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World will accept Nuclear Iran


Oct 9, 2010
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World will accept Nuclear Iran, says Israeli economist - The Times of India

JERUSALEM: A leading Israeli investment firm today said the world is likely to grudgingly accept a nuclear Iran given the high price any military strike on its nuclear facilities is going to exact.

"A sharp rise in the price of oil, the costs of war and the damage to global trade would be too great and deter world powers from taking any serious action," Amir Kahanovich, chief economist at Clal Finance, one of Israel's largest brokerage houses, said.

This assessment is in sharp contrast to Israel's stated official position that Tehran's nuclear aspirations are unacceptable and that all options are on the table to foil the Islamic Republic's nuclear ambitions.

In a report titled 'The Iranian Issue through Economic Eyes', Kahanovich laid out different courses of action, ranging from additional "light sanctions" to military strikes, and told investors that the world is likely to balk at taking the steps needed to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, the Ha'aretz newspaper reported.

Even for Israel the economic cost of a military confrontation that could include retaliatory missile attacks by Tehran and proxies in Gaza and Lebanon would be too high, he predicted.

"Unfortunately, it appears that a nuclear Iran is the most reasonable scenario," the economist inferred.

His remarks came after President Shimon Peres said earlier this month that an attack on Iran was becoming increasingly more likely.
World will accept Nuclear Iran, says Israeli economist - The Times of India

JERUSALEM: A leading Israeli investment firm today said the world is likely to grudgingly accept a nuclear Iran given the high price any military strike on its nuclear facilities is going to exact.

"A sharp rise in the price of oil, the costs of war and the damage to global trade would be too great and deter world powers from taking any serious action," Amir Kahanovich, chief economist at Clal Finance, one of Israel's largest brokerage houses, said.

This assessment is in sharp contrast to Israel's stated official position that Tehran's nuclear aspirations are unacceptable and that all options are on the table to foil the Islamic Republic's nuclear ambitions.

In a report titled 'The Iranian Issue through Economic Eyes', Kahanovich laid out different courses of action, ranging from additional "light sanctions" to military strikes, and told investors that the world is likely to balk at taking the steps needed to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, the Ha'aretz newspaper reported.

Even for Israel the economic cost of a military confrontation that could include retaliatory missile attacks by Tehran and proxies in Gaza and Lebanon would be too high, he predicted.

"Unfortunately, it appears that a nuclear Iran is the most reasonable scenario," the economist inferred.

His remarks came after President Shimon Peres said earlier this month that an attack on Iran was becoming increasingly more likely.

Then the world will have to grudgingly accept that the NPT is a piece of toilet paper, and that nuclear disarmament/anti-proliferation is dead. I've never lived in a world with 60,000 plus nukes, but should this be reality, I expect to.
Then the world will have to grudgingly accept that the NPT is a piece of toilet paper, and that nuclear disarmament/anti-proliferation is dead. I've never lived in a world with 60,000 plus nukes, but should this be reality, I expect to.

When Country after Country gets Attack, Invaded or their internal affairs by America then the N-Bomb is their Option, the USA only has itself to blame for this.
When Country after Country gets Attack, Invaded or their internal affairs by America then the N-Bomb is their Option, the USA only has itself to blame for this.
i strongly agreed to this
Nuclear weapon is more a sign of security to a country then a threat to any other country
Then the world will have to grudgingly accept that the NPT is a piece of toilet paper, and that nuclear disarmament/anti-proliferation is dead. I've never lived in a world with 60,000 plus nukes, but should this be reality, I expect to.

the NPT is a toilet paper since the time it was written......although i hope iran doesn't get nuclear weapons, i don't want another state to start nuclear war blackmail, we already have one country doing that....
World has no choice but to accept nuclear Iran. World would have accepted even North Korea had they situated in a geographical area which is full of oil & natural gas.
World has no choice but to accept nuclear Iran. World would have accepted even North Korea had they situated in a geographical area which is full of oil & natural gas.
Well they have done it in one way ...
Hu Songshan & anon45 both rose good points, there should be guaranty over sovereignty of country and discourage of invasion with the title of democracy then NPT will remain in power.
I just disagree wwith the hypocracy. I believe that nukes should be outlawed but having said that if its a free for all why should some western countries who have these weapons decide who can and who cant have nukes. Iran cant but that irresponsible lot in israel can why?
I don't in favor of Nuclear Iran. Iran is a signatory of NPT she had known the clauses of it and they have enjoyed the benefits of that treaty and now she is violating the treaty. Not acceptable.
India shouldn't worry about nuclear or non nuclear Iran. India should think of doing business with US, Pakistan, Iran, China, SA, Vietnam and everyone else. This world politics is dirty and endless. I kind of like China's approach. It shouts only when its direct interests are threatened, otherwise keeps quite on other issues that don't concern it.
I don't in favor of Nuclear Iran. Iran is a signatory of NPT she had known the clauses of it and they have enjoyed the benefits of that treaty and now she is violating the treaty. Not acceptable.
we don't give a **** about what the white man and his slaves find acceptable and unacceptable
The only people that matter to us are our country men and women and we will do what ever the hell we want to, just like we've done for the past 2500 years.

Javid Iran
we don't give a **** about what the white man and his slaves find acceptable and unacceptable
The only people that matter to us are our country men and women and we will do what ever the hell we want to, just like we've done for the past 2500 years.

Javid Iran

i don't understand why iran does even needs nuclear weapons, i mean US is threatening iran only because they are developing weapons, why not stop it, US will back down itself........
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