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WikiLeaks cables: Rahul Gandhi Warned US Of Hindu Extremist Threat

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Rahul Gandhi and congress party play communal politics as much as BJP. But media tries to portray them as saints.

During last general elections, all focus was on NDA's mistakes. Yes they did mistakes but so did UPA and congress. Just that they were not focused upon. I would say BJP did better as a government at center just like it does better in states. Media is helping people like Rahul Gandhi to become famous even without doing anything for the country except photo sessions. He himself concedes he is too dumb to talk on issues like Kashmir. He has no proper education, no work experience, has not shown his caliber as a minister. He and his mother take power without responsibility and all the brickbats fall upon other congress ministers like Natwar Singh, Arjun Singh, Kalmadi and now MMS.
This guy seems to be a total sellout. Bad mouthing his own country(i could understand if it was factual..but his statement was not)...ballooning some almost non-existent threat and even claiming that it might surpass the terrorism India faces now?

Either he is lying outright to earn some brownie points...or is absolutely clueless about the country...Either possibility does not bode well for India if he were to ever gain a position of national importance.

Time to get rid of the Gandhi family role and put people who actually do something (rather than those who rely on 2nd and even 3rd generation ties to the Nehru name) in national politics.
a party who term itself secular is targeting one particular community. or maybe they are going with this - jarurat padne par gadhe ko bi baap bnana padta hai
the simplest question that comes to my mind is why wud rahul want to discuss internal matters or his concerns with a foreign ambassdor ? when they havae nothing to do with religious so called extremism with in india. hindu terror even if true will be india centric at max. what warrants himm to drum beat those things in front of other nations representatives....
To those people who hate RAHUL GANDHI.
I know how people hate the gandhis and sadly i'm one among them but i dont allow my emotions to ride over the truth.
1.He is the only leader how in touch with the least privileged people and sadly people make it a media showoff.

2. He is the first young indian leader who really has gone to the core issues in our country.

3.YES congress plays deviceive politics and we dont need some wikileaks to tell us that.

4.But understand its the best leadership we have had for a long time at the center and for the forst time we have right people for the right job.

Its our responsibility not to fall into the tactics of political parties and vote for the right person.

Sir, with due respect, I think that claims 1,2 and 4 are incorrect. Can you provide any arguments or facts to back these?

IMHO, Rahul is an immature newbie having minimal knowledge about Indian society.

yes, he is young ( comparatively); but that's about it!

And about point 3 ;What do you want to convey?
This guy seems to be a total sellout. Bad mouthing his own country(i could understand if it was factual..but his statement was not)...ballooning some almost non-existent threat and even claiming that it might surpass the terrorism India faces now?

Either he is lying outright to earn some brownie points...or is absolutely clueless about the country...Either possibility does not bode well for India if he were to ever gain a position of national importance.

Time to get rid of the Gandhi family role and put people who actually do something (rather than those who rely on 2nd and even 3rd generation ties to the Nehru name) in national politics.

That would mean getting ride of the political class, and they are not stupid. Everything they do, every decision they make, they make with an eye to how it helps in defeating such a challenge.
why is BJP and RSS making such a cry?
He talked about his concerns of rising Hindu Terrorism.
Isn't that true.
Sir, with due respect, I think that claims 1,2 and 4 are incorrect. Can you provide any arguments or facts to back these?

IMHO, Rahul is an immature newbie having minimal knowledge about Indian society.

yes, he is young ( comparatively); but that's about it!

And about point 3 ;What do you want to convey?

Yes I really wonder how someone worth billions and lived in privilege all his life can be considered in touch with those considered the least fortunate.

But he is young and photogenic, and he is a Gandhi, which probably means he has all the connection that dynasty affords at his disposal.

(why does he look white? The first time I saw him in a picture I wondered how some white dude got into Indian politics)
why is BJP and RSS making such a cry?
He talked about his concerns of rising Hindu Terrorism.
Isn't that true.

He is such a fukcing moron

Buddy he is doing because of politics no other reason in it
why is BJP and RSS making such a cry?
He talked about his concerns of rising Hindu Terrorism.
Isn't that true.

