Nuclear Suppliers Group.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Ahmedabad during the latter's visit to India in September 2014.

"China and Russia welcomed India's application for full membership of SCO and supported India to join the SCO after completing all necessary negotiations and legal processes," the joint communique said. Incidentally, Pakistan is also seeking a membership of SCO but it was not mentioned.

The joint statement also said, "China and Russia would welcome India's participation in APEC." But it did not specify if India would be considered for full membership. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had earlier refused to attend the APEC summit in Beijing after Chinese president Xi Jinping invited him as an observer.

However, China and Russia did not specifically commit themselves on India's demand for a seat in the UN Security Council. "RIC has reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the United Nations, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more representative and efficient, so that it could better respond to global challenges," the communique said, and further added: "Foreign Ministers of China and Russia reiterated the importance they attached to the status of India in international affairs and supported its aspiration to play a greater role in the United Nations."

Xi, Putin back India on UN terror charter against Pak - The Times of India
I know Chinese hate us Indians but I have respect for China. Our most holy site, Mount Kailash is in China. They will always pick Pakistan over us but I am glad they will let us take pilgrimage to Mt Kailash.
Its a general resolution against coumtries supporting terrorism.
I would love to see how its implimented
India also uses its land to support terrorism against Pakistan. So does Afghanistan and also USA supporting ISIS.
so why don't Pakistan moves a resolution against U.S,India and Afghanistan??
But its not terrorism according to Pakistanis.

According to the Pakistani value system, as long as its the non-Muslims who are being bombed by the Muslims, its a 'freedom struggle' or a 'struggle for rights' or if all else fails, justified because its a 'struggle for Islam'.

For Pakistanis, it only ever becomes terrorism when Muslims start getting killed.

Judge, stop generalising and bringing faith into everything please. I hold a "Pakistani value system" and nor share or agree with the above.
Really twisted journalism from ToI. China did not support the proposed UN convention as a favor to India - it did so because it has it's own concerns about terrorism in Xinjiang.

Anyway, I can't see how this charter would be targeted at Pakistan. There's no credible evidence to suggest that Pakistan is a state sponsor of terror. On the contrary, Pakistan is one of the many victims of the terrorism in the region. If this charter rallies international support against the most nefarious terrorist groups like TTP, IMU, ETIM, then all the better.
Judge, stop generalising and bringing faith into everything please. I hold a "Pakistani value system" and nor share or agree with the above.
Its not a question of faith. Its a question of what Pakistanis are taught in schools and their surroundings from a young age.
The Turks or Bangladeshis being Muslim but dont agree with suicide bombings or support jihad globally like Pakistan has done for decades.

Your sir, are an exception. And you would be wrong to extrapolate your views on to Pakistani population.
Note how the first table is the most recent and goes backwards chronologically from there. How Pakistanis were comfortable in violence against civilians as long as it was not their people. And how their views changed when it started affecting their people.





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Really twisted journalism from ToI. China did not support the proposed UN convention as a favor to India - it did so because it has it's own concerns about terrorism in Xinjiang.

Anyway, I can't see how this charter would be targeted at Pakistan. There's no credible evidence to suggest that Pakistan is a state sponsor of terror. On the contrary, Pakistan is one of the many victims of the terrorism in the region. If this charter rallies international support against the most nefarious terrorist groups like TTP, IMU, ETIM, then all the better.

this is indian media .. they will drag Pakistan now in to it . i think Pakistan will also support this and will want into to stop the terrorist from india . and Pakistan hand over evidence of Indian involvement in Baluchistan so it will benefit Pakistan

Also a breaking news here


bad news for india really .....
Both, China & Russia wants to be on the right side when dealing with terrorism. Both these countries are having to deal with terrorism risen by religious ideology! Playing politics with terrorism is the last thing a sensible nation wants to do... you just can't expect snakes to be confined to their pre-set target! they will bit anyone any time!
this is indian media .. they will drag Pakistan now in to it . i think Pakistan will also support this and will want into to stop the terrorist from india . and Pakistan hand over evidence of Indian involvement in Baluchistan so it will benefit Pakistan

Also a breaking news here


bad news for india really .....

what bad news? oh wait...Pakistanis copying India..hehe...we are not surprised...
Its not a question of faith. Its a question of what Pakistanis are taught in schools and their surroundings from a young age.
The Turks or Bangladeshis being Muslim but dont agree with suicide bombings or support jihad globally like Pakistan has done for decades.

Your sir, are an exception. And you would be wrong to extrapolate your views on to Pakistani population.
Note how the first table is the most recent and goes backwards chronologically from there. How Pakistanis were comfortable in violence against civilians as long as it was not their people. And how their views changed when it started affecting their people.




It is more than obvious that Indian's English comprehension sucks but this bad that they cant even read simple tables? From the tables you posted, your conclusion is that Pakistanis support terrorism? You have not even paid attention to the questions that were asked. @waz Please take a note of this deliberate twisting of facts and trolling.
Its not a question of faith. Its a question of what Pakistanis are taught in schools and their surroundings from a young age.
The Turks or Bangladeshis being Muslim but dont agree with suicide bombings or support jihad globally like Pakistan has done for decades.

Your sir, are an exception. And you would be wrong to extrapolate your views on to Pakistani population.
Note how the first table is the most recent and goes backwards chronologically from there. How Pakistanis were comfortable in violence against civilians as long as it was not their people. And how their views changed when it started affecting their people.




Pakistan or Pakistanis have not supported any 'Jihad globally'. Not more than India supports so called 'freedom fighters' or the US supports 'moderate rebels'.

In the first graph, 83% of Pakistanis said terrorism and attacks against civilians were 'NEVER' justified. Never.
  1. 1.
    at no time in the past or future; not ever.
Saying that they were fine with others being attacked is a false accusation. If they didn't believe their current stance in the past, they believe it now. Are you now going to say that all that change is a bad thing?

Apply the same standards to everyone. The Afghan mujahideen, which once included Osama Bin Laden in their fight against terrorism, were considered heroes by everyone, even the Western champions of civilization (especially the US) because they fought the Russians instead of the Americans. (Have you ever seen Rambo III?)

It's human nature to not be hostile towards those who aren't hostile towards you, and the political theory being used nowadays is ''the enemy of my enemy is my friend''. When you are targeted, that's when you react. Most normal (especially uneducated) people don't go around thinking about stuff that doesn't affect them. Most of those people would still be believing in the old narrative of brave Islamic resistance fighters until they realized that it was not true.

And look at the other countries too, patterns change as circumstances change.

Your position and the propagandist ideas spread by the Indian media completely ignore current and historical facts, along with political factors and many other important considerations. The default positions of either ''Islam is the problem'' or ''OMG Pakistanis are taught terrorism in schools'' are both utter BS.
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