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Will Pak finally realise its issue is not India?

When has UN ever done anything useful? We have debates in secondary school titled has the UN failed...

You can legally challenge Indias status on terrorism with your proo if you have em
Next, no one is saying India did it..I am tired of 3 straight threads by Indians ranting the same thing....seriously? I said news articles said it...my suggestion was to wait for investigation then my questions were hypothetical if it were true it leads to few questions:

1) black market of Indian arms
2) Side business of someone in India
3) India did

Now not until we get any proof...we aint saying anything...

I don't quote u in general ... i have given a point of view that ... if a particular thing of Taliban being supported by India is possible ... their first strike would have been India's enemy in Pakistan and not innocent civilians
"Pakistan nurtured Tehreek-i-Taliban and now they are paying the price. They are trying to control them internally and use them externally in Afghanistan and India. Pakistan must decide which policy it wants to follow," former Deputy Chief of Army Staff Lt Gen (Retd) Raj Kadyan told CNN-IBN during a panel discussion.
I think Gen Kadiyan has missed the point. The TTP hasn't been nurtured by Pakistan per se. This is an offshoot of the Al Qaeda which has a different game plan which is to impose their brand of Sharia in Pakistan and attack Pakistan's security forces and vital assets to achieve their objective. This is the starting point for establishing a so called 'Muslim Caliphate' in Asia.

Pakistan instead has been nurturing the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani/Omar) in their quest for establishing a puppet regime in Afghanistan to achieve 'strategic depth' against India. The LeT which is another name for the JuD, the JeM and other sundry groups have been raised by the ISI specifically for their Kashmir campaign of fighting a proxy war against India. However, all these groups are connected by an umbilical chord in varying degrees.
You can legally challenge Indias status on terrorism with your proo if you have em

I don't quote u in general ... i have given a point of view that ... if a particular thing of Taliban being supported by India is possible ... their first strike would have been India's enemy in Pakistan and not innocent civilians
You think? I wont challenge it but just thought provoking...Wouldnt it to make the country chaotic and loose its balance esp in International image?
1. i know what muhib ul watani means and also know how most pakistanies interpret it so please dont tell me pakistanies dont love to hate indians and india more than they love pakistan or pakistanies ... period

2. what pakistan is doing from day one is that they created a imagined enemy (india )and thet too on fictitous grounds and you know what they are

3. pakistan was never in control of its western flanks but always wanted more (kashmir) and still are not changing there attitude so why should india stop building its defences against such a baised "enemy/nation"

4. trade and people to people contact was good before 1965 war but pakistani junta decided to add the feul to the fire and ayub khan went ahead with opreation gibralter and tashkent declaration followed

5. pakistani racist elite (punjabi feudal and milltarry) never gave the rights of bengalies to them and when they agitated we all know how gen tikka khan and Z A Bhutto reacted and result was independent nation of bangladesh

6. still they to keep fire burning teamed up with USA and created a new enemy in form of USSR and to to that

a. they changed there school text books
b. made mini bomb and demolition and terrorist training camps in madarsas
c. turned a blind eye to growing smuggling of arms and ammo , opium and anything from afghanistan
d. every jihadi from the world was welcomed

and aal this to have a steady supply of relegeous zeolots and extriminsts to fight the proxi war first in afghansiatn and then with its arch rival india

now pakistani nation as a whole is paying the deus of that policy of keeping, funding and training "strategik deapth" which Pak Fauj wanted to use as proxies and used them to and still using under so called " good and bad taliban" policy

well you must have heared/ read "WHAT YOU SOW IS WHAT YOU SHALL REAP"

and still pakistanies when dont find anything to confront the situtaion they have they go into denial mode and start making "sazishee maqbooze"

tell me bro who is to blame ?

When they supported 26/11 ,They also have an aim for drag India to an unwanted war.I still remember about that days where their present evil TTP the then chief Baitullah Mehsud address all his TTP terrorists for preparing for Holy Jihad against India.(He told his people that true jihad is set to begun)/
Their main aim was to divert all these strategic assets against India by creating a war with India,by doing that they would get 2 birds .One is their revenge against India by destroying its economy during the peak of recession and destruction of these assets by Indian army (because at that time these unemployed assets already began to attack Pakistan).When our govt dont comply with that,they issued warnings to their people about a possible fullfledged war and their F-16 dangerously fly in border area.But we dont interested in that.Perhaps it was the one and only best move of UPA and MMS.Now their strategic assets attacking their country.
SO either India eat its pride and admit about their guns being sold in the black market or admit there is someone from India funding these bastards!