For the same reason Dig Vijay Singh,Lalu Prasad,Mulayam Singh and other self proclaimed 'secularists' make a hue and cry when concerns about Jihadi terrorism is raised
Yes I really wonder how someone worth billions and lived in privilege all his life can be considered in touch with those considered the least fortunate.

But he is young and photogenic, and he is a Gandhi, which probably means he has all the connection that dynasty affords at his disposal.

(why does he look white? The first time I saw him in a picture I wondered how some white dude got into Indian politics)

Am I supposed to take this as a genuine question or as is prevalent in this forum, a racist one ?

Any way his other name is Raul Vinci, son of Antonia Maino....Go figure.
WikiLeaks cables: Rahul Gandhi warned US of Hindu extremist threat

Scion of India's leading political family told ambassador radicalised Hindu groups could create religious tension and political confrontation

Jason Burke in Delhi

guardian.co.uk, Thursday 16 December 2010 21.30 GMT

Rahul Gandhi, the "crown prince" of Indian politics, told the US ambassador at a lunch last year that Hindu extremist groups could pose a greater threat to his country than Muslim militants.

In controversial comments likely to cause a storm in India, Gandhi – considered a likely prime ministerial candidate and a scion of the country's leading political family – warned Timothy Roemer that although "there was evidence of some support for [Islamic terrorist group Laskar-e-Taiba] among certain elements in India's indigenous Muslim community, the bigger threat may be the growth of radicalised Hindu groups, which create religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community".

The 40-year-old politician, the son of the Congress party president, Sonia Gandhi, told the ambassador that "the risk of a "homegrown" extremist front, reacting to terror attacks coming from Pakistan or from Islamist groups in India, was a growing concern and one that demanded constant attention".

The US view of him has evolved. In late 2007, US diplomats described the young politician, recently appointed to lead the Congress youth wing, as "widely viewed as an empty suit and will have to prove wrong those who dismiss him as a lightweight".

"To do so he will have to demonstrate determination, depth, savvy and stamina. He will need to get his hands dirty in the untidy and ruthless business that is Indian politics," one said in a cable entitled The son also rises: Rahul Gandhi takes another step towards top job.

Other cables talk of Gandhi's political inexperience and repeated gaffes. They also repeat cutting criticism from political analysts and journalists.

However as Gandhi warmed to the US, the US warmed to him. In a meeting with another American official last summer, he explained his strategy of targeting rural populations and small towns, impressing his interlocutor.

"[Gandhi] came off as a practiced politician who knew how to get his message across, was precise and articulate and demonstrated a mastery that belied the image some have of [him] as a dilettante," the official said.

In November last year, after a meeting with the US ambassador, a cable to Washington described Gandhi as "an elusive contact in the past" but now "clearly interested in reaching out to the USG [United States government]".

A cable from February this year describes him as "increasingly sure-footed".

For Roemer, writing after the lunch during which Gandhi had commented on extremism, "the rising profile of young leaders like Rahul Gandhi provides [the USA with] an opening to expand the constituency in support of the strategic partnership with a long term horizon".

WikiLeaks cables: Rahul Gandhi warned US of Hindu extremist threat | World news | The Guardian
bla bla bla bla ...rahul gandhi is another bla!!!!!!!!!!:whistle::whistle::whistle:nonsense statement ...disgusting topic and if the statemet was really made then absolute irresponsibility and sheer lack of maturity!!!!!!!
Am I supposed to take this as a genuine question or as is prevalent in this forum, a racist one ?

Any way his other name is Raul Vinci, son of Antonia Maino....Go figure.

Question meant in earnest. Is because the Nehru side of the family is Kashmiri?
For the same reason Dig Vijay Singh,Lalu Prasad,Mulayam Singh and other self proclaimed 'secularists' make a hue and cry when concerns about Jihadi terrorism is raised

I am clearly talking about rise of Hindu terrorism in India.
What Rahul said
Don't deviate the topic.
I am not supporter of Congress, BJP or so said secularist.
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