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Will Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam dry the Nile in Egypt?


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Ethiopia is pressing ahead with construction of a major new dam on the River Nile, despite stiff opposition from Egypt. BBC correspondents in both countries report from both sides of an increasingly bitter water dispute.

Emmanuel Igunza, Ethiopia

A vast section of northern Ethiopia has been turned into a giant building site.

Construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (known as Gerd) is now about 30% complete.

The whole project spans an area of 1,800 sq km (695 sq miles).

Once completed, in three years, it will be Africa's largest hydropower dam, standing some 170m (558ft) tall.

At a cost of $4.7bn (£2.9bn) it will also be hugely expensive - mostly funded by Ethiopian bonds and taxpayers.

The dam is located in the Benishangul region, a vast, arid land on the border with Sudan, some 900km north-west of the capital Addis Ababa,

Temperatures here can get as high as 48C (118F). Most of the vegetation that existed on the dam site has been cleared to make way for the construction, and the area is now extremely dusty.

In May last year, the builders achieved their first milestone when they diverted the course of the Blue Nile.


What used to be the river bed is now being lined with layers and layers of concrete that will form part of the main dam.​


Some 8,500 people working at the site, where construction carries on 24 hours a day.​


Part of the actual dam structure is already taking shape. The workers are busy at work on what looks like a huge floor of concrete.

Downstream, Egypt - which relies almost totally on the waters of the Nile, says their supply will be under threat.

Egypt and Sudan currently get the lion's share of the Nile's waters under colonial-era treaties. While Sudan backs Ethiopia's plans, Egypt has remained opposed.

Talks to ease tensions between the two countries have collapsed.

Despite this, Ethiopian foreign ministry spokesman Amb Dina Mufti describes the dam as a "win-win" project.

"Sudan has already seen the benefits and has come on board, we hope Egypt will see that too," he says.

Sally Nabil, Aswan, Egypt
The concern in Egypt is about the potential threat to its dominance over the Nile.

Egypt fears Ethiopia's dam will restrict the flow of this strategic waterway - the main source of water in a country where rainfall is scarce.

The row started in 2011, and Egypt has been worried ever since that its annual quota of the Nile water might be reduced.

This conflict comes at a time when different parts of Egypt are already suffering from a shortage of water. In the northern Nile Delta, the agricultural heart of Egypt, a lot of farmers are waiting with a heavy heart to see if they will be able to cultivate their land next summer.

"With even less water, we will die. We can't survive," says Hafiza, one of the farmers.

Ethiopia says its hydro-electric dam will not harm either of its downstream countries, Egypt or Sudan. However, Egypt is highly sceptical.

"It is a matter of life or death, a national security issue that can never be compromised on," says foreign ministry spokesman Badr Abdelatty.

Egypt is aware that some 30% of the Ethiopian dam is completed. It is still unclear what Egypt's next step will be.

BBC News - Will Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam dry the Nile in Egypt?
Ethiopians are also semetic people. THey are your brothers! Why the hate?
Ethiopians are also semetic people. THey are your brothers! Why the hate?

Nobody hates Ethiopians who are largely a very good people with one of the oldest civilizations on earth and the only African country that never became a colony. It's a very beautiful country too.

The country has a big significance in Islam as well and Islamic history.

History of Ethiopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are also going to be one of the economic power of Africa since they are one of the most populous African countries (only Nigeria has a bigger population) and they have many resources.

Economy of Ethiopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway only the Habesha people are Semitic speaking people and they have mixed with Africans for centuries although the majority of their paternal ancestry can be traced to the ME.

Habesha people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The remaining population of Ethiopia are other Afro-Asiatic speaking people but they are not Semitic.

In any case none of them are Arabs and obviously we will side with Egypt here. As will nearly all Arabs I imagine.

This is quite a serious matter for the region and countries of the Nile. Not sure what Ethiopia is thinking.
Nobody hates Ethiopians who are largely a very good people with one of the oldest civilizations on earth and the only African country that never became a colony. It's a very beautiful country too.

The country has a big significance in Islam as well and Islamic history.

History of Ethiopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are also going to be one of the economic power of Africa since they are one of the most populous African countries (only Nigeria has a bigger population) and they have many resources.

Economy of Ethiopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway only the Habesha people are Semitic speaking people and they have mixed with Africans for centuries although the majority of their paternal ancestry can be traced to the ME.

Habesha people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The remaining population of Ethiopia are other Afro-Asiatic speaking people but they are not Semitic.

In any case none of them are Arabs and obviously we will side with Egypt here. As will nearly all Arabs I imagine.

This is quite a serious matter for the region and countries of the Nile. Not sure what Ethiopia is thinking.

No war will happen between Egypt and Ethiopia , but Egypt will become a pain in Sudan's *** if they lose a significant portion of their water share and perhaps it might carry-out sabotage operations against Ethiopia destabilizing it .
Ethiopian here, what is the atmosphere in Egypt like about this dam, our intentions are not to damage Egypt's water supply...
if this issue is to be solved,egpyt needs to work closely with her allies in the horn of africa.
Ethiopian here, what is the atmosphere in Egypt like about this dam, our intentions are not to damage Egypt's water supply...

Cool, people in Egypt certainly aren't happy with it. I think many Egyptians while not wanting conflict will not have a problem with war if push comes to shove.
"With even less water, we will die. We can't survive," says Hafiza, one of the farmers.
With a country so reliant on fresh water, ever think of getting it from the ocean too? Failure of your leaders, but it's so much easier to blame someone else.
With a country so reliant on fresh water, ever think of getting it from the ocean too? Failure of your leaders, but it's so much easier to blame someone else.

??? Is there something false about the statement? It's true with the dam they will get less water. I am sorry that the Egyptian government is not rich like Saudi Arabia or Qatar enough to build a 1000 desalination plants which are extremely expensive.

Nobody is blaming others, they are pointing out clear facts.
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Hopefully Egypt will bomb you columnist :lol:
??? Is their something false about the statement? It's true with the dam they will get less water. I am sorry that the Egyptian government is not rich like Saudi Arabia or Qatar enough to build a 1000 desalination plants which are extremely expensive.
Instead of helping you with the money, they are eager for Ethiopian blood. If Saudi Arabia and Qatar are so rich why won't they help you?

Nobody is blaming others, they are pointing out clear facts.
1. Ask for your brothers to help fund for desalination plants. Which could boost the Egyptian and Saudi economy.
2. Declare war on Ethiopia.

Choice is yours. Peace or War.
??? Is their something false about the statement?
Never said the statement was false. What's so bad about asking your neighbors to help with funds?
If Saudi Arabia and Qatar are so rich why won't they help you?

Does Saudi Arabia and Qatar sound like Egypt?

Saudi Arabia and Qatar need to invest in their own people not Egypt's.

1. Ask for your brothers to help fund for desalination plants. Which could boost the Egyptian and Saudi economy.
2. Declare war on Ethiopia.

Choice is yours. Peace or War.

That is not how anything works. You are a bloody idiot if you think so.

Second if Egypt wanted war then Ethiopia would not exist right now. Like I said if push comes to shove then Egypt will fight back.
No really just attack and capture the area , The DAM will be used as a weapon against people of Egypt just like how Mosul dam in Syria is being used as a weapon

KCK terrorist are using the DAM as a threat against Southern Iraq , a water weapon with 75 feet high water wave flood and I see Ethipia to also use this as a weapon once the DAM is constructed and stories a big stash of water , possible use as Weapon sine Egypt's 99% population is along the River Nile
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