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09 January 2025

SHC hearing the case of non availability of course books, observed that “anything can happen here, the whole system is hacked and the Sindh deserved award”. The court further observed that should it not send a directive to the international donors that “you trust us but situation here is different”.

2. Forgetting, what is in the practical term, the truth is sometime occasionally our courts daringly open their hearts.

3. World Bank donated some twenty years or so back for reformation of justice system in Pakistan. Leave what an ordinary through his naked eyes sees this reformation, still often in talk shows we hear mention of this Donation deliberating it was spent mainly on renovations, modernization of buildings, laptops, conferences less any real practical reformation. This reformation donation put Pakistan on World Justice Index at 138.

4. In 2011 the World Bank gave a huge donation for reformation of the ombudsman system in Pakistan. Immediately the system was reformed, in our own style, and was created a Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman under the presidentship of the Federal tax Ombudsman. For about two years the Forum did not know that its new President had long taken oath of but it displayed photograph and the profile of the President who had long gone back home and it was removed only after this senior citizen repeatedly drew the attention. All Forum members (other Ombudsmen like Federal, Banking, Provincial, Insurance etc) regularly “meet” to discuss progress. Which progress! اگر جان کی امان ملے ٹو یہ ناہنجاز عرض کرے one participating member namely the Banking Mohtasib did not know for 6-8 years that after departure of Javed Sadiq as Federal Ombudsman new one came and went away but the Member Banking Mohtasib all this time believed the seat of the Federal Ombudsman after Javed Sadiq remained vacant.

5. I rushed to Pakistan to fetch certificates from the UBL locker for my job seeking daughter. Excess to locker was refused that there were outstanding dues while there was none. Rs. 10,000 were demanded which due to nature of my need I immediately paid. Locker operation was even thereafter refused refunding me my key deposit saying the locker stood surrendered. I came back abroad empty handed. After 20 days of my paying all what was at the spot demanded from me as Dues, my name appeared in Karachi Dailies as a defaulter of locker rentals. {Three four years later when I had forgotten all this, one morning I received a letter from the new UBL Manager that the excess wrongly received from me, he was refunding].

6. Recently knowing that the United Bank Limited still stood under the jurisdiction of the Federal Ombudsman, I filed a complaint on this.

7. The Federal Ombudsman limine rejected my complaint namely refused to entertain for proper processing, may be finally for rejection on merit and thus in technical simple words I was thrown out from his door unheard. The case was declared by the Federal Ombudsman “closed, reasons issued”.

8. My copy of this “Closure Reason” which should had as per universal practice come to me automatically, did not come to me, if not to say, not provided to me to know the reason of closure. It simply appears, not just I deserve raising a complaint even I don’t serve to know the reason for that.

9. In “Pre-reformation” Justice System, for an example, there was no visible or heard of division in the superior courts judges but “Post-reformation” this in recent months reached to a high peak. “Pre-reformation” midnights courts never opened, “Post reformation” for visible reason the nation witnessed this.

10. Did 2011 international donation left any impact on reformation in the Ombudsman System in Pakistan? Yes. “Post-reformation” under the reformed delivery of justice my defamation by the United Bank stood not hearable technically thus justified and patted. But “Pre-reformation” of the Ombudsman system one made a similar complaint to the then un-reformed Federal Ombudsman when he asked the demised Pakistan Banking Council and the Muslim Commercial Bank to show cause as to why should he not issue “Damages” by both for defaming a citizen {Reference page 5, Federal Ombudsman House Journal monthly Ehtisab October 1994 issue).

11. Six hundred years ago a true visionary Ibn-e-Khaldoon revealed how God had created different regions having different climates, different seasons, different inhabitants with different features and habits etc. Same single Panadol-Extra tablet gives immediate relief to my wife, aggravates immediately my headache. Hassan Nisar long ago said that international loans don’t cure us rather damage us more. IMF has never cured us, aggravated our problems more. International donations affect a small portion of our’s but make the ordinary’s suffering more chronic.

12. Though it would produce no results, yet would SHC or any other Court in true interest for the real delivery of justice on universal doctrine of “justice on principles of natural justice” could also sometime spare some minutes to study the ombudsman-system to inform or not the international donor concerned the real taste of the ombudsman reformation sweets reaching to the ordinary for whose benefit the donor with open hands donated. The court can quote the example of above bank-defamation how on same single issue what was the decision of the “Pre-Reformed Ombudsman” in 1994 and what “Post Reformation” in 2024. International donors are never judiciously honest to see what they proclaim at the time of donating to third world countries. Had ever the international donor ever thought of as to how after donation, Pakistan justice system went down to 138 in the world index? No and would never as it is not ever intended. The purpose always behind is more deterioration that is why they never look back to see what in practice happened with the donation. To fill up their files these donors just depend upon the written reports they received from the donation recipients. It is not job of these donors, for reasons of their vested interest, never to ponder as to how after reformation Pakistan continuously went down to 138 in the World Justice Index. It is the same policy like that of international lenders eg. IMF will never ever ponder as to how from the loan granted by it after begging over begging, world’s longest firework in Sindh Governor House entering word record was done a week back. Instead it will wish that the debit ridden country coming 23 March breaks its own record.


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