It is both bastards supplying equipment and selling equipment in the black market to terrorist bastards.
Chinese weapons are easily available in the market (many legally sold here) and black market...Indians denied in fact laughed when I suggested if the Indian guns were bought from black market....

SO either India eat its pride and admit about their guns being sold in the black market or admit there is someone from India funding these bastards!
which guns?
You think? I wont challenge it but just thought provoking...Wouldnt it to make the country chaotic and loose its balance esp in International image?
We wouldn't bother about internal image of Pakistan .. we would first make sure about our security .. Dawood still has presence in Mumbai and has hand in bombing, illegal arms, extortion and drugs rackets in India he would have been the priority and open threats from Hafiz Saeed are concern than Karachi

Secondly there will always be a threat of Karachi attack operation going wrong and India bein blamed for mass murder ... it is a suicide to attempt such operation with talibans going around
I think Gen Kadiyan has missed the point. The TTP hasn't been nurtured by Pakistan per se. This is an offshoot of the Al Qaeda which has a different game plan which is to impose their brand of Sharia in Pakistan and attack Pakistan's security forces and vital assets to achieve their objective. This is the starting point for establishing a so called 'Muslim Caliphate' in Asia.

Pakistan instead has been nurturing the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani/Omar) in their quest for establishing a puppet regime in Afghanistan to achieve 'strategic depth' against India. The LeT which is another name for the JuD, the JeM and other sundry groups have been raised by the ISI specifically for their Kashmir campaign of fighting a proxy war against India. However, all these groups are connected by an umbilical chord in varying degrees.

Raised by ISI, proofs? TTP also supports LeT to some extent, and ttp recently killed an ISI officer very near to my home.
really, PDF speaks really different of these children!

PDF is just an enterntainment for me and I am not a children.In real life we dont care about this PDF or Pakistan.In our country its all about money ,good life and social status.
In our country children's are studying real history and our culture without any agenda .Our curriculum is recognized by international bodies.There is no agenda or brain washing in that.My interest in this PDF and stuffs happened just after my college life.I dont even care about this stuff before that.
. .
When ur ****** guns are being used in attack then it is hard to believe that there is no ****** hand in these attacks.
Don't spew nonsense. Just because some lowly NCO belonging to the ASF mentioned this to a reporter, you guys are falling over each other in blaming India of providing the weapons to the TTP!

This is really hilarious! A Havildar from the ASF has now become Pakistan's latest defence analyst!! :rofl:
This military has ceded a lot. In fact, the military which earlier built nukes without caring for permission from the civilian establishment now even struggled to shut down a TV channel (Geo TV). Sad part is this military does not think it is ready to go out and declare war on these militants," Khan said.
That's because it's far easier to shut down TV channels than to shut down the terrorists.
which guns?
i dont know about guns but "factor 8" was found.
. .
plz send me the picture u are using as profile pic.

Don't spew nonsense. Just because some lowly NCO belonging to the ASF mentioned this to a reporter, you guys are falling over each other in blaming India of providing the weapons to the TTP!

This is really hilarious! A Havildar from the ASF has now become Pakistan's latest defence analyst!! :rofl:
blame game -_- why do i have to mention that very often. And you are "mulzim" not "mujrim" if you know what it means.


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PDF is just an enterntainment for me and I am not a children.In real life we dont care about this PDF or Pakistan.In our country its all about money ,good life and social status.
In our country children's are studying real history and our culture without any agenda .Our curriculum is recognized by international bodies.There is no agenda or brain washing in that.My interest in this PDF and stuffs happened just after my college life.I dont even care about this stuff before that.
If soo much good is happening why do they fail to showcase this "real history" and hide behind lies?

Why do they fail to favour their culture and hide behind the Western culture?

which guns?
Please Indians do a little bit of your own homework....I am not used to repeating myself like a broken tape recorder...not my cup of tea :coffee:

It is both bastards supplying equipment and selling equipment in the black market to terrorist bastards.
without proof I wont be saying anything...waiting for solid proof ...our media screws up too often that much I can say for sure!
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