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Why this Focus on Rapes in India by World Media

Yeah I know about these Westerners who follow Hinduism or any New Age movement. They do not make more than a few millions. Compared to that entire coastal India is being converted to Christianity.

In ancient India, women occupied a very important position, in fact a superior position to, men. It is a culture whose only words for strength and power are feminine -"Shakti'' means "power'' and "strength.'' All male power comes from the feminine. That is the Dharmic view.

So what ?By the By what is your response when you compare population of India and western countries?And 78% of Indians are Hindus
There are many things receiving media attention in India, like Modi for instance, but you don't see that covered in Western media.

He's not important on the world stage, world media cares about rape in India because it's happening to tourist and foreign women, had it just been Indian women the international community would not care.
Pakistani rape victim of Musharraf time, 'Mukhtar Mai' had her rape story published in more than 15 languages.
She went to US and got awarded, but Indian gang rape victims are not allowed to talk to international media.
The world focuses on Indian rapes because of their brutality, I mean rapes followed by penetration with iron rods (probably because premature ejaculation left he perpetrator ''unsatisfied''), rapes after which the poor girls are burnt alive, gang rapes of epic proportions, rapes sanctioned by village elders, rapes perpetrated by your own police and armed forces, I mean the list goes on and on and on......whats most stifling is their outrageous incidence.....:(
Aare baba, it is my position too that Hinduism is not confined to one manu smriti.

I read all your early post.Seems you are not confident about India and carry to much negative attitude.Be positive.Criticizing our own country action is good .But that dont need to go too far.No one is perfect
because our media makes hype out of issues

after infamous delhi gang rape world media has got a chance to take digs at India
He's not important on the world stage, world media cares about rape in India because it's happening to tourist and foreign women, had it just been Indian women the international community would not care.

Considering there are at least 3 million foreign women traveling to India every year, there have been 5-6 rape cases of a foreign tourist. More Mexicans in USA would have been raped than this half a dozen. Like wise in Europe. Last year lot of Sikhs got killed in USA in that gurudwara shootout. No one ran a campaign about how USA is unsafe for Sikhs then.
Pakistani rape victim of Musharraf time, 'Mukhtar Mai' had her rape story published in more than 15 languages.
She went to US and got awarded, but Indian gang rape victims are not allowed to talk to international media.

Yes I also heard about that story.You cant expect more than this from western world.For them our Asia is bad and west is good.
She talked in International stage and malign Pakistan image.And west dont bother about strong action taken by Pakistan after that.
In ancient India, women occupied a very important position, in fact a superior position to, men. It is a culture whose only words for strength and power are feminine -"Shakti'' means "power'' and "strength.'' All male power comes from the feminine. That is the Dharmic view.

We do not need to adopt a Hindu way of life just because one of it's philosophies have been based on the idea of "Prakriti" and "Purusha". The most ancient societies in this world were predominantly following matriarchy . The most remote and nomadic societies in this world were matriarchal. So, if Hindu dharma had preached women power, what's wrong these people had done when they were too preaching the same line since the lost antiquity of modern civilization?
Considering there are at least 3 million foreign women traveling to India every year, there have been 5-6 rape cases of a foreign tourist. More Mexicans in USA would have been raped than this half a dozen. Like wise in Europe. Last year lot of Sikhs got killed in USA in that gurudwara shootout. No one ran a campaign about how USA is unsafe for Sikhs then.

Because they controlling media world for now
So what ?By the By what is your response when you compare population of India and western countries?And 78% of Indians are Hindus

You do not see a problem in Hindus declining from 90% of India's population to 78% is exactly the problem. Dharmo rakshati rakshitah.

Pakistani rape victim of Musharraf time, 'Mukhtar Mai' had her rape story published in more than 15 languages.
She went to US and got awarded, but Indian gang rape victims are not allowed US visa

Indian maids get visas instead.

We do not need to adopt a Hindu way of life just because one of it's philosophies have been based on the idea of "Prakriti" and "Purusha". The most ancient societies in this world were predominantly following matriarchy . The most remote and nomadic societies in this world were matriarchal. So, if Hindu dharma had preached women power, what's wrong these people had done when they were too preaching the same line since the lost antiquity of modern civilization?

The fact is that Hindu way of life accommodates all remote and nomadic societies. None of the village gods or tribal gods are banished. Hinduism is animism too.
You do not see a problem in Hindus declining from 90% of India's population to 78% is exactly the problem. Dharmo rakshati rakshitah.

Indian maids get visas instead.

Oh man .That is the same effect I told you before.Hinduism suffered more than 1000 years attack .Worst attack also from British raj.That is the reason for this 78 %.Check any other country invaded by Muslims rulers.You can see it become 100% arab country.
The fact is that Hindu way of life accommodates all remote and nomadic societies. None of the village gods or tribal gods are banished. Hinduism is animism too.

When the jews were being prosecuted during 40's, it was the Christians of West Europe who were sailing them to Sweden risking their own lives like hell. So by this logic, Christianity too becomes truly accommodating to all.
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