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World’s Largest Democracy Censors A British Magazine

So you are saying that this map is extremely dangerous for India and so should be censored.

No, it is not dangerous.

It is matter of a stand on an issue.

Same way it will not be acceptable in Bangaldesh, I presume, to refer to Bangaldesh as East Pakistan, or would it?
But censoring a map ....! I could understand censoring or banning comment that insults religious sentiment or child pornography but a map!!!!!!

Well a map may not be religion, but the sentiments are the same.

Pakistan is furious that its sovereignty and territorial integrity was violated by the US when they swooped in and killed OBL.

The US does not feel so in such strong sentiments. They feel they are justified to kill a terrorist who organised the WTC carnage.

Is Pakistan wrong?

By your logic, it is not religion that has been sullied!
Well a map may not be religion, but the sentiments are the same.

Pakistan is furious that its sovereignty and territorial integrity was violated by the US when they swooped in and killed OBL.

The US does not feel so in such strong sentiments. They feel they are justified to kill a terrorist who organised the WTC carnage.

Is Pakistan wrong?

By your logic, it is not religion that has been sullied!

So you are comparing a military operation to the publication of a map and describing the two scenarios as equivalent. So all I have to do to destroy India is publish a few thousand maps ....... or write a book called The India Doctrine ..... LOLz
So you are comparing a military operation to the publication of a map and describing the two scenarios as equivalent. So all I have to do to destroy India is publish a few thousand maps ....... or write a book called The India Doctrine ..... LOLz

You logic is astounding!

The military operation held a country to be of no consequence. It violated land that Pakistanis hold as sacred. By your logic, it is of no consequence, right?

I am sure all nations and their citizenry, excepting you as an individual (given your logic and argument so far), hold their country's boundaries being depicted as inviolate and incorrect depiction as a cartographic invasion.

I was bringing in as many example, hoping that it will dawn on you that a map signifies the area where the sovereignty and territorial integrity lies. And therefore, it is sacrosanct.

I presume, it is understandable to those who have a country and understand the significance of what is a country or what a political map means or what a Flag means.

Would this help you to understand? Its about a piece of cloth known as the National Flag. Note it stirs the soul of those who have a soul!

A moth-eaten rag on a worm-eaten pole
It does not look likely to stir a man's soul,
'Tis the deeds that were done 'neath the moth-eaten rag,
When the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.
~Sir Edward B. Hamley, 1824-1893

Given the logic on display, one would not be surprised if you feel that publishing 1000 map, it would destroy India. That book, of course, would be treated with the same disdain and contempt as the GOI has reserved for Economist.
So you are comparing a military operation to the publication of a map and describing the two scenarios as equivalent. So all I have to do to destroy India is publish a few thousand maps ....... or write a book called The India Doctrine ..... LOLz
This forum reserves the right to censor some unwanted postings hope U read them , Same way we follow Law at hand in India and the GOI reserves the right to censor them. Not every one can publish map about us and U expect to keep mum? By the way what has this got to do with Democracy?
You logic is astounding!

The military operation held a country to be of no consequence. It violated land that Pakistanis hold as sacred. By your logic, it is of no consequence, right?

I am sure all nations and their citizenry, excepting you as an individual (given your logic and argument so far), hold their country's boundaries being depicted as inviolate and incorrect depiction as a cartographic invasion.

I was bringing in as many example, hoping that it will dawn on you that a map signifies the area where the sovereignty and territorial integrity lies. And therefore, it is sacrosanct.

I presume, it is understandable to those who have a country and understand the significance of what is a country or what a political map means or what a Flag means.

Would this help you to understand? Its about a piece of cloth known as the National Flag. Note it stirs the soul of those who have a soul!

Your argument does not hold in a democracy. Would the US censor a map which depicted Texas as being a part of Mexico or the UK ban a map for showing N. Ireland as being part of the Republic of Ireland? I doubt it .....

Given the logic on display, one would not be surprised if you feel that publishing 1000 map, it would destroy India. That book, of course, would be treated with the same disdain and contempt as the GOI has reserved for Economist.

That statement has made me very proud ... thanks for the unexpected compliment.
So you are comparing a military operation to the publication of a map and describing the two scenarios as equivalent. So all I have to do to destroy India is publish a few thousand maps ....... or write a book called The India Doctrine ..... LOLz

This is for you. Bhaag DK boseDK....aandhi aayi.

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but it was only India that censored the map.

it was censored because us Indians do not authorize this map...and by Indian i mean people of India and not GOI...democracy is what people want...
and i would thank GOI for doing what people want...after all democracy is by the people for the people to the people..
Your argument does not hold in a democracy. Would the US censor a map which depicted Texas as being a part of Mexico or the UK ban a map for showing N. Ireland as being part of the Republic of Ireland? I doubt it .....

That statement has made me very proud ... thanks for the unexpected compliment.

You have a solid hatread for India, I can not do any thing about it. The map was a violation of Indias Soverignity. Also Democracy does not meen that any one can do any thing. If democracy allows anyone can do anything then there won't be LAW and ORDER in any democratic country
Your argument does not hold in a democracy. Would the US censor a map which depicted Texas as being a part of Mexico or the UK ban a map for showing N. Ireland as being part of the Republic of Ireland? I doubt it .....

That statement has made me very proud ... thanks for the unexpected compliment.

i sincerely doubt what you guys learned in school about democracy...
democracy is what majority people of that country want....
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