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Wikileaks cable reveals Kevin Rudd's plan for 'paranoid' China + Pakistan

No, Australia offered to send troops into Pakistan IF the insurgents took over Pakistan, not before.

That comes from Mr: Rudd's "Childhood mistakes" :D

Our active battle ready service men are more than the whole population of Gold Coast.
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That comes from Mr: Rudd's "Childhood mistakes" :D

Our active battle ready service men are more than the whole population of Gold Coast.

That doesn't mean a take over can't be achieved. Look at the iranian revolution. The king had thousands of troops but he was still thrown out.

Don't underestimate the ability of a small group.

Anyway lets not get into a debate on this subject, can't be bothered.
That doesn't mean a take over can't be achieved. Look at the iranian revolution. The king had thousands of troops but he was still thrown out.

Don't underestimate the ability of a small group.

Anyway lets not get into a debate on this subject, can't be bothered.

What happened in Iran is no where comparable to the situation you are comparing it with !

Iranian Khumeni had a Wide support from the people of Iran where every Pakistani will shoot any TTP member on a first sight !

Know the difference- Conversations ended !:pakistan:
That's the only part that puzzles me. Perhaps it was born of frustration because of China's stance on climate change.

As for the rest, I wouldn't read too much into it. He was probably being a diplomat and saying what Hillary wanted to hear.

Have to admit it was the first cable that ive seen to go wtf he said what, the guy did a degree in Chinese history speaks Mandarin his son in law is from Hongkong and at least for a while his daughter was living in China. Probably the most pro Chinese Prime Minister the Ausies have ever had, perhaps because of his "little Mao" label he felt he had to be gung ho with Hillary to make up for the disapointment the US was feeling now little Johhny was gone.

Pretty much my opinion. The Chinese government's non-response is pretty curious considering the situation.
Yeah, that is why it is so strange that Kevin Rudd called our diplomats "rat f*ckers".

He majored in Chinese studies at University, and he even learned to speak Mandarin. So I don't know how he ended up with such hostile views on China.

Rudd has learned Mandarin so that he can convince the Chinese girls to join his brothel. So, this kind of pathelogical hatred from him is quite normal.
Yeah, that is why it is so strange that Kevin Rudd called our diplomats "rat f*ckers".

He majored in Chinese studies at University, and he even learned to speak Mandarin. So I don't know how he ended up with such hostile views on China.

Rudd has learned Mandarin so that he can convince the Chinese girls to join his brothel. So, this kind of pathelogical hatred from him is quite normal.
Rudd has learned Mandarin so that he can convince the Chinese girls to join his brothel. So, this kind of pathelogical hatred from him is quite normal.

I don't know about the brothel part, but there is certainly something strange behind Kevin Rudd's (or as he calls himself in Mandarin, Lu Ke Wen :lol:) academic focus on China and Chinese studies.
I don't know about the brothel part, but there is certainly something strange behind Kevin Rudd's (or as he calls himself in Mandarin, Lu Ke Wen :lol:) academic focus on China and Chinese studies.

Don't you know the story of a fox that was hanging around the coop or the wolf that put on a sheep skin? Well, people like rudd are foxes disguised as humans with a very good appetite for stolen chickens.
If most westerners are like Rudd, then it would be very dangerous for China.

I'd rather see ignorant westerners who prefer to underestimate China.
Australian Prime minister is living in "Alice In Wonderland". May be He is keen to polish the business of Australian Coffin Box makers.
For those who think they can fight militants in Pakistan should first try of establish their RIT outside Kabul. How can they even think of that. Yes they can if they want to flame WWIII.:coffee:
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